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Fiona Stanaway Sydney School of Public Health

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1 Social support and depression and anxiety in Italian migrants in Australia
Fiona Stanaway Sydney School of Public Health University of Sydney, Australia

2 Background – social relationships and health
Strong links between social relationships and measures of health Social support, particularly perceived measures of social support are strongly linked with mental health Social support in older migrants Older migrants are often assumed to have stronger social support networks than non-migrants. In contrast we found lower subjective social support in older Italian migrants. Aim of the present study: Does the lower subjective social support in older Italian migrant men in Australia lead to increased incidence of depressive and anxiety symptoms?

3 CHAMP – Concord Health and Ageing in Men Project
Cohort study of community dwelling men aged 70 years and over Study area = several suburbs in inner western Sydney Suburbs with large migrant populations – particularly Italian migrants

4 Duke Social Support Index (DSSI)
A social support scale validated for use in older people Contains two subscales Social interactions Social support satisfaction / subjective social support Higher scores for both subscales indicate greater social interactions or support Italian migrants compared to Australian-born men No main difference in social interactions Italian migrants more likely to report lower subjective social support

5 Depressive and anxiety symptoms
Depressive symptoms Measured with the 15 item Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) More than 5 symptoms = clinically important depressive symptoms Anxiety symptoms Measured with the Goldberg Anxiety Scale Has 4 screening questions (need a score of 2/4 to continue) followed by 5 further questions More than 5 symptoms = clinically important anxiety symptoms Depressive and anxiety symptoms were measured at baseline, 2 and 5 year follow up in a self-completed questionnaire

6 Prevalence ratio for country of birth
Baseline comparison of social support, depressive and anxiety symptoms in Italian migrants vs Australian-born men in CHAMP Measure Prevalence ratio for country of birth 95% Confidence Interval Low subjective social support 1.56 Depressive symptoms 1.75 Anxiety symptoms 1.78

7 Relative risk for country of birth
Incident depressive and anxiety symptoms in Italian migrants vs Australian-born men in CHAMP Measure Relative risk for country of birth 95% Confidence Interval Depressive symptoms yr 2 0.94 Depressive symptoms yr 5 2.00 Anxiety symptoms yr 2 3.12 Anxiety symptoms yr 5 1.87 Combined symptoms yr 2 2.57 Combined symptoms yr 5 2.30

8 Adjusted analyses

9 Conclusion Older male Italian migrants have increased incidence of depressive and anxiety symptoms compared to older Australian-born men Poorer subjective social support is an important contributor to this difference in mental health but differences in socio-economic status (sole reliance on the old age pension) are also important

10 Any questions?

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