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NEIGHBOURHOOD House & Social Media Dr

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1 NEIGHBOURHOOD House & Social Media Dr
NEIGHBOURHOOD House & Social Media Dr. Lauren Rosewarne Senior Lecturer University of Melbourne /lauren.rosewarne

2 Presentation overview
What is social media? Why should we care about this stuff? What are our options? Benefits of social media Costs of social media Is a social media strategy right for your House? Developing a social media strategy Lauren Rosewarne

3 WHAT is social media? Websites and applications which enable users to create their own content, share their own content and network with others Web 2.0 A label that includes blogging, vlogging and video sites, forums, wiki sites, and overtly social networking sites Something that works to supplement the work already been done in your Houses Relatively low cost Growing Lauren Rosewarne

4 WHAT isN’t social media?
It’s not free (it will always take some resources: internet access, staff time, etc) It’s not a magic bullet for fundraising Lauren Rosewarne

5 Why should we care about Social media?
Almost eight in ten people (79%) use social media in Australia – this number has increased by 10% since 2016 59% of Australians use social media everyday (or most days); 35% of people use it more than five times a day – this number has increased from 26% in 2016 Why else? Lauren Rosewarne

6 WhAT motivates participation in this space?
Someone on staff / on the board suggested it Everyone else appears to be doing it To replace other marketing tools To complement/enhance other communication strategies To increase audience To maintain audience Lauren Rosewarne

7 Social MEDIA Platforms
Lauren Rosewarne

8 TOp Social MEDIA Platforms
Lauren Rosewarne

9 FACEBOOK OVERVIEW Facebook 1.86 billion account holders globally
1.45 billion people log on daily globally Facebook in Australia 16 million active users in 2017 (60% of the population) Who are the Australian users? 13-17 year-olds – 940,000 users 18-25 year-olds – 3,500,000 users 25-39 year-olds – 6,100,000 users 40-55 year-olds – 4,100,000 users 55-64 year olds – 1,600,000 users ,200,00 users Lauren Rosewarne

10 FACEBOOK OVERVIEW What do you use Facebook for? Me?
Lauren Rosewarne

11 FACEBOOK OVERVIEW What kind of things are NHs using Facebook for?
Branding / virtue and value signaling Lauren Rosewarne

12 FACEBOOK OVERVIEW What kind of things are NHs using Facebook for?
Posting information / inspiration Lauren Rosewarne

13 FACEBOOK OVERVIEW What kind of things are NHs using Facebook for?
Showcasing activities / achievements / events Lauren Rosewarne

14 FACEBOOK OVERVIEW What kind of things are NHs using Facebook for?
Engaging with / celebrating your community Lauren Rosewarne

15 FACEBOOK OVERVIEW What kind of things are NHs using Facebook for?
Crowdsourcing of information/feedback Lauren Rosewarne

16 FACEBOOK OVERVIEW What kind of things are NHs using Facebook for?
Sharing community notices Lauren Rosewarne

17 FACEBOOK OVERVIEW What else are people using Facebook for?
Paid advertising You set your maximum budget: you can spend $50 or $50,000 Facebook prices based on clicks (i.e., you’re charged each time a person clicks on your ad), or for impressions (how many eyeballs saw the ad) To reach 1000 people via daily newspapers - $32.00, vs $0.25 on Facebook Pros/cons paid advertising? Lauren Rosewarne

18 Twitter OVERVIEW Twitter 330 million active users per month
Twitter in Australia 5.4 million active users in 2017 (28% of the population) Who are the Australian users? 38% of year-olds use Twitter 34% of year-olds use Twitter 29% of year-olds use Twitter 19% of 50+ year-olds use Twitter Lauren Rosewarne

19 Twitter OVERVIEW What do you use Twitter for? Me?
Lauren Rosewarne

20 Twitter OVERVIEW What kind of things are NHs using Twitter for?
Driving traffic to the Facebook page (or, less commonly, Instagram) Lauren Rosewarne

21 Twitter OVERVIEW What kind of things are NHs using Twitter for?
Branding / virtue and value signaling Lauren Rosewarne

22 Twitter OVERVIEW What kind of things are NHs using Twitter for?
Posting information / inspiration Lauren Rosewarne

23 Twitter OVERVIEW What kind of things are NHs using Twitter for?
Showcasing activities / achievements / events Lauren Rosewarne

