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Mental Health is the ability a person has to understand the daily ups and downs of life, and to be able to keep a healthy balance.

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Presentation on theme: "Mental Health is the ability a person has to understand the daily ups and downs of life, and to be able to keep a healthy balance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mental Health is the ability a person has to understand the daily ups and downs of life, and to be able to keep a healthy balance.

2 Everybody is part of a bigger world.


4 Everybody has ups and downs. We call this your emotional cycle. Some move up and down at a slow rate.

5 Others cycle at a faster rate. Notice that everybody ups and downs. Everybody has their own emotional cycle.

6 Things like disappointments and losses can push you down. Small things push you down a little, big things push you down more. It is important to understand that you will always come back up


8 Everybody comes back to normal, sooner or later.

9 What happens when someone cant keep their emotional balance? It seems like there is nothing good in their lives.

10 This is what is called Clinical Depression. It is a mental illness, and can be treated by a Doctor. One serious effect of depression is thoughts of taking their own life This is called being Suicidal. Suicidal ideation

11 Clinical Depression is a Whole Body illness that involves your body, your mind and your thoughts. Normal Depressors come and go, but if a person continues to be depressed over a Period of weeks, they should see a Doctor

12 Depression Inventory If a person has 4 or more of the following symptoms for at least two weeks, they may be depressed - Noticeable change of appetite, with either significant weight gain or weight loss. - Drastic change in sleeping habits, sleeping too much, not being able to sleep, or with a reversed sleep cycle. - Loss of interest in activities you used to enjoy. - Loss of energy, fatigue

13 Depression Inventory contd - Feelings of worthlessness - Persistent fellings of hopelessness - Inability to concentrate or think - Recurring thoughts of death or suicide or attempting suicide. It is the persistent combination of at least 4 of these which define Major Depression.

14 What makes depression In teenagers different? - Depressed teenagers often act out, instead of acting sad. -Their behavior can be careless and angry. -They dont seem to care what happens to them or anyone else. - Getting into trouble at home, at school and the law, can be their way of asking for help!

15 If a person is Depressed, it is not JUST a passing blue mood and Depression is not a sign of personal weakness, or a condition that can be willed or wished away. It should be treated by a Medical Doctor

16 So, What can we do?

17 Suicidal ideation is something most people have now and then. The problem is - IT Can be FINAL! When anyone talks about suicide, it is important that they get help.

18 Most people dont really want to end their life, but ….. - it may seem to them that they dont have any options! You can help them but you need to follow these suggestions:

19 Important RULES you need to take it very seriously when someone is speaking Suicidally. ***** 1.Never keep a secret, even if they ask you to!!!!! 2. Always tell an adult! (Their parents, a teacher, a counselor, a principal, or any responsible adult.)

20 What can you do to help? 1.Be a friend who will listen. 2.Tell an adult because you care. 3.Encourage them to get help.



23 What Type of Help Works? 1.Seeing a Doctor 2.Anti-depressant Medications 3.Counseling 4.Time 5.Experience 6.Maturity

24 What are other Mental Illnesses? 1. Schizophrenia or Psychosis 2. Mood Disorders -Bi-porlar disorde, Depression 3. Anxiety Disorders - Panic, OCD, Agorophobia. 4. Personality and Adjustment Disorders 5. Substance Abuse related disorders.

25 Mental Health is the ability a person has to understand the daily ups and downs of life, and to be able to keep a healthy balance.

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