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Signal Propagation Along Interconnects

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1 Signal Propagation Along Interconnects
device interconnect Signal propagation along wires (interconnects) can’t keep up with the devices Time to propagate signal along interconnect between devices is an RC delay R = electrical resistance of wire Depends on metal resistivity Depends on wire length & width C = capacitance of wire relative to its surroundings Depends on insulator dielectric constant Depends on wiring geometries Interconnect wire with resistance R and capacitance C to rest of circuit device B receives trigger to switch at t=RC device A switches at t=0

2 Microelectronics Silicon ULSI, and more
Amazing success Market +15%/yr for >30 yrs Productivity %/yr Springboard for the IT revolution But… Factory costs escalating +20%/yr Increasing technology challenges, possible show-stoppers Market diversifying, segmenting, and reconfiguring Motorola – Jim Durham (Moto) w/ G. W. Rubloff, contam ctrl in gas supply Key questions Maintaining productivity growth curve New technologies for end of roadmap Semiconductor International Jan 1998

3 Advanced Interconnect Technology
Cu seed + Cu fill Metal barrier Low-K dielectric Polish stops Etch stops drawing to scale within  10% ITRS Interconnect 1999, Fig. 28 W plug BPSG dielectric KA Monnig, Sematech 09/02/96

4 Advanced Si ULSI Technology
KA Monnig, Sematech 09/02/96 drawing to scale within  10% Etch stops Polish stops Low-K dielectric Metal barrier Cu seed + Cu fill BPSG dielectric W plug

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