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Creative Inventions and Robotics Digital Photography.

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Presentation on theme: "Creative Inventions and Robotics Digital Photography."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creative Inventions and Robotics Digital Photography

2 What you ll need … 1.Digital camera 2.Windows or Mac computer 3.Adobe Elements or Photoshop or equivalent 4.PowerPoint What you ll learn … 1.Qualities of a good photo. 2.File management 3.Digital image theory 4.Digitally reworking images 5.Composing a photo journal 6.Making a photo journal come alive

3 Wars are everywhere. Many people around the world dont trust others. Why is it like that? The Problem …

4 Help the next generation of leaders and builders to understand the history, culture and traditions of other lands. Compose a photo journal that describes why your life, country, and community are good. Collect images that show what could be improved. Make your photo journal tell a story and then share your story with other kids around the world. Your Mission

5 Composition Simplicity Contrast Rule of thirds Perspective Know your frame Foreground Background Color Shadow Focus Lighting Exposure Components of a great picture Ansel Adams

6 Composition Simplicity Contrast Rule of thirds Perspective Know your frame Foreground Background Color Shadow Focus Lighting Exposure Components of a great picture Annie Liebowitz

7 Composition Simplicity Contrast Rule of thirds Perspective Know your frame Foreground Background Color Shadow Focus Lighting Exposure Components of a great picture Harold Edgerton

8 Which picture is more interesting? Why? Composition

9 Which picture of flowers is more interesting? Why? Foreground vs. Background

10 Only a small section of the frame is interesting Fill the Frame

11 Dramatic color contrasts Little color contrast Color

12 …but they don t always work cause sometimes you can t dig the subject Shadow that works because the outline is cool. Do you feel scared? Shadow

13 Focus on eyes Focus

14 1)Use odd numbers. 2)Spontaneous vs. staged. 3)Find dramatic or memorable angles. 4)Look for contrasts. 5)Frame points of interest, often off-center. 6)Focus on points of interest, especially eyes. 7)What story is the picture telling? Interest

15 The Camera Basics Turn it on Quick View Zoom in Zoom out Focus Shutter button

16 Subjects Texture Shapes Nature Emotion Action Color

17 Rules Before We Shoot Wear your Wrist Strap Stay with your buddy Think about your photos Explore your subject thoroughly

18 Uploading Your Photos Find a computer Plug in the Camera Import them to the photo library Make sure they are saved on the computer Check them out

19 Five Rules of Composition Simplicity New perspective Rule of Thirds Use your foreground Know your frame

20 Simplicity Chose your one subject before you take the shot Show your subject as clearly as possible Avoid distracting hot spots Avoid distracting shapes If you take a picture of everything you take a picture of nothing.

21 New Perspective We have knees so use them Dont just show us the same perspective that we see every day. Get Creative! The most interesting photos may be the ones taken while lying on the floor or standing on a rock. Show us a new cool perspective of your subject that makes your photo more interesting

22 Rule of Thirds Asymmetry makes photos more interesting

23 Use your foreground The foreground can be a useful tool to draw your viewer into the photo When used right it can also help to make your photo more interesting Try putting objects in your foreground that compliment and dont distract from your subject

24 Know Your Frame It is your photo so know everything that goes into it Get that distracting leaf out of the corner or that bright reflection away from your subject Before you press the button scan the whole frame from top to bottom to make sure you want everything you see

25 Lighting When and how to use your flash Backlighting Dappled lighting Indoor lighting vs. Natural Lighting How to use shadows

26 The Flash: how it works The flash button is the lightening button on the back By pressing it you can chose which mode you want

27 The Flash: modes Auto: the camera chooses how bright to make the flash based on the amount of light coming into the camera Eye Ball: red eye flash takes away red eye by flashing quickly before the shot is taken Lightening bolt: full flash, the camera puts the flash at full power Crossed out bolt: the flash is turned off.

28 Backlighting When something is lit from the back by a light shining towards your camera This means that the camera cannot get very much detail out of the front of the subject because the back is so bright Normally you want to avoid allowing your subject to be lit from behind If a subject must be lit from behind try turning your flash on to light the front Can be cool sometimes when trying to make a silhouette

29 Dappled Lighting This happens a lot when you take a picture while your subject is in the shade of the tree The light coming through the leaves makes a lot of distracting hot spots in the frame It is best to avoid dappled lighting unless you have a good reason to use it

30 Indoor and Natural Light Indoor and natural light are completely different colors: natural light from the sun looks blue and indoor light looks yellow Which light you chose can drastically effect the mood of your photo. Pick the light that is right for your subject

31 Shadows Shadows can make a photo very dramatic Shadows are an easy way to create contrast that can make your photo more interesting In order to get good shadows try turning your flash off and looking for subjects that are lit by only one light source

32 Exposure What it is and how it works Detail Contrast Color

33 What It Is And How It Works Choosing your exposure is choosing how light or dark to make your picture On the camera press the menu button and press mode menu go to the camera options and select the plus and minus sign in the black and white box From here you can make your exposure go up or down. If you go up you make the picture lighter and if you go down you make it darker

34 Detail Exposure useful when trying to get detail out of a very dark or light subject If you are taking a picture of a person who looks almost white in your frame try to turn your exposure down to darken their face and see more detail if you are taking a photo of a very dark person or subject try turning the exposure up

35 Contrast In your image you always want to have some bright areas and some dark areas Exposure is a good way to draw attention to your subject by making it stand out against a darker background or vice versa By turning your exposure up or down you can make the photo more interesting by creating more contrast

36 Color Color can make an ok photo look amazing By lowering your exposure you can make hard to see colors stand out more Try not to use too many colors or your photo will become too complex and distracting

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