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Volume 20, Issue 18, Pages 1602-1614 (September 2010)
Cellular Organization of the Neural Circuit that Drives Drosophila Courtship Behavior Jai Y. Yu, Makoto I. Kanai, Ebru Demir, Gregory S.X.E. Jefferis, Barry J. Dickson Current Biology Volume 20, Issue 18, Pages (September 2010) DOI: /j.cub Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions
Figure 1 Genetic Dissection of fru Neurons
(A) Intersectional genetics strategy for subdividing the fru neurons. (B) Structure of the targeted fruFLP locus. In neurons that express fru P1 transcripts, FLP excises the transcription stop sequence (>stop>) to permit GAL4/UAS-dependent expression of the selected marker. (C) Brain (top) and ventral nerve cord (VNC, bottom) of an nsyb-GAL4 fruFLP UAS>stop>nlacZ male stained for FruM (green) and β-galactosidase (magenta). Venn diagram shows the number of FruM (green), β-galactosidase (magenta), and double-positive neurons (white) in the male and female central nervous systems (n = 5–7), excluding mushroom body Kenyon cells. Females do not express FruM. Scale bars represent 100 μm. (D–G) Cell body positions of selected fru neuronal types in the anterior brain (D), posterior brain (E), ventral VNC (F), and dorsal VNC (G). Each neuronal type is depicted as three spheres. Current Biology , DOI: ( /j.cub ) Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions
Figure 2 Prominent Regions of fru+ Innervation
(A and F) Registered images of nsyb-GAL4 fruFLP UAS>stop>mCD8-GFP male brain (A) and VNC (F) stained with anti-GFP (green) and shown on the reference templates (magenta). (B–E and G) Demarcation of lateral protocerebral complex (B), mushroom body (C), tritocerebral loop (D), and mesothoracic triangle (G). (E) is an enlargement of the indicated region in (B), showing the ring, lateral junction, arch, and lateral crescent. Each image shows a surface representation (gray) of the GFP signal extracted from an averaged confocal image and shown against the reference template (magenta). Scale bars represent 100 μm (A–D, F, and G) and 50 μm (E). Current Biology , DOI: ( /j.cub ) Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions
Figure 3 Potential Connectivity and Projection Patterns of the fru Neurons (A and B) Calculated overlap between arborizations of pairs of fru neurons in the male brain (A) and VNC (B), color-coded as indicated. Values indicate volume overlap between the arbor at the bottom and the arbor on the right as a fraction of the volume of the arbor on the right. Arborization polarity is indicated as: A, axonal; D, dendritic; B, bipolar; U, undefined. (C) Projection diagram for the fru neurons. The following abbreviations are used: a, anterior; AB, abdominal; AL, antennal lobe; AMMC, antennal mechanosensory motor complex; d, dorsal; DV, dorsal ventral brain; l, lateral; LPC, lateral protocerebral complex; m, medial; MB, mushroom body; MSMPr, medial superior medial protocerebrum; MS, mesothoracic; MSTr, mesothoracic triangle; MT, metathoracic; OL, optic lobe; PR, prothoracic; PSMPr, posterior superior medial protocerebrum; SMPr, superior medial protocerebrum; SOG, subesophageal ganglion; TL, tritocerebral loop; v, ventral; VB, ventral body; VLPr, ventrolateral protocerebrum; VNC, ventral nerve cord. Current Biology , DOI: ( /j.cub ) Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions
Figure 4 fru Sensory Pathways
(A and B) fru olfactory pathways. (A) is a schematic of the fru neurons shown in (B). Top panels in (B) show neurons in the antenna visualized with τlacZ (blue) or neurons in the central brain with mCD8-GFP (green) against the reference brain (magenta). Images of central neurons were extracted from registered confocal stacks with masks containing the appropriate regions. Bottom panels show selected brain regions with overlaid image pairs in which one neuronal type is labeled with nsyb-GFP (magenta) and the other with Dscam17.1-GFP (green). GAL4 lines used for images in (B) were: antenna, nsyb-GAL4; PN, GH146; MB, 11-32; aSP5, 9-189; aSP8, 9-10; aSP9, NP111; OSN, 11-32; OSN-PN, 11-32, tshirt-GAL4, and Mz19; PN-MB, Mz19 and 11-32; PN-aSP5, Mz19 and 9-189; PN-aSP8, Mz19 and 9-10; PN and aSP9, Mz19 and NP111. (C and D) Mechanosensory pathway. (C) is a schematic of the innervation of the AMMC zone A. JON-As