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CPE 401 / 601 Computer Network Systems

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1 CPE 401 / 601 Computer Network Systems
Lecture 1 Introduction Lecture 1 Internet CPE 401 / 601 Computer Network Systems slides are modified from Dave Hollinger and Daniel Zappala

2 Network “ ... communication system for connecting end-systems”
End-systems a.k.a. “hosts” PCs, workstations dedicated computers network components

3 Multiaccess vs. Point-to-point
Multi-access means shared medium many end-systems share the same physical communication resources (wire, frequency, ...) There must be some arbitration mechanism. Point-to-point only 2 systems involved no doubt about where data came from !

4 Internetwork Net A Net B
Connection of 2 or more distinct (possibly dissimilar) networks. Requires some kind of network device to facilitate the connection. Net A Net B

5 The Internet millions of connected computing devices: hosts = end systems running network apps communication links fiber, copper, radio, satellite routers: forward packets (chunks of data) Home network Institutional network Mobile network Global ISP Regional ISP PC server wireless laptop cellular handheld wired links access points router

6 The Internet Internet Internet Mapping Project, Bill Cheswick

7 A Network of Networks roughly hierarchical
Tier-1 ISPs provide national, international coverage Tier-2 ISPs provide regional coverage Tier-3 and lower levels provide local coverage any tier may sell to business and residential customers any ISP may have a link to any other ISP not strictly hierarchical

8 Internet

9 Many Different Internet Service Providers
Each network is independent Interoperability requires using Internet standards: IP, TCP the Internet is global and must run these standards your private intranet can do whatever you want it to do

10 Internet Design Goals primary goal: interoperability among existing networks a network of networks obey administrative boundaries secondary goals fault tolerance multiple transport protocols support a variety of networks distributed management cost effective, low effort for host attachment, accountability first three were more important, so remaining four did not receive as much attention no mention of security

11 Internet Design Principles
minimal assumptions about services network should support ability to send packets no reliability or security end-to-end principle keep the core of the network as simple as possible, put complex functionality at the edges exception: significant performance improvement

12 Layering Divide a task into pieces and then solve each piece independently (or nearly so) Establishing a well defined interface between layers makes porting easier Major Advantages: Code Reuse Extensibility

13 The Internet Hourglass

14 The Internet at each Hop

15 Interface and Peer-to-peer Protocols
Interface protocols describe communication between layers on the same endpoint. Peer-to-peer protocols describe communication between peers at the same layer. Process Transport Network Data Link Interface Protocols Peer-to-peer Protocols

16 What’s a protocol? a human protocol and a computer network protocol:
… specific msgs sent … specific actions taken when msgs received, or other events Hi TCP connection request Hi TCP connection response Got the time? Get 2:00 <file> time Q: Other human protocols?

17 Protocol An agreed upon convention for communication.
both endpoints need to understand the protocol. Protocols must be formally defined and unambiguous! Protocols define format, order of msgs sent and received among network entities, actions taken on msg transmission, receipt We will study lots of existing protocols and perhaps develop a few of our own.

18 The Physical Layer Responsibility: Issues:
transmission of raw bits over a communication channel Issues: mechanical and electrical interfaces time per bit distances

19 The Data Link Layer Responsibility: Issues:
provide an error-free communication link Issues: framing (dividing data into chunks) header & trailer bits addressing

20 The Data Link Layer Data Link Control sublayer
Medium Access Control sublayer needed by mutiaccess networks. MAC provides Data Link Control with “virtual wires” on multiaccess networks.

21 The Network Layer Responsibilities: Issues:
path selection between end-systems (routing). flow control. fragmentation & reassembly translation between different network types. Issues: packet headers virtual circuits

22 The Transport Layer Responsibilities: Issues:
provides virtual end-to-end links between peer processes. end-to-end flow control Issues: headers error detection reliable communication

23 The Application Layer Responsibilities: Issues:
anything not provided by any of the other layers TCP/IP model Session and Presentation Layer functions Issues: application level protocols appropriate selection of “type of service”

24 Layering & Headers Each layer needs to add some control information to the data in order to do it’s job. This information is typically prepended to the data before being given to the lower layer. Once the lower layers deliver the data and control information - the peer layer uses the control information.

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