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Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

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1 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
Lesson 2 Basic Editing © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

2 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
View Tab on the Ribbon Word provides options to change a document’s onscreen appearance by viewing the document in different views: Read Mode Print Layout Web Layout Outline Draft View © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

3 Other Options on the View Tab:
Adding horizontal rulers vertical rulers gridlines increasing or decreasing the view of the document arranging the document windows viewing the document side by side splitting the document can also change the view on the screen. © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

4 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
Read Mode: In the Views group, click the Read Mode button to change the view of the document as shown below. The document page layout changes with an increase font size for easier reading. Some tools are available for editing and navigating. © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

5 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
Print Layout View: Default view Document looks like how it will print You can use the Ribbon to create and edit document © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

6 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
Web Layout View If you click the Web Layout button in the View tab. This view allows you to see the document as it would look as a web page. © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

7 Outline View Displays the document as an outline
Offers an Outlining tab Has commands for creating and editing outlines 11/9/2018

8 Draft View Used strictly for editing text.
Objects like charts, graphs, pictures are hidden in this view 11/9/2018

9 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
Change Document Views While in Read Mode, Click Tools on the menu in the upper-left corner of the screen to produce the Tools options menu, as shown at right. Four additional commands appear.Note that the first two options are active whereas the Can’t Undo and Can’t Redo are inactive. The inactive commands change to active after an action has been performed. © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

10 Alternative Locations for Document Views:
Note that some of the View options buttons are also available on the status bar at the bottom right of your screen. © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

11 Rulers: vertical and horizontal
Rulers are extremely helpful when dealing with alignment. In the Show command group on the View Tab, click the Ruler check box to insert a check mark and activate the command. The horizontal and vertical rulers appear. © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

12 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
Gridlines: On the View Tab, if you click the Gridlines check box, a grid appears behind text on the page. Click the Gridlines check box to remove check mark. This is only one of the many toggle switches in Word. Gridlines are helpful when aligning pictures/clip art. Gridlines are only shown in Print Layout View © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

13 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
Zoom Click the One Page button in the Zoom command group to display one entire page on the screen. Click the Multiple Pages button to switch to a display of multiple pages. © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

14 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
Zoom Continued… Click the Zoom button. The Zoom dialog box appears, as shown below. Click the radio button beside 200% in the Zoom area of the dialog box, and then click OK. The document image enlarges to twice its full size. In the percent box, you can type in the exact % you want to zoom. Take Note: To use the Many Pages in the Zoom dialog box, hover over the thumbnails and click the number of pages to display on the screen. © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

15 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
Zoom Slider Click the Zoom Out button on the Zoom slider, which is located at the right end of the status bar (below). Each time you click the Zoom Out button, Word decreases the size of the displayed portion of your document by 10%. © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

16 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
Window Views: The commands in the Window command group enable you to open and arrange multiple document windows. New Window = opens a new document displaying the current document. The document title has the number 2 in it. This feature allows you to work in different places in your document. In the Window command group, click the Switch Windows button. A menu of open windows appears, as shown at right. © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

17 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
Arrange All: Word displays the two windows on the screen at the same time one above the other. © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

18 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
Split: If you click the Split button, you now have a horizontal split bar and a double-sided arrow. When you position the split bar below text and click the mouse, you are splitting your document and making it easy to edit two different sections in the same document. Your two documents do NOT scroll at the same time but independently allowing you to view two parts of the doc at the same time. © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

19 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
View Side by Side: You can view 2 documents next to each other. Note that Synchronous Scrolling (scrolling at the same time) is on by default. This type of scrolling allows you to scroll both documents at the same time. © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

20 Reset Window Position:
Used with the View Side by Side button and when viewing two documents side by side Reset Window position will position both documents equally on the screen. © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

21 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
Switch Windows: Allows you to select which document will be the active document (the one ready for editing). Name of the active document appears on the title bar. To use this feature, first turn on side by side. © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

22 Using Keystrokes to Navigate in a document:
Right arrow key to move the insertion point one character to the right. Left arrow key to move one character to the left. Down arrow key to move down one line. End key to move to the end of the line. Page Up moves you up one screen Page Down key to move down one screen. Ctrl+Home keys to move to the beginning of the document. Ctrl + End keys move to the end of the document Ctrl + right arrow / left arrow allows you to play leap frog with entire words. Home moves to the beginning of the line © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

23 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
Navigation Pane: Click View on the menu, and put a check mark in the Navigation Pane. The Navigation Pane opens on the left-side of the screen. This allows you to navigate in your document quickly by: headings – displays the structure of your document by levels based on the document’s heading styles. pages – displays thumbnails (tiny images of your document pages. results – displays a list of search results when you have used the Navigation Pane’s search tool (search box and magnifying glass icon) to look for particular text in your document. © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

