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Title I, Part A - Parent & Family Engagement Compliance Monitoring Review Training The Federal Programs Department September 26, 2018.

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Presentation on theme: "Title I, Part A - Parent & Family Engagement Compliance Monitoring Review Training The Federal Programs Department September 26, 2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title I, Part A - Parent & Family Engagement Compliance Monitoring Review Training
The Federal Programs Department September 26, 2018

2 Agenda The Parent and Family Engagement Compliance Monitoring Review Process Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA): Plan4Learning Campus Improvement Plan (CIP): Plan4Learning Schoolwide Elements: Plan4Learning Parent and Family Engagement Policy - General Overview School-Parent Compacts Annual Title I Meeting Staff Training on the Value and Utility of Parents Additional Online Resources

3 Parent & Family Engagement – Compliance Monitoring Review Process

4 Parent and Family Engagement Compliance

5 Parent & Family Engagement Compliance Monitoring Review
Deadline to complete all items for Compliance Monitoring Review is November 2, 2018 Pre-Review appointment times will be ed in early October. Tentative Pre-Review with PFLs dates: October 12th, 17th, and 19th Tentative Compliance Monitoring Review with PFLs dates: November 12th, 14th, and 16th

6 What does the Parent and Family Engagement Title I, Part A Compliance Checklist include?
Campus Needs Assessment (CNA) - Family & Community Engagement in the Data Analysis Area of Perceptions Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) - Family & Community Engagement Strategy(ies) Schoolwide Program Elements Parent and Family Engagement Policy School-Parent Compact (additional requirement for Elementary Schools: Elementary School-Parent Compact Conferences) Annual Title I Meeting Staff Training on the Value and Utility of Parents

7 Parent & Family Engagement Compliance Monitoring Review
The Campus Leadership Team reviews and updates in Plan4Learning: The Campus Needs Assessment (CNA) – problem statement and root cause The Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) – strategy that addresses Parent and Family Engagement Linked to the problem statement and root cause Strategy fund source Resources needed The Schoolwide Program Elements – “Action Required” items in the Title I tab

8 Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA)

9 What is a Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA)?
The CNA is the driving force behind the campus planning. The CNA is the groundwork and the justification for all plans and decisions made at the district and campus level in regard to the use of funds. The CNA must support activities and strategies in the Campus Improvement Plan (CIP).

10 CNA Components on the SAISD Compliance Monitoring Checklist
Updated Plan4Learning CNA: Evaluated Area: Parent and Family Engagement Needs are in the Perceptions Section A problem statement and root cause addressing the Parent and Family Engagement Program

11 CNA Report from Plan4Learning
Report Title: Comprehensive Needs Assessment Perceptions Section: Summary Strengths Problem Statement(s) with Root Cause(s)

12 Campus Improvement Plan (CIP)

13 What is a Campus Improvement Plan (CIP)?
The Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) serves as the blueprint for how the campus will address the needs that were identified by your Campus Leadership Team (CLT) in the Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA). The CIP for Parent and Family Engagement consists of: Goal(s) Performance Objective(s) Strategy(ies) Resources Needed: Supplies and Refreshments Fund source and $ Amount Each strategy must have a Problem Statement and a Root Cause

14 What is required in the CIP Components of the Compliance Monitoring Checklist?
The following are required in the Plan4Learning CIP: Strategy that addresses Parent and Family Engagement The problem statement and root cause from the CNA that address Parent and Family Engagement has been linked (added) to the strategy in the CIP For the Strategy Fund Source, include Fund 211-Title I, Part A: Resources Needed: Supplies-Parent & Family Engagement Supplies-Parent & Family Engagement Dollar Amount (cannot be zero) Resources Needed: Refreshments-Parent & Family Engagement Refreshments-Parent & Family Engagement Dollar Amount (cannot be zero)

15 CIP Report from Plan4Learning
Plan4Learning items that are required: Goal, Performance Objective, Strategy Strategy Description Strategy Funding Resources Needed Funding Source Amount Problem Statement and Root Cause Cause Report Title: Goals/Performance Objectives/Strategies with Funding and Problem Statements

