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UCC Finance Management System

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1 UCC Finance Management System

2 Menu options Monthly Management Budget Reports
Research Project Reports Purchasing Reports Expenses Module – Claiming expenses online Procurement Module – Online requisitioning and requisitioning via Punchout Suppliers

3 How do I submit my expense claim?
Expenses are submitted online on the Agresso system Complete and submit online form to receive login details You need to be registered on the system by Agresso Support

4 How is my Expense Claim authorized?
When an expense claim is entered online, the approver will receive alert that they have a new item to approve. When the claim has been approved, the claimant will receive alert to notify them that their claim has been approved. A hard copy of the expense claim needs to be printed/signed and sent with any associated receipts to the approver. The approver sends the hard copy and receipts to the Accounts Office for processing and payment. Expenses are paid directly into your bank account. You will receive an ed remittance with a pdf attachment when payment is issued. All expense related queries should be submitted to

5 What is a Subsistence Claim?
A subsistence claim is where an employee is obliged by College business to travel … A subsistence claim includes accommodation and 3 meals The system automatically calculates the amount to be claimed based on the location, dates and times entered on the expense claim It is no longer possible to claim subsistence rates for travel in Ireland as per the UCC Travel Policy March 2010 nceRatesAbroad(2010).xls

6 What is a Vouched Accommodation Rate (VA)?
A conference (VA) expense claim is a reduced subsistence rate and excludes accommodation The rate formerly referred to as the ‘Conference Rate’ is now renamed the Vouched Accommodation (‘VA’) Rate. The Vouched Accommodation rate consists of the vouched costs of accommodation plus the rate listed in the ‘VA’ rate column on the world-wide subsistence rate spreadsheet. e/ForeignSubsistenceAllowance-wef1April2017.pdf

7 What is a Vouched Expense Claim?
A vouched expense claim refers to a receipted expense and the claim must be backed up with receipts for expenses incurred Currently, all claims entered for Ireland must be entered as ‘Vouched Claims’ Approved claims received by the Accounts Payable Office by 5pm on Friday will be included in the payment run the following Friday.

8 Is there a time limit which claims may be entered?
The official policy states that all outstanding claims must be completed within 3 months of occurrence. Otherwise they will need to be signed off by a member of the UMT (University Management Team) Check that your expense claim may be saved in ‘DRAFT’ status and will need to be SENT FOR APPROVAL to ensure payment

9 How do I claim Mileage expenses?
Mileage is claimed by entering a ‘Vouched Expense’ claim and selecting Mileage from the dropdown menu of expense types Users’ engine cc needs to be registered on their Agresso profile The system calculates the amount based on the enginecc code and the amount of kilometres entered There is no backup receipt required when entering a mileage claim

10 Who do I contact for help?
Please refer to the Agresso Website to view ‘How-to-Guides’ and demos on the Agresso modules. Contact for further help or advice

11 Self help!

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