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Presentation on theme: "Christianity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christianity

2 Demographics Symbol Christianity The world’s largest religion with over 2 billion followers (almost 30% of all people) A religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ

3 World Religions Map Christianity can be found in all continents (except for Antarctica). Christianity is the dominant religion in over 100 countries

4 Christianity Comes from the Greek word “Christos”
Means “the Chosen one” The Bible’s New Testament describes the life and teaching of Jesus Christ Monotheistic

5 Main Beliefs Jesus Christ is the Son of God
Also known as “The Messiah” He was sent by God to save humanity Those that live a holy life and repent sins will join God in the Kingdom of Heaven Repent- Express sincere regret or remorse about a sin

6 Jesus Christ Jesus was a Jewish carpenter
At about 30 years old, Jesus begins to spread the word of God and perform miracles Walking on water Healing the sick Calming a storm Feeding 5,000 people with very little food (the loaves and fishes story)

7 Jesus Christ Jesus encouraged people to live by the Ten Commandments
He also encouraged people to love and respect each other “Love thy neighbor” Golden Rule- Treat others the way you want to be treated Jesus encouraged people to refrain from hatred and lust “Turn the other cheek”

8 Crucifixion Jesus was crucified by the Romans
They thought that his teachings were a cult It is believed that Jesus did not defend himself and was willing to die for the sins of humanity After he was crucified, he rose from the dead on the 3rd day This event is celebrated as Easter

9 3 Main Branches Eastern Orthodox Roman Catholic Protestant

10 Roman Catholic The largest branch of the church with over 1 billion followers The Pope is the leader of the Catholic Church The bishops and priests of the church are successors of Jesus’ apostles Priests have more room for interpretation of the Holy Bible Protestants believe in a very strict interpretation of the Bible The Catholic Church is the largest non-government provider of education and medical services in the world

11 Eastern Orthodox 300 million followers, mostly in Eastern Europe and the Middle East Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox split in 1054 over political reasons at the time in the Byzantine Empire Known as the East/West schism The Pope excommunicated (banned) the Eastern church

12 Protestant In 1529, a priest named Martin Luther decided that the Catholic Church was abusing their power and formed a branch “protesting” Catholics authority Protestants don’t believe in the authority of the Pope Protestants believe the Bible alone is the source of God’s revelation and teaches people everything needed to achieve salvation Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterian, Anglican, Pentecostal, etc.

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