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How to use this PowerPoint

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1 How to use this PowerPoint
Make sure to view this PowerPoint (in slideshow mode) and click through all of the steps before you present it at your meeting. Note – some of the slides look different when you are in slideshow mode. Make this PowerPoint your own. You can add in your own URL and Event Name on some slides. Register for your events, customize your own pages and send s before presenting this PowerPoint. Either delete this slide or start on slide 2.

How to Register online Registering on the Relay For Life website is a fun and easy way to showcase your commitment to the fight against cancer. In a few quick steps, you can register yourself, and encourage you teammates to do the same!

3 /CommunityNameState Script
To find our Relay For Life website, begin by Opening your web browser: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc. **Type in the browser: **Or you can type in the direct URL for your event: Action **Click next to display: **Click next again to display: /CommunityNameState. You can change this text on the presentation to your local URL.

4 **Click next to display the curser over the search field
Richmond Hill, GA Script If you type will take you to the Relay For Life national movement homepage where you can **search for your local event or find out more information about Relay For Life. Action **Click next to display the curser over the search field **Click next again to populate the search field with your community name. You can change this text on the presentation to your event name.

5 Script Whether you type our event direct URL or search for the event through, you will arrive at our event’s website. From this site, you can click **View Event Details to find out more information about your event. You will also visit this page to **sign up Action **Click Next to display curser over Event Details link. **Click Next again to display curser over Sign Up button.

6 **Click next to display curser over Start a Team button.
username ****** Script After clicking to sign up, identify how you are going to be participating in Relay For Life this year. If you are the Team Captain and want to start a team – **click “Start a New Team”. If you are joining a team that has already been created – **click “Join an Existing Team”. If you want to sign up just to walk in the Survivor/Caregiver Lap and do not wish to join a team – **click “Walk the Survivor Lap”. If you want to be a part of a team and walk in the Survivor Lap – you only have to register once, but you’ll just want to pick either Start or Join a Team. **Or you can register as an individual fundraiser that is not on a team. One important step for returning participants is to log into the site before clicking to start or join a team. **Use your past username ** and *** password from a previous registration to **log into the website. This step will help the website remember your registration information, personal page details, and your address book. Action **Click next to display curser over Start a Team button. **Click next again to display curser over Join an Existing Team button. **Click next again to display curser over Walk the Survivor Lap button. ** Click next again to display curser over Walk as an Individual **Click next again to display curser typing in past username/password and log in to register as a returning participant.

7 **Type in your team name.
Team Relay Script If you are starting a new team, you will be taken to this page where you will identify the information about your group. **Type in your team name. **Then type in your team goal and **select a company that your team is affiliated with. The companies listed are generally our National Corporate Team Partners, but if your company has multiple teams that you would like to be grouped together, please let us know so that we can add your company to this list. **Click Next Action **Click next again to populate the team name. **Click next again to make curser appear over the Team Goal box. **Click next again to make curser appear over Company drop down. **Click next again to make curser appear over the Next button

8 If you are a returning participant to the event you have the ability to re-register your team from last year. ** Anyone can register the team and you do not need to use last year’s login or team captain to do so! If the participant chooses not to reform the team they have the ability to then select whether they want to start a team, join a team or walk as an individual. Action **Click next again to make curser appear over the Register this team again.

9 Script If you aren’t the team captain, and you want to join a team, after clicking Join a Team, you will be taken to this page. **Find your group in the drop down menu. **Choose the correct team. **Click next. Action **Click next to make curser appear over Team Name box. **Click next again to populate the team name box. **Click next again to make curser appear over the next box.

10 Script Next you will select how you want to pay your registration fee **You can select to pay by Credit Card during the registration process or choose to pay the registration fee by cash or check at a later date. If your team is part of a National Corporate Team, or if you are registering during the early bird registration time, you may have a discount code that impacts the registration fee that you have to pay. **Select yes beside the discount code question to enter your appropriate discount Action **Click next to make curser appear over the Participation Type. **Click next again to make curser appear over the Discount Code box.

11 Script **Next select your personal fundraising goal. Remember, fundraising $100 will mean that you get a tshirt! **Next you will have the opportunity to make an additional gift to kick-start your fundraising. **If you wish to make a donation at this time, select the donation amount that you’d like to give. **Then click next to continue Action **Click next to make curser appear over the Personal Fundraising Goal box. **Click next again to see the drop down that allows participants to select if they’d like to make a donation. **Click next again to make the curser appear over the Donation Amount. **Click next again to make curser appear over the Next button.

