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Year 3 Autumn Term 2 Ancient Egyptians

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1 Year 3 Autumn Term 2 Ancient Egyptians
Our end result will be an Egyptian Day on 20th November.

2 http://resources.woodlands-
English This term we will be focusing on instruction writing. We will be learning the key features of instruction texts including imperative verbs, bullet points, titles and subtitles. We will be finishing this area of English with writing instructions for mummifying a body. In the latter part of this half term, we will be learning about and experiencing diary writing through the eyes of Howard Carter; resulting in becoming archaeologists and recount writers. To support your child at home it would be helpful if you could encourage them to read some instruction and recount texts. Good ideas for this would be: Cookery books Car manuals Gardening books Useful websites: Maths In Maths we will be continuing to develop both mental and written methods of calculation using the four operations (+, -, x and ÷). At the beginning of each maths lesson we sing our times tables, attempt a 5 minute challenge sheet that will increase in difficulty once the previous sheet is completed correctly. During the half term we will be developing our knowledge, understanding and application of place value to 3 and 4 digit numbers; column addition and subtraction; fractions; 2D and 3D shape and symmetry. For further support, we encourage the children to use Education City, as well as other maths websites to reinforce learning and play some fun games. See links below:

3 the functions of the human skeleton how muscles work
RE This term we will be studying the three themes of Domestic Church (Family), Baptism and Confirmation (Belonging) and Advent and Christmas (Loving). Each class will approach the themes through different topics. The children will also spend a week studying Judaism. Homes - God’s vision for every family promises - Promises made at Baptism visitors - waiting for the coming of Jesus Science This term we will be learning about Animals Including Humans. We will be looking at: the functions of the human skeleton how muscles work nutrition to keep us healthy Please encourage your child to talk about the science they have been doing in school. See links below: nce/materials/ Computing During our computing lessons, we will be learning how to navigate the WWW effectively and to search purposefully to locate and add digital content to a variety of programs for a specific audience. We will continue to locate, retrieve and save our work into the correct network locations and use secure, unique logins. We will recap E-Safety with your child and learn a range of ways to report unacceptable behaviour on-line. This is something that requires your consistent vigilance at home.

4 Key questions will include: What are hieroglyphics?
Art/DT Our art and D&T this half term will be closely linked to our Egyptian topic. We will be designing a canopic jar then manipulating clay to create the design. Topic Our current topic is the history and geography of Ancient Egypt. We will also be learning about why they were so important. Key questions will include: What are hieroglyphics? Who was Howard Carter? Why was the River Nile so important? Why didn’t they remove the heart during the embalming process? To celebrate the end of this topic we will be taking a trip to The British Museum and having an Egyptian Day in school. Please feel free to take a look at these websites: eachers/resources/cultures/ancient_egypt.aspx Music In music, we will be exploring musical expression by differing dynamics and tempos when using instruments and voices. We will be discussing the effects changing dynamics and tempos have on an audience. We will use different dynamics and tempos to create an expressive musical accompaniment to a poem. PE During Dance, we will be creating an Egyptian dance to perform to another class. The dance will tell a story about one aspect of the Egyptians. The children will be developing their football skills, focusing on turning, how to beat an opponent, passing over a short distance and playing in small sided games. They will also develop their netball skills, working on their ability to pass the ball using a chest pass, jump stops and pivoting. These skills will then be put to the test in small sided games. During Dance, we will be creating an Egyptian dance to perform to another class. The dance will tell a story about one aspect of the Egyptians.

5 Additional Information
Reading In class we are reading ‘There’s a Pharaoh in the Bath’ by Jeremy Strong. Please try to hear your child read at least twice a week and discuss the characters, events and key themes of the text. It is also beneficial for children to be read to by an adult, ideally once a week. Please record any pages read in their Reading Record book. PE Year 3 PE takes place for: Mrs Hendy’s on Tuesday and Wednesday morning and Mrs Bowler’s class on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. Please avoid wearing tights and earrings on PE days. Spellings We follow the Nelson Spelling scheme. The children will receive a new list of spellings each week, which will be tested the following Thursday. We suggest children use the Look, Cover, Write, Check method for learning their new spellings. It does not do the children any harm to recap previous spellings learnt. Homework Literacy and Maths homework will be sent home on a Friday and is expected back in school on Wednesday at the latest. Sometimes additional homework may be set linked with specific areas of the curriculum. Diary Dates: Egyptian Day: Tuesday 20th Novmber Mrs Bowler’s library visit: Monday 5th November Mrs Hendy’s library visit: Thursday 8th November Mrs Hendy’s class assembly: Friday 23rd November Christmas Party day: Monday 17th December Last day of term: Friday 21st December (school closes at 12:15) Reminders As we enter Autumn and the weather becomes more and more unpredictable, please ensure that your child has a rain coat in school.

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