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Sims Tracking Grids Go to Focus, Assessment , Tracking Grids.

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Presentation on theme: "Sims Tracking Grids Go to Focus, Assessment , Tracking Grids."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sims Tracking Grids Go to Focus, Assessment , Tracking Grids

2 Select the saved Tracking Grid Template for your subject
( KS2 – 4 reports / Results (subject) KS2 - 4 )

3 Blank Grid appears

4 Change Row Aspect to Average KS2 score

5 The column is set to show the latest results but you can change this to look at results
From previous years or previous reporting rounds.

6 A list of the result sets available will appear – scroll down to Summer or reports
Select the results you want to see the information for.

7 Which group of students do you want to look at ?
Click on the magnifying glass at the side of Source group. Select the year group / course etc

8 Press Populate and the students names will appear in the grid


10 You can also filter the Source group by adding a group Filter
Once the list appears select the group you need to looks at EG Pupil Premium You will need to Populate the grid again.

11 You can the Print, Copy or Export the information

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