16 Schoolwide Program Elements in Plan4Learning
Element 1 CNA Element 2 CIP Element 3 PFE

17 What are the Schoolwide Program Elements?
TEA has given LEAs guidance in transitioning from NCLB ten (10) Schoolwide Components to the three (3) Schoolwide Program Elements Element 1 - Comprehensive Needs Assessment Element 2 - Campus Improvement Plan Requirements Element 3 - Parent and Family Engagement Requirements These Elements summarize the statutory Title I, Part A Schoolwide Program Requirements. Reference Anita Villarreal, State Director Title I, Part A ACET 2018 Spring Conference (click here)

18 SW Element Reports from Plan4Learning
Title I Schoolwide Element Summary SW Element Reports from Plan4Learning Title I Schoolwide Element Strategies

19 Parent and Family Engagement

20 Parent and Family Engagement
A campus that receives Title I, Part A funds must: Conduct outreach to all parents and family members Implement programs, activities, and procedures for the involvement of parents and family members in programs assisted under this part consistent with this section Be planned and implemented with meaningful consultation with parents of participating children, for such programs, activities and procedures Reference Anita Villarreal, State Director Title I, Part A ACET 2018 Spring Conference (click here)

21 Parent and Family Engagement Policy – General Overview

22 What is a Written Parent and Family Engagement Policy?
A written Parent and Family Engagement Policy explains how the District or School supports the important role of parents and family members in the education of their children. Every District and School that receives Title I, Part A funds must have a written Parent and Family Engagement Policy.

23 Parent and Family Engagement Policy – General Overview
Both the District and the Title I, Part A School must have a written Parent and Family Engagement Policy. It must be: Developed jointly with parents and family members Agreed upon by parents and family members Distributed to parents and family members The Parent and Family Engagement Policy must be developed, reviewed, and revised annually with parents and family members input.

24 School Parent and Family Engagement Policy – General Overview
The policy addresses how the school will implement the Parent and Family Engagement Program Requirements of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The Policy includes: A description on how the school will convene an annual meeting for all Title I, Part A parents and families Information on flexible number of meetings and if requested, additional meetings with parents to discuss decisions for the education of their child How the school will involve parents in an organized, ongoing, and timely manner, in the planning, review, evaluation, and improvement of the Parent and Family Engagement Policy and Program How the school will provide timely information about Parent and Family Engagement Activities Information to parents and families about curriculum and assessment

25 Parent and Family Engagement Policy Components on the SAISD Compliance Monitoring Checklist
Title on policy states “[Campus Name] Parent and Family Engagement Policy” with current school year Policy with revision date (MM/DD/YYYY) Policy in English and Spanish (language format) Hard copy of Parent and Family Engagement Policy for the Federal Programs Department (English and Spanish) The documents listed below must contain “Parent and Family Engagement Policy Review/Revise”: Dated Communication to parents and family members Dated Agenda Dated Sign-in Sheet NOTE: Format and Language that Parents Understand - All information must be formatted in a language that parents can understand.

26 Revision Date Scenarios
Meeting with parents on 9/4/18 - Parents reviewed and there were no revisions needed Use 9/4/18 as the revised date Scenario #2 Meeting with parents on 9/4/18 - parents reviewed and there were no revisions needed CLT reviewed and approved Policy on 9/14/18 – with no changes made to the policy Use 9/4/18 as the revised date (because parents were involved in the revision of the policy) Scenario #3 (using the current revised date) Meeting with parents on 9/4/18 - parents reviewed and there were revisions Held another meeting with parents on 9/21/18 - parents reviewed and there were no additional revisions needed Use 9/21/18 as the revised date Note: The revised date is not the date that the policy was typed.

