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AIR Ways Training Module

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1 AIR Ways Training Module
Welcome to the online training module for the AIR Ways reporting system. This training module discusses the information and features of the system. For more in depth information you can review the AIR Ways Reporting System User Guide on the HSAP portal at Copyright © 2016 American Institutes for Research. All rights reserved.

2 What is AIR Ways? AIR Ways is a reporting system that provides teachers with detailed information on student performance on Interim Assessments. AIR Ways is a reporting system that provides teachers with detailed information about their students’ performance on Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments. The reports show student responses to items, and information on which items students in a class performed the best or worst. Complex Area Superintendents and Complex Staff can also use AIR Ways to see the data at the school and district (complex) level; Principals and Test Coordinators can see the data at the school level.

3 How Data Gets to AIR Ways
Use AVA, the THSS materials in TIDE, and the Interim blueprints to decide which Interim to administer. Administer the Interim to students using the TA site and the Secure Browser. Use the THSS to score constructed response items using the materials located in TIDE. View high-level reports in ORS. View more detailed, item level reports in AIR Ways. AIR Ways is at the end of a set of assessment events. Educators should use the Assessment Viewing Application (AVA), the Teacher Hand-Scoring System (THSS) materials located in TIDE, and the Interim blueprints posted in the General Information folder on the HSAP Portal ( to help them determine which Interim Assessment to give to students. Then the Test Administration (TA) Interface and the Hawaii Secure Browser are used to administer an Interim Comprehensive Assessment (ICA) or an Interim Assessment Block (IAB) to students. The student responses to any constructed response items are then scored by educators at the local level via the THSS. After hand-scoring is completed, data will be available in both the Online Reporting System (ORS) and in the AIR Ways reporting system. If no hand-scoring is needed, which is true for many of the IABs, scores will be available in ORS and AIR Ways soon after the completion of testing. Each of these systems has their own User Guide and Training Module available on the HSAP Portal. Please refer to those materials for questions about those steps of the process.

4 Assessments and Data in AIR Ways
District Assessment Reports School Assessment Reports The Assessment Reports in AIR Ways provide detailed information about how the students associated with a user or institution performed on an individual assessment. Assessment Reports display a column of student performance data for the assessment as a whole, for each claim (reporting category), and on individual items in the Interim Assessment. The reports are available for each assessment at various levels within the complex: The data available in AIR Ways depends on the user’s level of access and the report you are viewing: The Teacher Reports include data for all the assessments associated with a given teacher. This includes the following: All data for any students who participated in a test session proctored by that teacher (including data for assessments completed in other teachers’ test sessions). All data for any students who are members of that teacher’s rosters as of Fall 2016 (including data for assessments they completed in other teachers’ test sessions). School Reports include data for all the assessments associated with teachers who belong to a given school. District (Complex) Reports include data for all the assessments associated with the schools that belong to that complex. All of these reports [excluding the District (Complex) Assessment Report] also provide information about how students responded to the individual items in each Interim Comprehensive Assessment or Interim Assessment Block and allow you to view those items. Authorized users can navigate from a higher-level Assessment Report to a lower level Assessment Report for institutions and users who are members of their institution. For example, Complex Area Superintendents and Complex Staff can access the School Assessment Report for each school listed in their District (Complex) Assessment Report. Teacher Assessment Reports

5 Teacher Dashboard Specific Assessments Specific Students
The Teacher Dashboard is the landing page for Teachers in AIR Ways. From this page, you can see how your students performed on a specific assessment or you can see how a specific student performed across assessments. When you log in you will see two tables. The top table is the My Assessments table. It displays all assessments your students have taken as well as the average score and performance distribution of all assessments for all your students. The bottom table is the My Students table, it displays a list of your students (rostered and proctored) who have taken any test as well as when they last took a test. Specific Students

