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Presentation on theme: "AGE OF EUROPEAN EXPLORATION"— Presentation transcript:

Chapter 7

2 I. Native American Civilizations
1. Pueblos a. Pueblo means town b. Many Pueblos were cliff dwellers, others made homes of adobe (dried clay)

3 2. Plain Indians a. Migrated and lived in tepees
b. Included tribes such as Sioux, Cheyenne, Crow, Blackfeet, and Comanche

4 3. Mound builders built hundreds of mounds for graves, temples, effigies (Images)

5 4. Iroquois Confederacy a. Six tribes speaking the same language made up the Confederacy b. They were located in our modern day New York.

6 5. Mayas a. The Mayas lived in Central America including Guatemala and Yucatán Peninsula b. Did not have a strong central government

7 5. Mayans c. The Mayan civilization developed an accurate calendar. d. Developed a form of writing superior to any other at the time.

8 5. Mayans e. The Mayan Empire made many discoveries in astronomy and mathematics, including the concept of zero!

9 5. Mayans f. The Mayans built pyramids that are similar to the ones in Egypt.

10 6. Aztecs a. Aztecs built their capital Tenochtitlan in central Mexico
b. The Aztecs were not part of any other confederation

11 6. Aztecs c. They worshipped many gods and built large temples to honor them

12 6. Aztecs d. The Aztec nation expected the return of its god Quetzalcoatl, who had once walked on earth. e. The Aztecs did not tolerate adultery (it was punished by stoning) because of the importance of family in their cultures

13 7. Incas a. Incas built their civilization based on other cultures. b. The Incas were located along the western coast of South America in the Andes Mountains. c. Cuzco was the capital of the Incan Empire.

14 7. Incas d. They constructed buildings out of stone with great precision and with no mortar. There were said to have been covered with gold.

15 7. Incas e. Incas were polytheists
f. The ruler “Inca” was the living god -He owned land and had authority of all

16 II. Origins of European Exploration
8. The Age of European Exploration began when Europeans began looking for new trade routes to foreign lands

17 9. Motives for European Exploration
a. Economic-Seeking wealth from trade with the East

18 9. Motives for European Exploration
b. Social - Adventure - praise of men - Curiosity -Seeking glory

19 9. Motives for European Exploration
c. Political - Seeking to lay claim to foreign lands - Searching for raw materials for the home country

20 9. Motives for European Exploration
d. Religious -Defeating Islam and preserving Christianity -Evangelizing the heathen cultures

21 10. The caravel was a ship designed for efficient ocean travel.

22 11. Navigational Improvements
a. Maps -Improved maps allowed for more extensive exploration

23 11. Navigational Improvements
b. Compass -Allowed sailors to set a course and follow it

24 11. Navigational Improvements
c. Astrolabe -an instrument that sailors used to measure the angle between the sun or a star and the horizon.

25 12.Early European explorers used dead reckoning to chart their courses.

26 13. The Venetians were among the first to use cannons aboard their ships.

27 14. Columbus sailed west in 1492 and discovered a new continent.
15. Portugal did not finance the explorations of Christopher Columbus.

28 16. The Crusades led to European exploration because they were looking for new trade routes.

29 III. Growth of European Exploration
17.Prince Henry of Portugal sent sailors to explore Africa in the 15th century. a. Founds a school of navigation b. Henry the Navigator

30 18. Bartolomeu Dias rounded Africa without realizing it
a. The first to find a new trade route around Africa.

31 19. Cape of Good Hope a. Located at the southern tip of Africa

32 20. Vasco da Gama - the first to find a trade route to India

33 21. Portuguese were the first European nation to make contact with China. (after Marco Polo)

34 22. Francis Xavier -Missionary to Japan.

35 Spanish Exploration 23. Columbus’ ideas were rejectedby the Portuguese so he convinced the Spanish monarchs, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, to support him

36 24. Ferdinand Magellan a. Spanish explorer who sailed west with his crew around the world. b. Gave the Pacific Ocean its name from the Latin word “peace”.

37 25. Sir Francis Drake a. English explorer who traveled around the world in 1577 b. Queen Elizabeth I financed Drake’s expeditions.

38 26. Hernando Cortes a. Conquistador who defeated and colonized the Aztecs. b. Destroyed Tenochtitlan and built Mexico City in its place

39 27. Francisco Pizarro a. Conquistador who defeated the Incas.
b. Atahualpa was the last Inca ruler before the Spanish Pizarro arrived. c. Lima was built on the former city of Cuzco

40 28. Canton is a coastal city in China

41 29. Siam is the ancient name for Thailand.
30. Siam did not become an important Portuguese colony

42 IV. Consequences of European Exploration
31. Bartolome Las Casas was a Catholic missionary to the Indians in Latin America

43 32. The Roman Catholic Church helped protect the Indians against abuses by the Spanish explorers.
a. For this reason many Indians convert to Roman Catholicism

44 33. Indians already grew tobacco but the English also brought tobacco and planted it.

45 34. Explorers introduced many animals 35
34. Explorers introduced many animals 35. Horses became a great asset to the Indians for travel hunting, and carrying loads. 36. Pigs may have spread disease and led to the deaths of many Indians.

46 37. The Incan Empire suffered from a plague that killed many before the Spanish arrived.

47 38. There were other human borne diseases brought by European explorers may have killed many Indians


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