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UNEG – HEIG Humanitarian Evaluation Interest Group

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1 UNEG – HEIG Humanitarian Evaluation Interest Group
AGM briefing – SO 3 session HEIG co-convenors: Sally Burrows, WFP and Francesca Bonino, UNHCR Vienna, 18 May 2017

2 Overview Why HEIG? Current composition and structure
Overview on work plan Update on progress: Guidance on evaluating Humanitarian Principles Mapping and synthesis of evaluative evidence on the Humanitarian-Development NEXUS Questions and options moving forward for AGM consideration

3 Background and overview
Membership: : 14 agencies FAO; GEF; IOM; OCHA; OHCHR; OIOS; UNDP; UNFPA; UNICEF; UNHCR; UNRWA; UNWOMEN; WFP; WHO; ALNAP (Observer) Structure: WFP and UNHCR (co-convenors) Funding base: FAO; WFP; UNDP; UNHCR No funding requested from UNEG Secretariat in 2016/17

4 2016-17 Work Plan overview Contributing to SO3 – Outcome 3.3
“Humanitarian Evaluation specificities appropriately considered in UNEG’s work” Three planned activities: Follow up to HEIG study on ‘Reflecting Humanitarian Principles in Evaluation’ Resume HEIG’s work on the Hum-Dev Nexus Improve linkages with other SOs and workstreams, and explore options for closer collaboration and inputs to specific normative products and guidance. Speaking point for bullet 3 – as per Sally’s suggestion - Activity 3 de-prioritised in due to capacity issues to lead on the other two activities. -> Below is the excerpt from the UNEG work plan (for reference) As per Work Plan - Expected output: Technical papers and evaluation guidance materials developed by HEIG disseminated within UNEG and beyond, and their pilot and use facilitated For our reference – below is the full text from the WP Activity (1) Links between HEIG and other relevant UNEG Strategic Objectives and workstreams maintained, and options for closer collaboration and inputs to specific normative products and guidance explored. Target for : Minimum of one set of inputs from HEIG contributed to another SO activity (e.g. SO Professionalisation or Eval SDG). Activity (2) Follow up to HEIG study on ‘Reflecting Humanitarian Principles in Evaluation including developing and piloting specific tools and guidance to improve the prominence given to Humanitarian Principles (HP) when evaluating Humanitarian Action. Follow up actions will include engaging in communication, dissemination activities. Target: A minimum of 2 technical / guidance products developed and piloted, and 2 related communications events. Activity (3) Resume and re-focus HEIG’s work to produce an ‘Analysis and synthesis of evaluations addressing the Emergency / Development nexus’ and start engaging in communication and outreach activities around this HEIG product and topic. Targets: One technical paper issued and minimum of one related communication event.

5 Activity 1: Guidance on Evaluating Humanitarian Principles
2016 aim: “develop guiding questions and pilot” Found: Diverse guidance needs and positioning across HEIG Highly complex and sensitive topic => HEIG members requested greater depth in Guidance Led to: May 2017, Draft Guidance with multiple options Thru 2017, test and pilot the Guidance early 2018, workshop to review experience 2018, adjust and finalize Guidance

6 Options in Guidance Option 2: in-depth assessment of work related to HP’s EMPHASIS ON EVALUATING HP’s TYPE OF CRISIS Natural disaster Conflict-related crisis Show with mouse/pointer how an agency can choose where to position their engagement with evaluating against HP’s. Mindful of diversity in Heig members: mandates, positioning of evaluation, resourcing in both Guidance and how we step into the Piloting Process. Iterative and option-based guidance – not prescriptive, but supportive and enabling. Option 1 (light) : specific Q’s in a ‘regular’ evaluation

7 Activity 2: Humanitarian-Development NEXUS
Topic is not new – so, what has changed? What do evaluations tell (or not) about the NEXUS? Limitations of the mapping Potential use and audience Emerging insights: Paradigm fatigue Nexus as useful concept to consider in the scope of evaluations Different facets – beyond Hum-Dev. Mapping being finalised. (UNEG Working Paper)

8 Activity 2: NEXUS Options moving forward
Inputs from EPE discussion Focus on presenting and disseminating the mapping Distil more targeted learning briefs and communication products Consider connecting with other groups – including but limited to evaluation groups and networks (OECD-DAC EvalNet; Eval SDGs; IASC-IAHE; ALNAP) Webinar series

9 Emerging themes across HEIG work
Embrace analysis of political economy Context analysis influences quality Protracted crises are not linear: complex Interwoven Hum-Dev. (different entry points) Exclusion of certain population groups: ‘No-one left behind’ and HP’s Impartiality & Humanity Space and quality of interaction with States

10 Going forward – next phase 2017-18
LESS focus on producing new content MORE attention to linking with other SOs and Interest Groups: Link to other UNEG work (Activity 3 renewed) Invest in active piloting of HEIG materials Focus on communicating, disseminating, supporting and learning from activities; and Connect with colleagues beyond UN (IASC, ALNAP, OECD DAC EvalNet)

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