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Economic Value of Standards

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1 Economic Value of Standards
Presented by the International Electrotechnical Commission

2 Aim This presentation was developed by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) to create a better awareness and understanding of the importance of standards for students of business schools and management of technology, and technology policy faculties of technical universities. It consists of three lectures: An introduction to standards and their importance A discussion of the life cycle of standards, their development, use and maintenance A discussion of the economic value of standards (i.e. their relevance for business, innovation and international trade). This lecture series, the IEC Lecture Series II, has been developed for the occasion of the ‘IEC centennial’. It is the second of a series of lectures. IEC Lecture Series I (IEC, 2005) was developed for electro-technical engineers by prof. Donald Purcell. We strongly recommend you to check it up. The lecture series are complementary – a few slides excepted. This lecture series aims to provide teaching material for roughly 3 x 45 minutes. It represents a selection, a basis for further elaboration. Some extra material and many of the extra references are included in the notes. The references can be found in a separate document which accompanies this lecture series. Some colleagues provided very valuable comments on and ideas for earlier versions, and/or they allowed us, my colleague Jaroslav Spirco and me, to use some of their own slides. These are in order of involvement: Jack Sheldon (IEC), Marc van Wegberg (University of Maastricht), Mostafa Hashem Sherif (AT&T), Henk de Vries (RSM Erasmus University), and Knut Blind (Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research). We thank them very much for their time and effort.

3 Contents Economic Benefits of Standards
Basic Concepts in Economics of Standardization Standards and Innovation Standards and Trade Summarizing the Benefits References

4 Introduction We live in a world profoundly reliant on product standards. They affect our lives in ways we sometimes do not even notice, but they have far-reaching implications for economic activity (WTO, 2005) Standards have a positive impact on the economy, e.g. …

5 Economic Benefits of Standardization
Standards account for 13% of the growth in labour productivity in the UK (Blind, 2004) Standards have a positive effect on exports (DIN, 2000) Standardization accounts for about 1% of the European GNP* (Blind, 2004) International standards lead to international competitiveness (DIN, 2000) Macroeconomic benefits of standardization are greater than individual industry advantage (DIN, 2000) *GNP: gross national product

6 Economic Costs of Standardization
Who finances standardization? Participants usually have to finance themselves Short-term costs versus long-term pay-off Standards can become Trade Barriers (more later on)

7 Basic Concepts in the Economics of Standardization
Economies of scale Free rider problem Information asymmetry Transaction costs Network externalities Switching costs Excess inertia and lock-in Bandwagon effect

8 Economies of scale Standards reduce variety, thereby lowering the cost associated with the production of one unit and creating economies of scale. Economies of scale are often taken into consideration when choosing which standard to support and adopt (e.g. the GSM standard).

9 Free rider problem Companies who are unwilling to participate in and contribute to the standards process usually nevertheless have access to the standard (because most committee standards are available on the web for free or at low cost). This phenomenon is called the free rider problem.* *Many standards can be seen as a public good, that is, one person’s use of the standard does not preclude others from using it. Public goods tend to be underprovided because of the free-rider problem. In the case of standards, the creation of standards involves certain costs, while the gains are not exclusively for the contributing parties. (For a discussion of the public good, see e.g. Schoechle, 2004).)

10 Information asymmetry
Information asymmetry: information about e.g. a product is available to one party (the producer) but not to the other (the consumer). The information provided by standards reduces the problem of information asymmetry (Leland, 1979)* In the presence of information asymmetry, if buyers cannot differentiate between high and low quality goods, lower quality products can eventually drive out higher quality products. This is called adverse selection (Akerlof, 1970) The information provided by standards reduces the chance that imperfect information creates market failure (DTI, 2005) *E.g., minimum quality or quality discrimination standards indicate a minimum level of quality in terms of functioning or safety of products, and signal the quality of products and services to customers (Leland, 1979) Market failure may occur because producers of high quality products incur higher costs and are not able to sustain high prices on their products. If consumers lack information on the quality of products, they will chose the lower priced ones.

11 Transaction costs Transaction costs are costs not directly related to an economic exchange (e.g. the time and resources required to establish a common understanding). Standards reduce transaction costs of negotiation because “both parties to a deal mutually recognize what is being dealt in...” (Kindleberger, 1983, p.395). Between producers and customers: Standards reduce transaction costs by improving recognition of technical characteristics and avoidance of buyer dissatisfaction (Reddy, 1990). They reduce e.g. search costs since there is less need for customers to spend time and money evaluating products (Jones & Hudson 1996). Between producers: It is through sharing a common standard that anonymous partners in a market can communicate, can have common expectations on the performance of each other’s product, and can trust the compatibility of their joint production (WTO, 2005). By reducing transaction costs, standards make markets more efficient

12 Network externalities
Standards, particularly in the communication field, have network externalities: i.e. every new user in the network increases the value of being connected to the network (Farrell and Saloner 1985; Katz and Shapiro 1985) direct network externalities: e.g. every new fax machine increases the reach of the network indirect network externalities: e.g. if everyone buys the same car brand, the number of dealers and the availability of spare parts will be higher Network externalities require compatibility. Competing networks that are incompatible reduce the externalities of the networks involved. In order to better understand the notion of network externalities, it is helpful to start with the meaning of externalities in general. Externalities are the cost or benefits of a transaction incurred or received by members of society but not taken into account by the parties to the transaction (Lipsey and Steiner, 1979). Externalities disappear when they are included in the cost estimate and therefore become internalized. Externalities can be negative, e.g. the polluting industry bringing down the value of houses in the area, or positive, e.g. well-maintained park increasing the value of houses in the neighborhood.

