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The Civil War in Pictures

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1 The Civil War in Pictures

2 What does this picture represent. What happened
What does this picture represent? What happened? Why is this event significant?

John Brown 1.Wanted to start an uprising and arm local slaves 2.Planned to kill any southerners that got in the way 3.After two years of trying to build an army he had only 20 men The Raid 1.Took place at Harper’s Ferry in October Men were sent into the country side to recruit slaves – no one joined 3.Locals attacked – Brown was hurt eight of Brown’s men were killed Aftermath 1.Federal Troops led by Col. Robert E. Lee arrived the next day 2.John Brown was arrested, convicted and hanged Inspired & outraged northern abolitionists; infuriated and frightened southerners – SLAVE LAWS TIGHTENED

4 What does this map represent. What happened during this time
What does this map represent? What happened during this time? Why was it important?

5 Compromise of 1850 As the “great compromiser” Henry Clay steps in and proposes: CA enters as free state Rest of MX Cession be a Federal territory known and NM and pop sov is used to determine slavery Resolves conflict between TX and NM End slave trade in WA DC (not slavery) Fugitive Slave Law Continues conflict of slavery vs. free states in the nation

6 What does this picture represent. What happened during the event
What does this picture represent? What happened during the event? Why was it important?

7 Merrimac vs. The Monitor (22.6)
March 1862 Merrimac (aka “The Virginia”) Old Union ship left in VA Confederates cover with iron plates and add power Renamed the Virginia Monitor - Union iron-clad navy vessel built in less than 100 days The battle: Merrimac enters Chesapeake Bay to attack Union navy. Demolishes Union wooden ships. Next day, Union responds with The Monitor After hours of fighting, neither side can claim victory. Union begins using “Iron-clads” in their effort to win the MS River and New Orleans in 1862. Importance: Rise of the iron-clad ships – navy technology will never be the same

8 What does this picture represent? Why was it important?

9 Anaconda Plan General W. Scott’s plan
Step 1: block the South’s ports and cut off it’s trade; Step 2: divide CSA by controlling the MS River Step 3: take Richmond (CSA capital) By 1862 = no chance of Great Britain as a southern ally; Union blockades cut off resources Admiral Farragut (U) = takes New Orleans; Grant (U) takes KY & TN

10 What does this picture represent. What happened during the event
What does this picture represent? What happened during the event? Why was it important?

11 Siege of Vicksburg (22.6) May 1863
North = gained control of much of the MS River, but could not get total control without winning Vicksburg, MS Farragut already secured the MS River via New Orleans Grant used gunboats for 6 weeks to shell the city from the river army bombarded it from land people of Vicksburg could not be protected Vicksburg surrenders Union controls all of the MS River

12 What does this picture represent?
What happened? Why was it important?

13 Sherman’s March to the Sea
September through December 1864 Sherman v. South Atlanta to Savannah, GA Union controlled West of the MS and was closing in on Lee’s men in the Southeast. Union’s goal was to “damage [the South’s] war resources.” Outcome: Sherman’s men burned Atlanta destroyed much of GA went on to S.C. and N.C. Importance: The Union siege of GA and then the Carolina’s set the stage for the Union to attack Richmond (final stage of Anaconda plan)

14 What does this picture represent. What happened during the event
What does this picture represent? What happened during the event? Why was it important?

15 MA 54th commanded by Colonel Robert Gould Shaw
1000 AA soldiers Congress agrees to begin paying AA soldiers the same as whites Sent to Ft. Wagner, SC to fight Suicide mission: fort never taken by Union African American soldiers lauded for courage and honor in their sacrifice

16 What does this picture represent. What happened at this time
What does this picture represent? What happened at this time? Why was it important?

17 Lee’s surrender of Northern Virginia Army to Grant
9 mos. battling in Petersburg, VA April - Union was ready to end the war April 9, 1865: General Lee meets with General Grant to officially end the war in Appomattox Court House A small town outside of Richmond Wilmer McLean’s house The terms of the agreement: Confed troops could go home (along with their supplies) but there could be no more fighting In a kind gesture, Grant supplied Lee’s hungry troops with much need food. Creates a precedent of leniency and forgiveness cited by Lincoln to his cabinet; sets the tone of what Lincoln wanted to heal the nation

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