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Europe’s Environmental Problems

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1 Europe’s Environmental Problems

2 Participation grade for today…
You must take notes during the powerpoint You will write these in your Composition Notebook

3 Air Pollution Causes: industry, power plants, and cars
Use of coal and other fossil fuels as for of energy SMOG: air pollution that looks like a dark fog caused by chemical particles in the air mixing with moisture in the air.

4 Air Pollution Effects: damaging buildings, harms plants and the atmosphere, also causes health problems for humans (asthma, other sicknesses, many deaths) It affects other countries, causing acid rain and polluted

5 Example: United Kingdom
UK is very densely populated (more people = more pollution) Winds carry pollution from the UK to other parts of Europe where is become Acid Rain European Union has been pressuring them to improve this

6 Acid Rain: Caused by these…

7 Acid Rain Causes: car emissions, factories, other air pollution
Effects: kills animals, pollutes water, kills forests and other plants, destroys buildings

8 Example: Germany Air Pollution from The UK was actually causing acid rain in Germany and other countries The Black Forest is dying (Almost half of trees in forest were damaged)

9 Acid Rain: Results in this…

10 Germans afraid of this…

11 …becoming this…

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