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Chapter 3, Section 4 Today is 9/10

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1 Chapter 3, Section 4 Today is 9/10
The Southern Colonies Chapter 3, Section 4 Today is 9/10


3 Maryland Given to Sir George Calvert (Lord Baltimore) Baltimore – largest settlement

4 Maryland Cont’d Mason and Dixon brought in to determine border between MD and PA. (Mason-Dixon Line) Act of Toleration (1649): both Catholics and Protestants could worship freely

5 Virginia 1607 Governor – Sir William Berkeley Deal with Nat. Amer. – for large piece of land, he would keep settlers from moving further into N.A. lands

6 Virginia Cont’d Nathaniel Bacon opposed colonial government Led “Bacon’s Rebellion” – raided several places

7 The Carolinas Founded by King Charles II – 1660s Main city – Charleston Started out as one colony but formally divided in 1729

8 The Carolinas Cont’d Settled by small farmers
North Carolina Settled by small farmers No good harbor, so relied on Virginia’s ports South Carolina More prosperous than North due to fertile land and Charleston Settlers brought in slave labor

9 Georgia Founded by James Oglethorpe 1733 Savannah – main town Banned slavery, Catholics and rum, but didn’t last

10 British poor to have a fresh start
Georgia Cont’d Was created for 2 main reasons British poor to have a fresh start As a barrier between Brit colonies and Spanish Florida

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