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Hospice Palliative Care – Tips for Primary care

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1 Hospice Palliative Care – Tips for Primary care
A Babber GPST - Windsor VTS 3rd July 2018

2 1. Hospice Palliative care support
Inpatient unit End of Life Care (EoLC) Symptomatic Control (SC) Respite Care (RC) - support for family and carers Day therapy unit (DTU) Weekly activities – 6 week program Respite for carer, symptom review by specialists and sign-posting Complementary therapies Physiotherapy

3 2. Community Palliative care support
District nurse Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) Macmillan Cancer Support Services Marie Curie Cancer Care Rapid Response Team (RRT) Help the Hospices Hospice UK

4 3. Proactive Indicator Guidance – GSF PC
1% population die/yr (30% hospital pts, 80% care home pts) Unexpected deaths: 10% Tool for early identification of patients nearing end of life (EoL) Surprise question – prognosis likely death within 12 months If unsure - General/Specific indicators of decline Cancer and non-cancer diseases GSF Process Identfy – Assess – Plan Advance Care Planning (ACP) GSF PIG 2016 online link

5 4. Common Symptoms Pain Nausea and vomiting Shortness of breath
Agitation/anxiety or Confusion Constipation dysphagia Disease progression, treatment or medication side effects related Refer difficult to control symptoms for specialist palliative input

6 5. Palliative Emergencies
Likely to need hospital specialist and/or palliative care input Spinal cord compression Neutropenic sepsis / Pancytopenic crisis Bone fractures Hypercalceamia Superior Vena Cava Obstruction (SVCO) Major Haemorrhage

7 6. Complementary therapies
Holistic approach to patient-centred care Massage – pain, lymphoedema, anxiety, Acupuncture – emotional/physical stress, pain, N&V, breathlessness Reiki – energy healing Reflexology – pain, N&V, anxiety, constipation

8 7. DS1500 and continuing care DS 1500 Continuing care
Doctors report for Disability Allowance, Attendance Allowance or Incapacity Benefit under special rules Prognosis <6 months Fast track - override qualifying periods tax free benefits due to terminal illness at higher rates Continuing care Application requires doctors report on disease and expected progression Package of care arranged/funded by NHS for adults NOT Local Authority For priority patients (terminal phase of illness) Initial screening process and full assessment Fast track process preventing delay

9 8. Useful guidance - links
Gold Standards Framework in Palliative Care Proactive Identification Guidance 2016 – RCGP supported document Advanced Care Planning Discussion from – GSF GMC Guidance on End of Life Care NICE quality standards for End of Life Care Palliative Care Assessment Tools – CAGE, MMSE, Performance Status, Constipation score GMC Mental Capacity Aseessment Online Tool

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