24 Replace Text in a Document – Home Tab
In the Editing group on the Home Tab, click the Replace button; the Find and Replace dialog box opens. Once you type your selection, you will have several options: Replace – will replace word Find Next- Word searches for the first occurrence of the word and highlights it then goes on to find the next occurrence. Replace All-Word searches for all occurrences of the word and replaces it. Word then displays a message revealing how many replacements were made. © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

25 Replace Text in a Document with a specific format…
Click the More>> button to expand the dialog box to include additional search and replace options (below). Click the Format button and select Font from the drop-down list; the Find Font dialog box appears. © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

26 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
Go To Command: On the Home tab, in the Editing group, click the drop-down arrow next to the Find button, and then click Go To. The Go To tab of the Find and Replace dialog box is displayed, as shown below. © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

27 Advanced Find: (Another Option)
This command is used to highlight every occurrence of a particular word or phrase in your document. Steps: Go to View Tab Put check in Navigation Pane so it is turned on Click on the drop down arrow next to the Search document box Click on Advanced Find © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

28 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
Wildcards: Characters used to find words or phrases than contain specific letters or combinations of letters. ? Represents one single character. Example: d?g will return every word in your document that begins with the letter d and ends with the letter g with one letter between. So dog, dig, dug, etc. * Represents a string of characters. Example: m*t will return every word in your document that begins with the letter m and ends with the letter t and as many letters between. So mat, meet, met, mutt, etc. © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

29 Selecting, Replacing, and Deleting Text:
Backspace key = deletes characters to the left of the insertion point Delete key = delete characters to the right of the insertion point Multi-selection feature = allows you to select multiple text items that are not continuous. Hold the CTRL key down and left click the mouse to select. © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

30 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
Selecting Text: Triple-click the mouse to select the entire paragraph. CTRL + A = to select the entire document Double-click on a word to select the entire word © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

31 Cutting, copying and pasting text:
When you use the copy or cut command, the Clipboard stores the items for you to past in another location of the document. Cut = removal of text from original location (CTRL + X) Copy = duplicating a copy of the text to the Clipboard (CTRL + C) Paste = pasting or placing text in the document (CTRL + V) © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

32 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
Clipboard On the Home tab, in the Clipboard group you have the options to Cut Copy Paste Format Painter Items are automatically placed in the clipboard. The max storage is 24 items. Click the Clipboard group dialog box launcher to display the Clipboard task pane/dialog box. © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

33 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
Paste Options: There are many paste options but Word allows you to hover over the commands to see the effects. Paste Option Description Keep Source Formatting Keeps the text with the original format. Merge Formatting Keeps different colors and sizes of fonts Keep Text Only Regardless of its font, size and formatting when pasted, the text appears in 11 point, Calibri) © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

34 Use the Clipboard to Copy and Move Text
Another Way: To copy an item to the Clipboard using the keyboard, select the item, and then press Ctrl+C. To cut a selected item using the keyboard, press Ctrl+X. To paste the item most recently collected on the Clipboard, click to locate the insertion point, and then press Ctrl+V on the keyboard. To produce a pop-up menu containing Cut, Copy, and Paste commands, right-click in the document. Take Note: Your Clipboard task pane might look different depending on how many items have been collected. © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

35 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
Document Properties Document Properties identifies the creator of the document, date the doc was created, subject, category and keywords that can be used to search for the doc. Click File to open Backstage Click Info and then click the drop-down arrow on the right-side of Properties to view the options as shown at right. Click Show Document Panel. The Document Properties is displayed. © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

36 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
Which word feature enables you to select multiple pieces of text that are not next to each other? Multi-selection feature multi-task feature Multi-select all text feature Control + A feature © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

37 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
___________ are reduced size versions of images. Thumb drives Thumb documents Thumb nails Preview panes © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

38 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
The advanced properties allows you to add: Keywords Categories Author’s name All of the above © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

39 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
In what view is synchronous scrolling active? Split Arrange all New window Side by side © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

40 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
When heading styles have been applied to a document, their user has the option to navigate through the document using which tab on the navigation pane? Headings Pages Results None of the above © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

41 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
Commands for replacing text with formatted text are located in the: Find and replace dialog box Advanced find in the navigation pane Dialog box that opens when you press Control + H All of the above © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

42 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
The keyboard shortcut for finding text is? Control + H Control + F Control + G Control + 5 © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

43 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
The replace command can be opened using? The find and replace dialog box Control + H Advanced find in the navigation pane All of the above © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

44 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
Which wildcard would you use to find a single character? ? ** * ?? © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

45 Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013
The go to command allows you to navigate by page, text, graphics, equations or tables by doing which of the following? F5 Find and Replace dialog box Control + G All of the above © 2014, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Microsoft Official Academic Course, Microsoft Word 2013

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