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Simple Chemical Reactions

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1 Simple Chemical Reactions
09/11/2018 Simple Chemical Reactions W Richards Worthing High School

2 Lesson Objective- to know the test for Hydrogen
09/11/2018 Lesson Objective- to know the test for Hydrogen splint splint Test tube “POP” Squeaky pop lit If you put a ___ splint into H_______ gas you get a ______ ____ sound.

3 Words – gold, corroded, fizzes, disappear
Adding acids to metals 09/11/2018 If an acid is added to a (fairly reactive) metal the metal will be quickly ________ by the acid. We can see a reaction happening because the mixture _________ and the metal eventually __________. Some metals, like ____, are so unreactive that nothing will happen. Words – gold, corroded, fizzes, disappear

4 Testing for carbon dioxide
09/11/2018 Gas Limewater Limewater turns milky/cloudy

5 Adding acid to carbonates
09/11/2018 Carbonates are compounds containing carbon and oxygen. When an acid is added to a carbonate the carbonate starts to _______. A gas called ______ _______ is produced. Carbonates used to be used as building materials but aren’t any more because acid rain would eventually ________ the building. Words – dissolve, fizz, carbon dioxide, oxygen

6 Burning things 09/11/2018 When something is burned it reacts with oxygen. For example: Magnesium + oxygen Magnesium oxide Carbon + oxygen Carbon dioxide Sulphur + oxygen Sulphur dioxide Fire The Fire Triangle Oxygen Fuel Heat

7 Lesson Objective - to know what Fuels are.
09/11/2018 Fuels are substances that can be used to release useful amounts of energy they burn, e.g. Wood Gas Oil They burn using _____ and produce ____ _____ and water Carbon dioxide Oxygen

8 Methane + oxygen Carbon dioxide + water
Burning fuels 09/11/2018 When fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) are burned they produce water and carbon dioxide. We can use this apparatus to show this: In this example the reaction is: Methane + oxygen Carbon dioxide + water

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