6 My Assessments Table Assessment Name: list of all assessments that your students have taken. Student Count: number of students who have taken the assessment Average Score and Performance Distribution: how your students did on the specific assessment Date Last Taken: last time one of your students took the assessment. The My Assessments table provides information about how your students did, organized by assessment. The table shows at a glance information on all of the assessments your students took. Assessment name shows the name of the assessment. The Test Reason column will currently show Unassigned. The Student Count column shows you how many of your students took the specific test. The Average Score and Performance Distribution columns will show how your students did on the specific Interim assessment. The Last Date Taken column lists the last time one of your students took the assessment. Each column can be sorted using the up and down arrows at the top of the column. If you want to see how each of your students did on a specific assessment, click on the assessment name, or the magnifying glass to the left. Click on the assessment name to view students who took that assessment.

7 My Students’ Performance on Assessment
Click on the points earned to view the item and student’s response Once you have selected the assessment you want to see, it will take you to a page of all of your students who took this assessment. This report can be used to compare how individual students performed compared to the rest of the students as well as to show you how your class did as a whole. There is a row which shows performance data for all of the students shown (1), as well as a row for each student who took the test (2). The ‘Everyone’ row has the average score and performance level for students listed. In the further columns it lists the points possible for each item. If you want to see the item you can click on the item number in the top row (3). This will show the blank item as the student saw it. If you want to see a specific student’s response to an item, click on the point value in the student’s row (4). A pop-up will appear showing the item and student's response. For some items, this pop-up also provides information about the item's difficulty, alignment, and scoring. Score and performance information for the class as a whole Item numbers Individual student’s results  Student points earned

8 Item Response Information
Item label: Student name and item number and assessment Details: Content alignment for the item being viewed Item: Item as the student saw it and the student’s response. Rubric: Correct answer for the item. (Note: Available only for some items.) The item response page gives you specific information about how your student answered the question. This view can be used to analyze the student’s understanding of individual item topics. If the student did not earn full points, looking at the item view allows you to see where your student may have made the error. In the top row (1) you will see the student’s name, item number and test. Under details (2) you can find out the specific content alignment of the item. The item section (3) shows the item as the student saw it, as well as the student’s responses. The rubric section (4) may show scoring information for the item. If the item is machine scored, it will also show if the child answered correctly or incorrectly.

9 Student Portfolio Compare Student’s Score to Average Score of My Students Compare Student’s Performance to Performance Distribution of My Students Click on an assessment, and then an item, to view a student’s item response. To return to the Dashboard, click on the Dashboard link at the top left of the page. Then, you can select a specific student on the My Students report. This will take you to the student portfolio page. This report provides score and performance data for all assessments a student has completed. The table allows for the comparison of the Student’s Score to the Average Score of My Students (1), and the Student’s Performance Level to the distribution of performance levels across a teacher’s students (2). To access the student’s item response on a selected assessment using this report, click on an assessment, and then an item, as in slide 6.

10 School (and District) Reports
Assessment label: Name of the assessment Student count: Number of students who took the specific assessment in your complex/school Student performance: Performance average for all students in your complex or school who took the specific assessment. The Dashboard landing page is very similar for Test Coordinators, Principals, Complex Area Superintendents, and Complex Staff. In both cases, the dashboard will show a summary of the assessments students in your jurisdiction have taken. Unlike the Teacher Dashboard only one table will appear, the Average Score and Performance Distribution by Assessment for the school or complex. For Complex Area Superintendents and Complex Staff, clicking on an assessment will take you to the school level, as the school user sees when they log in.

11 School (and District) Reports
When looking at the Performance Distribution column, remember that the ICAs and IABs will have different information. ICAs will have 4 performance levels, which are the same as the performance levels on the Summative Assessment. The IABs will have 3 categories: Below Standard, At/Near Standard, and Above Standard, which are like the claim scores in the Summative assessments. Click the "I" icon next to the graph for a key to explain the various colors in the column. Here is a key that indicates what the meanings of the various colors of the Performance Distribution column.