12 **Click next again to move the curser and populate the username field.
Relay Relayer 123 Relay Road Hopeville CA 12345 Script To continue your registration, provide your contact and biographical information. **You will notice that there are red asterisks‘ next to the fields that are required in order to continue with your registration. **Fill in the necessary information. As a returning participant this information will be filled in for you. Just check and make updates as needed. **As a new participant, you will have the opportunity have to create a username. If you do have a username and password that you’ve used before – remember it is best to login before you sign up. If you log in first, the contact information should be auto-populated for you. **Next choose your preferences. Just remember if uncheck the first box and decide that you do not want to receive s from the Relay For Life, you will not receive any event-specific s, such as meeting reminders or logistics information. Action **Click next to place a circle emphasizing the red asterisks on the page. **Click next again to begin populating the Contact Information fields. **Click next again to move the curser and populate the username field. **Click next again to move the curser and populate the password fields. **Click next again to move the curser to the Preference section. Relay.Relayer ******** ********

13 Script Next you’ll complete the additional information. Don’t be intimidated by the amount of questions, though. The information is basic and you only have to complete those that are required.** Action **Click next to place a circle emphasizing the red asterisks on the page. **Click next again to move the curser to all of the questions that can be answered.

14 Script Scroll to the bottom of the page where you’ll read the terms and conditions to participate in the Relay For Life and **agree to the statement. Then click “next”. Action **Click next to move the curser to the checkbox. **Click next again to move the curser to the next button.

15 Script You have almost wrapped up the registration process. If you are registering using your credit card or kicked off yoru fundraising with a donation – **you’ll next be taken to a screen where you can enter your billing information. If not, you’ll approach the final steps that you see here. Confirm that your information is correct. If it is not, **click edit to change any of your personal information. If it is correct, **click next to continue. Action **Click next again to create a red highlight around the Billing Information portion of the breadcrumb. **Click next to move the curser to the edit link. **Click next again to move the curser to the next button.

16 Script When you see this screen – you’ve completed the registration process and you are ready to begin building your team, spreading the Relay mission, and raising lifesaving funds.

17 Questions

18 My Relay Dashboard Spread the hope of creating a world with more birthdays Build your team Fundraise!

19 Once a person registers on their Relay For Life website, a whole new side of the online tool opens up. The Relay Dashboard provides the participant with a lot more information about the Relay as well as a number of tools to help him build a team and fundraise online. Let’s walk through the My Relay Dashboard so we have a better understanding of all the information and tools.

20 Upon logging into the Relay For Life website as a registered participant, you can view **special announcements and **get links to more information about the event. Action **Click next to create a red highlight announcements **Click next to create a red highlight around navigation bar

21 ** You can take a tour of the site to learn more (or simply get a review) of the fundraising and team building tools available. ** Plus, the Relay Dashboard provides prompts on how to personalize your fundraising page and begin fundraising online. We’ll get back to these areas in greater detail later. Action **Click next to create a red highlight around Take a Tour **Click next to create a red highlight around Personalize Page and Fundraising

22 While fundraising isn’t all we do, so much we do depends on fundraising. **Keep track of your fundraising progress and **update your goal as you approach and exceed it. ** You may also track the donations you received online and send thank you s to your recent donors. Action **Click next to create a red highlight Progress area **Click next to Edit Goal **Click next to create a red highlight around My Donations section

23 If you are on a team, you’ll see the **My Team tab.
Here participants on a team will be able to check in on their collective fundraising goal and see how their teammates fundraising efforts are going. You can also view all of the donations made to your team. If you are a team captain, you have the ability to **edit your team goal, and ** your team. Any competitive Relay teams out there? The team tab of the Relay Dashboard allows you to check out your **team’s rank among the other teams in your event. Action **Click next to show curser at My Team section **Click next to create a red highlight team Progress area **Click next to create a red highlight around team member roaster **Click new to create a red highlight around team donations **Click next to show curser at Edit team goal **Click next to show curser at Send an **Click next to create a red highlight around ranking

24 The Event Tab provides even more information about the Relay for registered participants.
Always pay attention to the **top section for important event-related notices. You can also check out the **Event Progress toward our overall goal and **top fundraising teams and participants of the event. **Event photos can be seen on this page as well as the **event’s top sponsors. Action **Click next to show curser at My Event section **Click next to create a red highlight around announcement area **Click next to create a red highlight around event progress area **Click new to create a red highlight around top team and participant section **Click new to create a red highlight around event photo stream **Click new to create a red highlight around event sponsors

25 Questions

26 Customize your Page Update your picture and your reason to Relay on the personal fundraising page The Relay Dashboard offers a number of fun tools to help you fight cancer. Let’s talk about one – customizing your personal fundraising page. Personalizing your fundraising page is a great way to share your unique reason to Relay. Plus, on average, those individuals who customize the personal page raised 7 times more money than those who did not. When donors read a personal story of why Relay For Life is important, or see a personal photo of the page, they are more likely to make a donation.

