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In the name of GOD Blood Transfusion in Burned Patients Haddadi MD

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1 In the name of GOD Blood Transfusion in Burned Patients Haddadi MD
Anesthesiology Department in GUMS 2014


3 Need to transfusion is not a major concern during immediate resuscitation phase
During the acute resuscitation phase a fall in Hb (hemodilution, escharotomies , other invasive procedures ) In OR patients have major blood loss (excision , graft)

4 Surgical procedure Predicted blood loss <24 h since burn injury
0.45ml/cm2 burn area 1-3 days since burn injury 0.65ml/cm2 burn area 2-16 days since burn injury 0.75ml/cm2 burn area >16 days since burn injury Infected wound ml/cm2 burn area 1-1.25ml/cm2 burn area resuscitation phase

5 Hct <25% in pre-existing Cardiovascular Disease
Hct to drop to 15-20% prior to transfusion in other healthy patients with minor excision Hct <25% in pre-existing Cardiovascular Disease Hct near 25% in patients with more extensive burn Hct near 30% in patients with pre- existing Cardiovascular Disease Hb gr/dl the lowest adverse metabolic or hemodynamic reactions Factors Class I Class II Class III Class IV Blood loss (mL) 750 2000 or more Blood loss (% blood volume) 15 15-30 30-40 40 or more Pulse (beats/min) 100 120 140 or higher Blood pressure Normal Decreased Respirations per minute 14-20 20-30 35 Urine output (mL/hr) 30 5-10 Negligible Central nervous system: mental status Slightly anxious Mildly anxious Anxious, confused Confused, lethargic Fluid replacement (3-1 rule) Crystalloid Crystalloid + blood

6 Need to blood transfusion
Evaluating the patient’s clinical status Assessment of ongoing blood loss , pre- operative Hb level , vital sign Evidence of inadequate o2 delivery such as hypotension, tachycardia ,acidosis Pulmonary ,cardiovascular D. ASA , Hb> Hb<6 +

7 Factors Class I Class II Class III Class IV Blood loss (mL) 750 2000 or more Blood loss (% blood volume) 15 15-30 30-40 40 or more Pulse (beats/min) 100 120 140 or higher Blood pressure Normal Decreased Pulse pressure (mm Hg) Normal or increased Respirations per minute 14-20 20-30 35 Urine output (mL/hr) 30 5-10 Negligible Central nervous system: mental status Slightly anxious Mildly anxious Anxious, confused Confused, lethargic Fluid replacement (3-1 rule) Crystalloid Crystalloid + blood

8 During excision of major burn wounds ,blood loss may reach to patient’s blood volume
Massive Hemorrhage Loss of 1 blood volume in 24 h 50% blood volume in 3 h Ongoing blood loss of 150 ml/min

9 High blood loss: Coagulation factors are lost
Dilution as volume replacement Resulting coagulopathy Use of FFP in massive hemorrhage Recent clinical studies: early use of FFP+PRBCs in replacement of massive hemorrhage

10 Exp. During burn surgery
Intravascular volume, with colloid( Alb,Hetastarch) O2 carrying capacity with PRBCs until 50% of est Blood Volume From this point ,FFP with PRBCs RBCs enhance homeostasis through effects on platelet biochemistry and function

11 Massive Blood Transfusion
Hypothermia Hypothermia can contribute to coagulopathy Blood warmers when flow rate of blood >100 ml/min Hypocalcemia (rapid flow rate,FFP, citrate) Hypocalcemia impairs coagulation interferes with vascular ,myocardial contractility then, hypotension ( cacl2) Ca Gluconate requires to hepatic metabolism

12 Reducing surgical blood loss
Use of tourniquets on limbs(limitations) Compression dressings at sites of excision Pharmacologic : epinephrine soaked dressings topical epinephrine spray Tachycardia, hypertension Systemic Terlipressin (vasopressin analog )

13 Blood components Whole blood Packed RBCs FFP Platelets Cryoprecipitate

14 Whole blood Contains all parts of blood
After 24 h ,has not functional WBC ,Plt For burns, liver transplant, trauma, hypovolemic shock

15 Packed RBCs The most common means of replacing blood loss
50 ml residual plasma

16 Changes during storage in whole blood(CPD)
1 7 14 21 PH 7.1 6.9 PCO2 48 80 110 140 K ( meq/l) 3.9 12 17 2,3 DPG 4.8 1.2 Viable PLT% 10 Factors 5,7 % 70 50 40 20 Days Of Storage At 4”c