13 Switching costs Refers to the costs associated with switching from one standard to another It involves a standard-specific investment that makes organizations hesitant to change standards (von Weizsaecker, 1982; Farrell and Shapiro, 1988) Estimated switching costs play a decisive role in the market strategy of network industries in particular (Shy, 2001)

14 Excess inertia and lock-in
Excess inertia occurs when users are reluctant to switch to another standard (Farrell and Saloner, 1986). Lock-in occurs when switching has become too difficult (Farrell, 1990). E.g. QWERTY keyboard layout (David 1985).

15 Bandwagon effect Bandwagon effect occurs when an important agent makes a unilateral public commitment to one standard; if others follow the lead they will be compatible at least with the first mover, and potentially with the followers (Farrell and Saloner, 1988) The first adopters of a standard take the highest risk, but they also have the benefit of developing competence early If the old technology does not retain its critical mass, those left behind are referred to as angry orphans (David, 1987)

16 Standards and Innovation
Standards form an essential part of the institutional infrastructure crucial for the development of innovation (Swann, 2000) Strong correlation between the number of standards and indicators of innovation (R&D level and patent count) (Blind, 2004) Standards generally support incremental innovation (Temple, 2004)

17 Influence of Standards on Innovation
Researchers, developers and engineers use standards to obtain information about state-of-the-art technology (Bauer, 1980). In this manner standards can focus innovation. Both standards and innovation strongly impact the growth of the economy. Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish both impacts (DTI, 2005).

18 Timing of standardization
Standardization at an inappropriate time can lead to economic inefficiency. Too early standardization may prematurely lock an industry into a technology, precluding experience with the diversity. Standardization occurs too late if technological options have already become entrenched. Companies with installed bases will then ignore the standards (Tanenbaum, 1989).

19 Technology Life Cycle The timing of standards is important in respect to the stage of technology maturity Technology life-cycle stages (Betz, 1993): Emergence Improvement Maturity Substitution Obsolescence In a technology life cycle five stages can be identified (Betz, 1993; Khalil, 2000; Sherif, 2006b).

20 Technology Life Cycle (graph)
Market Penetration Source of the figure: Sherif, 2006b. The market penetration of technology is highest at the maturity stage and starts declining during the substitution stage. Time Improvement Obsolescence Emergence Substitution Maturity

21 Technology maturity and standardization timing
Different types of standards are needed at each stage of technology maturity (Sherif, 2006a) Anticipatory standards specify the production system of the new technology. Enabling standards refine the system. Responsive standards codify knowledge already established in practice through precursor products or services.

22 Technology maturity and standardization timing
New technology Technology transition Source of the figure: Sherif, 2006a. Different types of standards are needed at each stage of technology development (Sherif, 2006a). Depending on the maturity of technology the below types of standards are needed (Weiss and Cargill, 1992; Betz, 1993; Sherif, 2006b): Anticipatory standards, Enabling standards, Responsive standards (see earlier slide). If a switch to a new technology is expected, it may not be worth the effort to develop a responsive standard (Sherif, 2006a). Eventually the old technology is replaced by new technology which in its turn can go through the same cycle of standardization. Existing technology Performance Anticipatory standards Enabling standards Responsive standards Time

23 Standards and Trade (e.g. Swann et al., 1996)
“The very existence of standards is positive for trade” (DIN, 2000) Standards facilitate trade by increasing the compatibility of products. Standards make the characteristics of domestic markets more transparent, in particular for foreign producers and consumers, and improve investment decisions (DIN, 2000).

24 Trade example: electrical white goods
20 years ago trade was dominated by national (sometimes regional) manufacturers Significant world trade today Standards have contributed to acceptance of goods worldwide, notably electrical safety standards, and today energy efficiency standards and performance standards Cultural differences still exist (e.g. North American consumers are used to much larger appliances than European/Asian consumers)

25 Trade barriers Standards can also be used to protect domestic markets.
Complicated procedures to determine product conformity with technical requirements increase transaction costs and hinder trade (WTO, 2005). If producers have to certify their products in each country, they will face substantial costs (WTO, 2005). Mutual recognition of certification bodies resolves this problem.

26 Summarizing the benefits
Function of standards Effect on the market Compatibility Creates network externalities Avoids lock-ins Information Corrects for adverse selection Facilitates trade Reduces transaction costs Variety reduction Allows economies of scale Builds critical mass (Source: Blind, 2004, adapted)

27 Acknowledgements In order of involvement: Jack Sheldon (IEC)
Jaroslav Spirco (Delft University of Technology) Marc van Wegberg (University of Maastricht) Mostafa Hashem Sherif (AT&T) Henk de Vries (RSM Erasmus University) Knut Blind (Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research) NB: References to all lectures are included in the accompanying document

28 Contact Information For inquiries concerning this lecture, contact: Jack Sheldon, IEC Standardization Strategy Manager, or Tineke M. Egyedi, Senior Researcher Standardisation, Delft University of Technology,

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