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What’s the BUZZ: The Case of the Disappearing Bees

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Presentation on theme: "What’s the BUZZ: The Case of the Disappearing Bees"— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s the BUZZ: The Case of the Disappearing Bees

2 Project Based Learning -

3 The BUZZ about Bees You have received a letter marked urgent from farmers across the country! They are facing a crisis that not only affects their crops but the whole planet….The disappearance of honey bees! After analyzing the population of their hives over 3 years, they have calculated they have lost 1/3 of all of their hives! You have been contracted as part of an expert team of entomologists, apiarists, botanists, and agricultural specialist by the North Carolina State Department of Agriculture to solve the mystery of the disappearing bees!


5 PBS Nature Podcast Silence of the Bees Podcast
Fill out your research sheet. Turn in for grade.

6 What is all the buzz about?
A disastrous year for the honey bees

7 Now you know the problem, Lets dig deeper
•After analyzing your “Meet the Problem” responses….now we have to dig deeper and write a driving question that will lead us to a solution!

8 Define your problem at the top of page 4?:
Example Problem Statement •How can we stop the honey bee decline due to colony collapse disorder (CCD) in such a way that and provides farmers with the pollinators they need and also promoting healthy ecosystems?

9 How does pollination work?

10 Write the steps of pollination in your notebook page 4?.

11 What role do bees play? Answer on page 4?
Video links here

12 Bee deaths have reached crisis point for crops. WHY? Answer page 4?

13 Why are bees disappearing? NPR/Ted Podcast
Write why are bees disabppearing on page 4? In your notebook.


15 Billions and a way of life riding on the bees.

16 What is Colony Collapse Disorder? Answer page 4?


18 Research is now done. Think about how you would tackle this problem or approach it.
Your group will create a product of your choosing to present to the class that demonstrates your understanding of the problem AND proposes a solution.


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