17 Comparison of Whole Blood ,PRBCs
value Whole Blood Packed RBC Volume(ml) 517 300 Erythrocyte mass(ml) 200 Hct % 40 70 Alb (gr) 12.5 4 Plasma K(meq) 15 Plasma acid 80 25 Plasma Na (meq) 45

18 Fresh Frozen Plasma In burn injuries to replace clotting factors during massive transfusion Clotting factors, Protein S,C In massive transfusion, if active bleeding exists, coagulation factor deficiency approved

19 Indications for FFP according to National Health Guidelines
Replacement of isolated factor deficiencies(lab evidence) Reverse of warfarin effect Antithrombine III deficiency Treatment of immunodeficiencies Treatment of TTP Massive blood transfusion( V,VIII=25% of normal) PT,PTT 1.5 times normal

20 Platelets Stored at room temperature to max viability
Increasing bacterial contamination after 4 days Refrigerated PLT remain viable only 24-48h ,000PLT

21 Cryoprecipitate Thawing FFP at 4 c ,collecting cryoprecipitate
Rich in factors XIII, VIII, fibrinogen , Von Willebrand factor Massive blood transfusion to treat hypo- fibrinogenemia Plasma fibrinogen<100 mg/dl 1 unit cryoprecipitate will increase Plasma fibrinogen by 5-7 mg/dl

22 Transfusion Reactions
Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction Delayed Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction (Immune Extravascular Reaction) Nonhemolytic Transfusion Reactions Transfusion-Related Fatalities in the United States, Cause of Fatality Average per Year TRALI 86 29 Other reactions (non-ABO hemolytic therapy; anaphylaxis) 67 22 Bacterial contamination 20  7 ABO hemolytic transfusion therapy 15  5 Transfusion not ruled out 31 10

23 Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction
Sign or Symptom No. of Patients Fever 19 Fever and chills 16 Chest pain  6 Hypotension Nausea  2 Flushing Dyspnea Hemoglobinuria  1

24 -- Steps in the Treatment of a Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction 1
-- Steps in the Treatment of a Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction      1.  STOP TRANSFUSION.    2.    Maintain the urine output at a 75 to 100 mL/hr    a.    Generously administer fluids intravenously and possibly mannitol (12.5 to 50 g, given over 5 to 15 minutes).    b.    If intravenously administered fluids and mannitol are ineffective, administer furosemide (20 to 40 mg) intravenously.    3.    Alkalinize the urine; because bicarbonate is preferentially excreted in the urine, only 40 to 70 mEq of sodium bicarbonate per 70 kg of body weight is usually required to raise the urine pH to 8, whereupon repeat urine pH determinations indicate the need for additional bicarbonate.    4.    Assay urine and plasma hemoglobin concentrations.    5.    Determine platelet count, partial thromboplastin time, and serum fibrinogen level.    6.    Return unused blood to blood bank for repeat crossmatch.    7.    Send patient's blood and urine sample to blood bank for examination.    8.    Prevent hypotension to ensure adequate renal blood flow.

25 Delayed Hemolytic Transfusion Reaction (Immune Extravascular Reaction)
the transfused donor cells may survive well initially after a variable delay (2 to 21 days) they are hemolyzed This type of reaction occurs mainly in recipients sensitized to RBC antigens by previous blood transfusions or pregnancy RBC destruction occurs only when the level of antibody is increased after a secondary stimulus (i.e., anamnestic response) a decrease in the post-transfusion hematocrit value

26 Nonhemolytic Transfusion Reactions
Nonhemolytic reactions to blood transfusions usually are not serious and are febrile or allergic in nature. The most common adverse reactions to blood transfusions consist of chills, fever, headache, myalgia, nausea, and nonproductive cough occurring shortly after blood transfusion caused by pyrogenic cytokines and intracellular contents released by donor leukocytes. Allergic reactions can be minor, anaphylactoid, or anaphylactic The most common symptom is urticaria associated with itching. Occasionally, the patient has facial swelling.

27 Infectivity of Blood Percentage Risk of Transfusion-Transmitted Infection with a Unit of Screened Blood in the United States Infection Risk Window Period (days) Infection Risk Window Period (days) Human immunodeficiency virus-1 1/2,135,000 11 Human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV-II) 1/2,993,000 51 Cytomegalovirus (CMV) Infrequent with leukocyte-reduced components Hepatitis C virus (HCV) 1/1,935,000 40 Hepatitis B virus (HBV) 1/205,000 West Nile virus (WNV) 1/1,100,000 ?


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