27 To begin personalizing your page, be sure that you are logged into the Relay Dashboard.
From the My Relay tab, **click the Personalize your Page link Action **Click next to move curser to Personalize Your Page

28 Script The personal fundraising page will appear.

29 Script From your personal page – you can **edit your page’s direct URL, **edit the page name, and edit the pictures and **text on the page. Add a photo from the Relay, or of the individual you are Relaying for, by simply clicking Upload a photo or video link. Action **Click next to move the curser to the Edit Team URL link. **Click next again to move the curser to the Page Name. **Click next again to move the curser to the Upload Photo button.

30 Script After clicking on Upload Photo and you can **browse your computer to find an image, **change the description below the picture and save your changes. On your personal page, you can add 2 pictures and 1 video to your personal page. When you’re done, click **Save Changes. Action **Click next again to move the curser to the Browse button. **Click next again to move the curser to the Text Caption box. **Click next again to move the curser to the Save Changes button.

31 Script Returning to your personal page, you can also share your unique Reason to Relay on the fundraising page. You can edit the content on your personal page too **Click on the edit my story link. Action **Click next to move the curser to the Edit My Story.

32 Script Clicking to edit the story will open an editing toolbar where you can change the text on your personal page. **Just don’t forget to save your changes. Action **Click next again to view the editing toolbar for the page content.

33 Sending Emails Ask for donations Invite people to join your team
Send thank you notes Manage your contacts The Relay For Life website makes it easy for individuals to send messages to family and friends asking for support. By sending s directly from the Relay For Life website, the message automatically includes a link for supporters to make a donation – how easy is that for the potential donors! The Relay Dashboard offers you the opportunity to ask for donations, invite people to join your team, and thank your supporters. Relayer who sent s from the Relay For Life website raised on average 6 times more than the participant who didn’t send out s meaning this is one tool you want to take advantage of.

34 Script To send an from the Relay Dashboard, be sure that you are logged into the website. Before you send out s, take a few minutes to add your contacts to the website. Click My Contacts from the top of any Dashboard tab. Action **Click next to move curser to My Contacts link.

35 Script The overlay that appears will show all the contacts that are currently in the Relay Dashboard. If you are a returning participant, the addresses that you added to the previous year’s website, or the donors who supported you last year, will appear. **To add a new contact, click Add a Contact. ** To import your address book from your personal account, click Import Contacts. Action **Click next to move the curser to the Add a contact **Click next to move curser to Import Contacts

36 Script It’s easy to import your contacts from your personal address book. Gmail and YAHOO! are the default hosts. If you use those systems, **click the appropriate button and click **Next to begin adding your addresses to the Relay website. If your s are in a different system, such as Hotmail, aol or Outlook, you’ll first need to save your contacts as a .csv file. When you get to this step, **select the third option to upload your saved contacts as a file document before clicking Next. Action **Click next to move the curser to the Gmail section and the next button **Click next to move curser to the CSV option and the next button

37 Script Once your addresses are uploaded into the Relay Dashboard, it’s even easier to send a message to your family and friends. **Click Compose an from the top of any Dashboard tab. You can also find this link on the My Relay Tab in the My Fundraising Tools using the link **Ask for Donations Action **Click next to move curser to Compose an link. **Click next to move curser to Ask for Donations link.

38 **Click next again to move the curser to the email Message box.
body goes here Script When the window opens, you’ll see how easy it is to send an . At the most basic level, you can just **type in the addresses that you want to send an to, and **begin typing a personal message Action **Click next to move the curser to the To field and fill in sample addresses **Click next again to move the curser to the Message box.

39 Script If you need help deciding on what to write to your family and friends, use one of the available sample s. Select a template and a message subject and content will appear. To add additional individuals to your , you may **select contacts already in your address book. Before sending the you may **click Preview. **Save as Draft will allow you to save the and come back to make other changes or to send it to other individuals Whenever you’re ready to send the , just **click send. Action **Click next again to move the curser to the Select a Template drop down and to highlight the Message box. **Click next again to move the curser to Select Groups. **Click next again to move the curser to the preview button. **Click next again to move the curser to the Save as Draft button. **Click next again to move the curser to the Send button.

40 Script As you send s and begin collecting donations, be sure to follow up with your supporters and potential supporters. You can do so easily by clicking the My Contacts link in the Relay Dashboard. Action **Click next to move curser to My Contacts link.

41 Script The My Contacts overlay will show you who has **received and opened your s, **visited your page, and **made a donation. Use this great information to send more s, and connect with more people about your lifesaving work to fight cancer. Action **Click next to highlight around s sent and messages opened. **Click next to highlight around page visits. **Click next to highlight around donations made.

42 Questions

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