denote Johnston's organ neuron afferents. GAL4 lines used for images in (D) were: JON, fruGAL4 eyFLP; aDT5, NP2643; JON-aDT5, fruGAL4 eyFLP and NP4734. (E and F) Visual pathways. (E) is a schematic of projection neurons from the lobula plate. GAL4 line used for all images in (F) was NP111. (G and H) Ascending pathways. GAL4 lines used for images in (H) were: leg and genitalia, peb-GAL4; vAB3, pox9-1-6; aDT2, 9-168; aDT6, p52a; leg-vAB3, and pox9-1-6; vAB3-aDT2, pox9-1-6 and p52a; vAB3-aDT6, pox9-1-6 and All samples are male. All images show signal extracted from single registered confocal images, which are overlaid. Scale bars represent 100 μm (central brain) and 25 μm (enlarged regions). Current Biology , DOI: ( /j.cub ) Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions
Figure 5 fru Neurons in the Lateral Protocerebral Complex
(A) Schematic showing selected input and output pathways of the lateral protocerebral complex. (B) Input neurons labeled with mCD8-GFP (top) and nsyb-GFP (magenta) and Dscam17.1-GFP (green) (bottom). Maximum-intensity projections are shown with the lateral protocerebral complex outlined in white. GAL4 lines used were: aSP5, 9-189; aSP8, 9-10; aSP9, NP111; aDT5, NP2643 and NP4734; pIP3, NP111; aDT2, 9-189; aDT6, p52a. Images are masked to show the relevant regions, except aSP8 and aDT5. (C) Intrinsic neurons of the lateral protocerebral complex. GAL4 lines used were: pIP5 and pIP6, 12-5; pMP4, NP2631; aSP1, NP111; aSP2, OK371; aSP4, TH-GAL4; aSP6, tshirt-GAL4. aSP1 is masked to show the relevant regions. (D) Output neurons from the lateral protocerebral complex. GAL4 lines used were: pMP2, NP4784; pIP1, tshirt-GAL80 and NP3018; aSP12, p52a; aSP13, Mz19. aSP12 is masked to show the relevant regions. Rightmost panels show spatial overlap of aSP12 presynaptic sites and aSP13 dendrites. All samples are male. All images show signal extracted from single registered confocal images, which are overlaid. Scale bars represent 50 μm in all but central brain (100 μm) and enlarged region (25 μm) in (D). Current Biology , DOI: ( /j.cub ) Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions
Figure 6 fru Descending Neurons and fru Neurons of the Mesothoracic Triangle (A) Schematic of the pMP2 descending pathway and selected neurons of the wing region of the mesothoracic ganglion. (B) Descending and ascending neurons labeled with mCD8-GFP. Images were extracted from registered confocal stacks with masks covering the appropriate regions. GAL4 lines used were: pMP2, NP4784; pIP1, tshirt-GAL80; aSP3, NP4448 tshirt-GAL80; aDT8, NP111 tshirt-GAL80; vPR1, NP37 tshirt-GAL80. Expression of GAL80 under the tshirt promoter suppresses labeling of most cells in the VNC, allowing easier visualization of descending fibers. (C) Neurons in the mesothoracic triangle, including colocalization of axonal termini of the descending neuron pMP2 and the dendritic arbors of local interneurons vPR6 and dMS2, as well as axonal termini of vPR6 and dMS2 overlaid with the central arborization of the vMS2 motor neuron. vMS2 innervates a direct flight muscle (bottom right). GAL4 lines used were: vPR6, NP5266; dMS2, 2-13; pMP2, NP4794; vMS2, NP2062 and 8-44. All samples are male. All images are extracted from single registered confocal images. Scale bars represent 100 μm (central brain, VNC, and muscle preparation) and 20 μm (enlarged regions in C). Current Biology , DOI: ( /j.cub ) Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions
Figure 7 Sexually Dimorphic fru Neurons
(A) Schematic of sexually dimorphic fru neurons. (B) Cellular dimorphisms in selected fru neurons. Arrowheads indicate neurons that are absent or reduced in number (open arrowheads) in females. Arrows indicate sex-specific arborizations. Images for aDT2, aSP2, aSP4, pMP2, pMP4, vPR1, and foreleg (LAN1) are projections of original images, whereas aSP1, aSP6, vPR6, and the male VNC image of vAB3 are masked to show the relevant regions. GAL4 lines used were: aSP2, OK371; aDT2, 9-189; pMP4, NP2631; aSP4, TH-GAL4; pMP2, NP4784; vPR1, NP37 tshirt-GAL80; foreleg, peb-GAL4; aSP1, NP111; aSP6, tshirt-GAL4; vPR6, NP5266; vAB3, pox Scale bars represent 100 μm. Current Biology , DOI: ( /j.cub ) Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd Terms and Conditions
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