12 School Performance on Assessment
This tab shows performance by each class or roster on the selected assessment The School Performance on the Test page has two tabs. Performance by class, showing how each class or roster performed and performance by student, showing a list of every student in the school who took the test and their performance. Click on this tab to see a list of students in the school who took the specified assessment.

13 Performance by Class Class: Name of the class and roster and the teacher associated with that class/roster Student count and percent complete: Number of students in the roster who took the specific assessment and percent of students in the roster who have taken that assessment Student performance: Performance average for all students in the roster who took the specific assessment Item Scores: These regions group items by how the students in the roster preformed on the items. This shows the 5 best and 5 worse as well as the total items. Clicking on the item score will show the item. To see how each class/roster in your school performed, choose the performance by class tab. In this tab you can compare class/roster performance on the specific assessment with other classes or rosters as well as the school overall. This view will allow you to identify rosters or classes that may need more attention, and allow you to modify instruction for them. This view also shows the items that the students in the rosters shown did the best and worst on. These areas can be opened or closed to show only the best, only the worse, or all items. This information can be seen by Teachers, Test Coordinators, Principals, Complex Area Superintendents, and Complex Staff.

14 Performance by Student
Student Name and Student ID: Name and ID number of the student Student performance: Performance average for all students shown and for each student shown Item Scores: These regions group items by how the student performed. This shows the 5 best and 5 worse as well as the total items. Clicking on the item score will show the item. To see how each student in your school performed, choose the performance by student tab. In this tab you can compare students’ performance on the specific assessment with the other students in the school, or click on a specific student to bring up the performance by student page.

15 Header Bar and Other Features
y  Navigation links: Current page and links to navigate to previous pages  Inbox: Location of saved reports  Task Manager: Where to manage rosters and create or manage assessment or Class preferences  Print button: Print the current page or data associated with the page y SSID search: Search for an individual student by SSID AIR Ways navigation is based on the text in the top right corner. (1) The bolded section shows the current page. The links can be used to navigate to previous pages. AIR Ways has other features to assist Teachers, Test Coordinators, Principals, Complex Area Superintendents, and Complex Staff. You may print or download the page you are viewing by clicking the printer in the upper right. (4) If you want to be able to manipulate the data you can save the file as a csv through the print link rather than as a pdf. You will also be able to choose if you want to print or download a summary of the data or the data including student scores. Reports that you have printed or downloaded are saved in the Inbox indicated in (2) above in the screenshot. You can also choose which test you want to see in your reports in (3). Please see the next slide for more details. If you want to go directly to a student’s portfolio page, listing all of the tests taken by that student you can search using the student’s SSID indicated in (5) above in the screenshot. If you would like more information on anything discussed in this presentation, please see the AIR Ways Reporting System User Guide located on the HSAP Portal at

16 Task Manager Feature As mentioned in the previous slide, there is a feature called Task Manager. As a teacher, if you click on the Task Manager feature and select ‘Update My Test Preferences’, you can pick if you want to show all tests your students have taken or only specific ones. As a Test Coordinator, a Principal, a Complex Area Superintendent, or Complex Staff, you can choose to either see all assessments and students or to use your teachers’ preferences. Teachers may also manage their rosters by selecting the ‘View/Edit Rosters’ option from Task Manager.

17 Print Feature 1 2 The Print Feature allows users to download and print the various reports in AIR Ways. Select the print button in the top right corner, and print options will appear. We recommend saving to PDF as this will look more like what you are seeing on the screen than the other options.

18 Thank You! Further Information Visit Call, fax, or the American Institutes for Research HSAP Help Desk Hours: 7:30 am to 4:00 p.m. HST, Monday-Friday (except holidays) Phone: Thank you for taking the time to view this training module. For additional information, refer to your AIR Ways Reporting System User Guide located on the HSAP Portal at, or contact the Help Desk.

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