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Digital Camera II Advanced Photo Editing Ann Howden UEN Professional Development.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Camera II Advanced Photo Editing Ann Howden UEN Professional Development."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Camera II Advanced Photo Editing Ann Howden UEN Professional Development

2 Steps to Digital Photography: Creating a Digital Workflow Input: Taking Pictures Digital camera, Scanner, Digital Video Image Processing Organization Transfer to computer, Back up photos, Sort by category Edit or manipulate the image with editing software Output (and Organization) Print, display, and share images

3 Digital Image Basics Digital Images are made up of Pixels Pixels are small units of light that make up the image. Each range of light is given a number to represent a color. White = 0 Black = 255 All other colors fall in between this range When you edit a photo in Photoshop, most of the work you will do is pixel- level editing.


5 Image segment enlarged to 3200%

6 Digital Image Basics Quality and Size of Image Depends on the amount of pixels used to create the image Referred to as Resolution The amount of pixels per inch determines the resolution Example: 300 ppi means there are 300 pixels per square inch of picture

7 A tip to remember… No matter the size of picture file, a digital image will usually look good on a computer screen. A 1 megapixel camera will display pictures on a computer screen as big as 8 x 10 that look great. Megapixels really matter when you want to print your images. A 2 megapixel camera will make beautiful 4 x 6 prints, but really should not be printed any bigger.

8 Final SizeWeb, E-mail or Presentation 72 ppi Home Printing 150 ppi Professional Printing 300 ppi 4x6 288 x 432 = 124,416 pixels 600 x 900= 540,000 pixels 1,200 x 1,800 =2,160,000 pixels (2 mp) 5x7 360 x 504 = 181,440 pixels 750 x 1,050 = 787,500 pixels 1,500 x 2,100 =3,150,000 pixels (3 mp) 8x10 576 x 720 = 414,720 pixels 1,200 x 1,500 =1,800,000 pixels (2 mp) 2,400 x 3,000 =7,200,000 pixels (7 mp) Photo And Pixel Size

9 Resolution Guidelines Photo outputPhoto dpi Web/on-screen use72 dpi Screen printing70-130 dpi Inkjet printer on copy paper150 dpi Photo quality inkjet paper240-300 dpi Laser printer(300-1200dpi)100-200 dpi Offset printing-newsprint150-200 dpi Offset printing-coated paper240-300dpi Stitzer

10 Megapixel Printing Chart (If printing at home) Camera ResolutionMax High Quality Print Size 1.3 megapixels4 x 6 print 2 megapixels5 x 7 print 3.3 megapixels8 x 10 print 4 megapixels11 x 14 print 5 megapixles12 x 16 print 6.3 megapixels14 x 20 print 8 megapixels16 x 22 print

11 Editing Pictures Editing/Compressing a digital image alters the amount of pixels in an image. Cropping an image reduces the amount of pixels. Depending on the amount of pixels cropped and the print size, you may or may not see a difference in the image. Enlarging an image requires the computer to add pixels where none existed. This will cause a pixelation or distortion in your image.

12 Enlarging a small file When you try to enlarge a small file, there isnt enough information so the computer tries to comepnsate. This leads to your image becoming pixelated

13 Cropping a large file 3008 pixels wide x 2000 pixels high 1376 wide x 1341 high Cropping a photo removes information. Once you crop and save, you cannot go back to the original file size.

14 Tips to Remember with Photoshop Elements 3 Tip #1:Plan your project before you start editing. Tip #2:Remember that Photoshop works with your ORIGINAL photo. Tip #3:Always do a save as or a duplicate layer before starting a project. Tip #4:Practice, does indeed, make better.

15 Photoshop Project Examples There are many different types of projects you can complete using Photoshop Elements. Photo Editing Collages Advertisements, brochures, flyers Scrapbook pages Creative notes home to parents

16 Curriculum Links with Photoshop Elements Applied Technology (career and Technical) Curriculum Improve communication with students, parents, faculty and staff Flyers, brochures, project announcements Websites Student spotlights Student generated projects as well as teacher generated

17 Digital Camera II Advanced Photo Editing Ann Howden UEN Professional Development

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