24 Twitter OVERVIEW What kind of things are NHs using Twitter for?
Engaging with / celebrating your community Lauren Rosewarne

25 Twitter OVERVIEW What kind of things are NHs using Twitter for?
Crowdsourcing of information/feedback Lauren Rosewarne

26 Twitter OVERVIEW What kind of things are NHs using Twitter for?
Sharing - retweeting - community news Lauren Rosewarne

27 Twitter OVERVIEW What else are people using Twitter for?
Participating in conversations (# hashtags) Building up a followers list Monitoring breaking news / tracking trends Having a presence in a space where people often expect you to be Get the attention of “influencers” Lauren Rosewarne

Benefits of Facebook and Twitter Target the maximum number of people – quite possibly in the right demographics – as efficiently as possible Increasing the exposure/visibility of your House Cheap: posting is free; advertising is low cost Word of mouth marketing Drive traffic to your website Build a community: meet people Nurture a community: stay connected cont. Lauren Rosewarne

Benefits of Facebook and Twitter (cont.) Access content for your page effortlessly Can take advantage of text, photos, videos Ability to target an audience Easily keep tabs about what else is being done in your area: what other Neighbourhood Houses are going in Victoria, in other states in Australia, perhaps also in Canada and in Community Centres in the UK Lauren Rosewarne

Negatives of Facebook and Twitter Privacy Fake profiles Time-consuming > addictive Tech intimidation Nobody wanting to take responsibility Someone taking too much responsibility (who speaks/posts for your organisation?) Negative feedback posted publicly Antisocial behaviour Lauren Rosewarne

31 Does YOUR HOUSE need a social MEDIA strategy?
What is currently being done by your NH in this – or more broadly the communications – space? Why is your House considering social media in the first place? What are your hunches about how it can help NH? What are your House’s objectives? Are any of the organisation’s missions/goals able to be met through social media? Lauren Rosewarne

32 Developing a social networking strategy
Determine your audience - Who are you aiming to engage with/interact with/target Setting goals and objectives - What do you want to achieve from this? Determine your “where” - Where does your community gather? What spaces? How do I create content? Lauren Rosewarne

33 Developing a social networking strategy (cont)
Getting more bang for your buck and streamline your content You can – by accessing the “Settings” menu – automatically share your Twitter posts on your Facebook page This can also be done vice-versa if you prefer Instagram posts can be also shared on Facebook Things to consider Do you need different content for different platforms? Are different users on different platforms? Lauren Rosewarne

34 What needs to go into your strategy?
What are you doing outside of social media? Does Facebook/Twitter match with what else you’re doing in terms of marketing and communication? Lauren Rosewarne

35 What needs to go into your strategy?
Creating – and growing - network Be active: post often but post relevant (quality over quantity) Like/follow others: other NHs, other organisations in your community Be human: your posts should feel like their written by a human not a robot Be human: be responsive to people who comments/ask questions Be human: comment in other spaces and – ideally – bring traffic back to your site cont. Lauren Rosewarne

36 What needs to go into your strategy?
Creating – and growing – network (cont) Create your own content: short videos of activities, photos of achievements, recipes, how-to guides – material people want to share - Other ideas? Make people aware of your social media presence: include it in marketing material, in s, in newsletters Make use of tags / buzzwords / attention-getting language Lauren Rosewarne

37 What needs to go into your strategy?
Consideration of timing of posts/tweets When do people socially network in Australia? Why should we care about this timing? 71% users do it in the evening 57% users do it first thing in the morning 47% lunchtime 47% during breaks 39% just before bed 21% while at work 18% while commuting Lauren Rosewarne

38 social networking considerations
What kind of content do you want to be involved with? News/research distribution? News/research production? News/research commentary? Q & A Who will be responsible? Who will be accountable? Legal ramifications Is this really part of the organisation’s mission? Lauren Rosewarne

Evaluating your social media strategy Are you getting what you hoped out of this space? What are your goals? How will you measure success? Lauren Rosewarne

40 Keep in touch! Dr. Lauren Rosewarne Senior Lecturer University of Melbourne /lauren.rosewarne

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