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Global AMR R&D Hub Brussels, 26. February 2018.

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1 Global AMR R&D Hub Brussels, 26. February 2018

2 International consensus: AMR is a major threat
G20 Leaders’ Communiqué 2017: a “new international R&D Collaboration Hub” is needed G20 Health Working Group agreed: Comprehensive strategy is needed to fight AMR Increased funding and incentives for R&D are necessary A global One Health approach is mandatory International collaboration on R&D has to be fostered Oct 2017: Global AMR R&D Hub, start of the interim phase 22 May 2018: Official launch at the WHA, Geneva, Switzerland

3 Vision The vision of the Global AMR R&D Hub is to be a key actor having an integrating role in global R&D for AMR, by bringing together governments and upstream funders from around the world, setting the focus on addressing global R&D priorities while respecting domestic and organizational priorities, promoting high-level coordination and alignment of existing public and private funding and activities, and leveraging much needed further monetary and other investments for AMR R&D. Angepasst aus Work plan

4 Objectives to inform high-level decision makers,
to facilitate the efficient allocation of resources, to promote increased investments, to foster international research collaboration at a high level, to support the filling of product pipelines with priority candidates, to keep attention on AMR at high political levels.

5 Scope One Health Approach, with initial focus on bacterial infections in humans Global political level, no technical or scientific decision-making Not a funding body, but support evidence-based political decision-making on allocation of resources for AMR R&D Maximize the impact of existing and new initiatives in AMR R&D, including push and pull incentives Build on existing efforts, therefore preventing duplication Alignment with WHO, FAO and OIE priorities

6 Participation Members:
open to countries and upstream funders committing to take visible, significant and measurable action currently 18 members Observers: relevant intergovernmental organisations currently 2 observers: WHO, OECD Other participation: Strong interaction with relevant stakeholders, e.g. Advisory Groups, exchange of information

7 Status Interim Phase approaching its end: finalisation of Terms of References, provisional work plan Provisional work plan : Develop a close to real-time Dynamic Dashboard Define main operational activities and procedures Secretariat is being set up, job interviews for the lead of the secretariat Official inauguration on 22 May 2018 as a side-event to the World Health Assembly (WHA), Geneva, Switzerland

8 The Hub in the landscape of AMR initiatives
The Global AMR R&D Hub will: focus on guiding ‘macro’ level decision-making by governments and upstream funders, rather than more technical and scientific decision-making, serve an integrating function, bringing together information from different countries and initiatives around the world, The Global AMR R&D Hub will rely on information and data from Member states and organisations, Intergovernmental organisations, established implementors e.g. initiatives with a scientific focus, pipeline coordinators and other relevant stakeholders. Information will be fed back to stakeholders

9 Hub collects & processes information
Members AUS BMGF NOR RUS ESP CAN EU FRA ITA NLD JPN WT DEU USA GBR TUR BRA CHN Other stakeholders GARDP Implementors JPIAMR CARB-X Global AMR R&D Hub Multilaterals OIE FAO WHO OECD TATFAR IACG Constant flow of information on current initiatives, funding flows, implementors and R&D activities, will be analysed and show gaps [SIEHE GRAFIK] and opportunities for the engagement of the members.

10 Hub feeds back to members and stakeholders
AUS BMGF NOR RUS ESP CAN EU FRA ITA NLD JPN WT DEU USA GBR TUR BRA CHN Other stakeholders GARDP Implementors JPIAMR CARB-X Global AMR R&D Hub Multilaterals OIE FAO WHO OECD TATFAR IACG Information and advice for policy makers for their decision making on strategic investments Identifiy gaps

11 Members take action Members GARDP CARB-X JPIAMR … task
AUS BMGF NOR RUS ESP CAN EU FRA ITA NLD JPN WT DEU USA GBR TUR BRA CHN Other stakeholders GARDP Implementors JPIAMR CARB-X task Support/ Financing Exchange, cooperation Global AMR R&D Hub Multilaterals OIE FAO WHO OECD TATFAR IACG

12 At a glance: The Global AMR R&D Hub
The Board: currently 18 members: Countries and upstream funders currently 2 observers: Relevant intergovernmental organisations Major objectives: to inform and collaborate on a global, political level, to identify and prioritise R&D gaps and facilitate efficient allocation of resources, to increase investments into AMR R&D and keep attention, visibility and awareness at all levels. Possible first deliverable: Dynamic Dashboard with up to date information on funding flows and activities Secretariat: first 3 years in Berlin, Germany; one lead, 3-4 staff

13 Open for questions and discussion
Thank you! Open for questions and discussion Dr. Joachim Klein, Division Global Health Research, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research,

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