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Photosynthesis Chapter 13.

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1 Photosynthesis Chapter 13

2 What is photosynthesis?
Photosynthesis is the process that green plants use to make their own food using sunlight. Plants need the green chemical called chlorophyll to make food.

3 The Leaf The leaf is flat and thin so that light can be absorbed.
Tiny pores called stomata allow gaseous exchange and water vapour to pass out of the leaf

4 Equation for photosynthesis.
Light Carbon Dioxide + Water Glucose + Oxygen Chlorophyll Chlorophyll traps the light’s energy and uses it to combine carbon dioxide(CO2) and water(H2O) together to form Glucose(C6H1206) and Oxygen(O2).

5 Photosynthesis

6 Starch The glucose can be used directly by the plant as a source of energy. The plant may also store the glucose by turning it into starch . Some glucose is converted to protein by combining with nitrates from the soil.

7 To test a leaf for Starch.
1.Boil the leaf in water to kill the leaf and soften it 2. Boil the leaf in Alcohol to remove the chlorophyll

8 3.Rinse the leaf in hot water and soften it.
4. Spread the leaf on a white tile and add a few drops of Iodine. Result The leaf turns Blue/ Black. Starch is present in the Leaf.

9 What would you find if you tested this leaf for starch?

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