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Annual Performance Plan 2016/17 and Revised 5 Year Strategic Plan

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Presentation on theme: "Annual Performance Plan 2016/17 and Revised 5 Year Strategic Plan"— Presentation transcript:

1 Annual Performance Plan 2016/17 and Revised 5 Year Strategic Plan

2 Presentation outline Background and situational analysis
2. Annual Target information and costs 3 Budget Forecasts 01

3 1. Background and Situational Analysis

4 Community Schemes background in a nutshell
It is impossible for everyone to get their own piece of land for their settlement needs in SA, especially in urban centres where urban migration is most focussed Increasingly therefore, shared or communal living is the most viable tenure option in urban centres, and that will most likely become more and more in the future South Africa already has the 4th highest number of community schemes in the world (after USA, Australia, and Japan) Historically, other than migrant hostel dwellings, community schemes were not a familiar or accessible form of human settlements for the vast majority in South Africa, particularly sectional titles, retirement estates, home owners associations, and other modern community schemes The governance rules, codes and other practises in those schemes thus developed away from government scrutiny for fairness, equity, and other qualities of justice Government, especially after 1994, was inundated with complaints from community schemes, especially from new entrants into these schemes Since government wants to promote community schemes as a viable tenure option for most citizens, the CSOS was established to be the organisation addressing community scheme disputes, promoting their good governance, and encouraging the public to opt into these communal living arrangements 03

5 CSOS Objectives – 5 Strategic Pillars
To provide a Dispute Resolution service for Community Schemes in South Africa To take custody and control of Community Schemes’ governance documentation To ensure that the CSOS is an efficient, effective and sustainable organisation To promote good governance in Sectional Titles and other Community Schemes in South Africa 5. To provide stakeholder training, consumer education and public outreach programmes on Community Schemes in South Africa 04

6 Key Priorities Status Entity operational establishment
Procurement of facilities – Currently there is Head Office and 3 Provinces Recruitment of staff – on hold due to budget challenges Acquisition of systems to deliver the services – some acquired, but some on hold Development of policies, processes, procedures – good progress made 2. Entity legislative establishment CSOS Regulations published for public comment in 2015, engaged, approved by Minister for Portfolio Committee (PC) tabling. Now awaiting PC discussion Planning for approval and Presidential proclamation of the entity during 2016/17 3. Operational readiness Commenced conciliation with internal staff in November 2014 (+-600 cases) Good engagement with industry stakeholders, and on national radio, TV, etc Activity limited by budgetary constraints 05

7 2. Annual Target information and costs – Chief Ombud

8 Colour keys for next slides
Context 2016/17 MTEF budget BELOW the Actual expenditure for 2015/16 i.e. below the Baseline level of prior year, thus below fixed costs Efforts are ongoing to source the minimum funding shortfall just to cover the baseline costs Furthermore, efforts to secure long term funding sources are ongoing i.e. Regulations are going to Parliament, hopefully soon Targets are basically driven by budget availability in the first year 06

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16 3. Budget Forecasts – CFO:
APP pages 33 – 42

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21 Thank you

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