27 Federal Programs website:
Where can I find School Parent and Family Engagement Policy Resources? Federal Programs website: 1 2

28 School Parent and Family Engagement Policy Invitation Sample
Must indicate: Parent & Family Engagement Policy Reviewed & Revised for the school year

29 School Parent and Family Engagement Policy Agenda Sample
Must indicate: Parent & Family Engagement Policy will be reviewed & revised for the school year

30 School Parent and Family Engagement Policy Sign-In Sample
Must indicate: Parent & Family Engagement Policy Reviewed & Revised for the school year Role of attendee

31 School Policy

32 School-Parent Compact

33 What is a School-Parent Compact?
The school-parent compact is a commitment from the school, the parent and family members, and the student to build and develop a partnership to help children achieve the State’s high standards. The school-parent compact serves as a reminder and commitment of each stakeholder’s shared responsibilities for student learning.

34 General key components the compact must address:
School-Parent Compact General key components the compact must address: How the school will enable students to meet the State’s challenging academic standards by: Providing high-quality curriculum and instruction Providing a supportive and effective learning environment Building and developing a partnership between the school and parents and family members How the parent and family members will enable students to meet the State’s challenging academic standards by: Providing support for their child’s learning Participating in decisions relating to the education of their child Positive use of extracurricular time and volunteering in their child’s classroom More details are available on the Federal Programs Department website in the PFL training from March 28, PFL ESSA Policy and ESSA School-Parent Compact Training

35 School-Parent Compact Components on the SAISD Compliance Monitoring Checklist
Title on compact states “[Campus Name] School-Parent Compact” with current school year Compact with revision date (MM/DD/YYYY) Compact in English and Spanish (language format) Hard copy of School-Parent Compact for the Federal Programs Department (English and Spanish) School-Parent Compact Certification Additional requirement for Elementary Campuses (detailed in next slide) Hard copy of School-Parent Compact Certification for the Federal Programs Department The documents listed below must contain “School-Parent Compact Review/Revise”: Dated Communication to parents and family members Dated Agenda Dated Sign-in Sheets

36 School-Parent Compact Additional Components for Elementary Campuses
Dated Sign-in sheets of parent-teacher conference must state “School-Parent Compact Conference” Indicate conference date on Sign-in Sheet General sign-in sheets are not acceptable for documentation (e.g. Office Visitor, Open House, etc.) Elementary Only - If a school has an elementary campus number, then all grade levels at that campus should have the parent-teacher conference regarding the compact. If a school does not have an elementary campus number but has any configuration of grades K-5 on that campus, then parent-teacher conferences to discuss the compact should be held for grades K-5 at a minimum. NOTE: You may have a joint or separate conference to meet the School-Parent Compact meeting components (as long as the Compact Conference is indicated on the Sign-In Sheet and the Agenda).

37 Federal Programs website:
Where can I find School-Parent Compact Resources? Federal Programs website: 1 2

38 School-Parent Compact Meeting Invitation Sample
Must indicate: School-Parent Compact will be Reviewed & Revised for the school year

39 School-Parent Compact Agenda Sample
Must indicate: School-Parent Compact will be Reviewed & Revised for the school year

40 School – Parent Compact Review Sign-In Sample
To be used for the School-Parent Compact Review/Revise meeting

41 School – Parent Compact Conference Sign-In Sample
Elementary (Only) Additional Compliance Monitoring Component “School-Parent Compact Conference” Sign-In Sheet Sample To be used for the School-Parent compact parent-teacher conference

42 School-Parent Compact

43 Annual Title I Meeting

44 What is the purpose of the Annual Title I Meeting?
ESSA requires that each Title I, Part A School hold an Annual Meeting with Title I, Part A parent and family members for the purpose of: Informing parents and family members of the school’s participation in Title I, Part A Explaining the requirements of Title I, Part A Explaining parent and family members right to be involved

45 Annual Title I Meeting Components on the SAISD Compliance Monitoring Checklist
The documents listed below must contain “Parent and Family Engagement Annual Title I Meeting”: Dated Communication to parents and family members: informing parents and family members of the opportunity to attend meeting Dated Agenda Dated Sign-in Sheets with signatures Three (3) dated evaluations of meeting

46 Federal Programs website:
Where can I find Annual Title I Resources? Federal Programs website: 1 2

47 Annual Title I Parent Meeting Template
Instructions for how and where the campus will need to update the templates are provided. Timeframe suggestions: First Meeting - during first nine weeks More than one time throughout the school year You may have a joint or separate meeting to address the Annual Title I Meeting requirement (Note: “Parent and Family Engagement Annual Title I Meeting” must be indicated on the Sign-In Sheet and the Agenda)

48 English Spanish Annual Title I Meeting PowerPoint Templates
Please ensure to customize the Annual Title I Meeting PowerPoint Templates with your Campus information in both English and Spanish.

49 Annual Title I Parent Meeting Invitation Sample
Must indicate: Parent and Family Engagement Annual Title I Meeting

50 Annual Title I Parent Meeting Agenda Sample
Must indicate: Parent and Family Engagement Annual Title I Meeting

51 Annual Title I Parent Meeting Sign-In Sample
Must indicate: Parent and Family Engagement Annual Title I Meeting

52 Annual Title I Meeting

53 Staff Training on The Value and Utility of Parents (the value of parent’s / family members’ contributions and service)

54 Staff Training on The Value and Utility of Parents (the value of parent’s/family members’ contributions and service) Title I, Part A district and campuses shall educate teachers, specialized instructional support personnel, principals, and other staff members*, with the assistance of parents, in the value and utility of the contributions of parents. Staff training on The Value and Utility of Parents The Federal Programs Department provides a PowerPoint with audio to assist with training To meet regulatory compliance: Schedule a meeting with the Principal Request to be placed on the agenda for a faculty meeting to ensure staff training is conducted on or before November 2, 2018 *The term “other staff” means specialized instructional support personnel, librarians, career guidance and counseling personnel, education aides and other instructional and administrative personnel.

55 Staff Training on The Value and Utility of Parents Components on the SAISD Compliance Monitoring Checklist The documents listed below must contain “The Value and Utility of Parents”: Dated Agenda Dated staff sign-in sheets Dated parent sign-in sheets: with signature of parents who assisted in the training

56 Federal Programs website:
Where can I find The Value and Utility of Parents Resources? Federal Programs website: 1 2

57 The Value and Utility of Parents Template
A PowerPoint template has been created by the Federal Programs Department for The Value and Utility of Parents training. Timeframe suggestions: First Meeting - during first nine weeks More than one time throughout the school year You may have a joint or separate meeting to address The Value and Utility of Parents training requirement (Note: “The Value and Utility of Parents” must be indicated on sign-in sheets and the agenda)

58 The Value and Utility of Parents PowerPoint Template
Please ensure to customize The Value and Utility of Parents PowerPoint Template with your Campus information.

59 The Value and Utility of Parents Campus Staff Sign-In Sample
Only campus staff sign-in on this form.

60 The Value and Utility of Parents Sign-In Sample
Parents and family members utilize this to sign in as facilitators who assisted in the training. Do not have them sign in on Staff training sign-in sheet.

61 The Value and Utility of Parents

62 Completing the Parent and Family Engagement Title I, Part A Compliance Checklist
The PFL will indicate that the item on the checklist has been completed by placing a check mark in the box located in the far left column for that item. This form must be: signed by the Principal and the PFL brought to the review by the PFL

63 Parent & Family Engagement Compliance Monitoring Review
It is highly recommended to maintain all auditable documentation of Parent and Family Engagement in a Title I, Part A Notebook. Suggested items to keep in your notebook: Plan4Learning reports Copy of Parent and Family Engagement Policy (English & Spanish) Copy of School-Parent Compacts (English & Spanish) Annual Title I Meeting PowerPoint Agendas of parent meetings Sign-in sheets for parent meetings Program Evaluations of parent meetings Monthly Calendars indicating parent meetings Newsletters to parents Other means of communicating with parents (distribution list) Trainings provided to parents

64 Additional Online Resources
The Federal Programs Department website: ESC 16 - State Parent Initiatives ESC 16 Publications ESC 16 Building Capacity


66 THANK YOU! The Federal Programs Department team is here to help.
If you require assistance please call our office at

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