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Eileen Roden Chalk House Training and Consultancy

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Presentation on theme: "Eileen Roden Chalk House Training and Consultancy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Eileen Roden Chalk House Training and Consultancy
A Better Business Case Eileen Roden Chalk House Training and Consultancy

2 Eileen Roden 18 years practitioner experience
11 years training and consultancy Active member of APM, PMI and PMO Flashmob Conference Speaker and Author 12-Oct-2016

3 Common causes of project failure (OGC)
Lack of clear links between the project and the organisation’s key strategic priorities, including agreed measures of success. Lack of clear senior management and ministerial ownership and leadership Lack of effective engagement with stakeholders Lack of skills and proven approach to project management and risk management Too little attention to breaking development and implementation into manageable steps Evaluation of proposals driven by initial price rather than long-term value for money (especially securing delivery of business benefits) Lack of understanding of, and contact with the supply industry at senior levels in the organisation Lack of effective project team integration between clients, the supplier team and the supply chain 12-Oct-2016

4 The business case is the root cause of project failure.

5 My observations . . . Template but no process
Knowing the ‘what’ but not the ‘why’ A single option (disguised as three) Believing money (capital) is the biggest constraint 12-Oct-2016

6 ‘New’ Guidance 12-Oct-2016

7 ‘New’ Mindset about Business Cases
(Cost) justification for the project Evidence from a structured business planning process 12-Oct-2016

8 A Better Business Case Business Case Business Case APPLICABLE
Strategic Case Economic Case Commercial Case Financial Case Management Case ACHIEVABLE APPROPRIATE Business Case ATTRACTIVE AFFORDABLE 12-Oct-2016

9 Better Business Case Development
Strategic Outline Case Strategic Case Economic Case Commercial Case Financial Case Management Case Outline Business Case Strategic Case Economic Case Commercial Case Financial Case Management Case Full Business Case Strategic Case Economic Case Commercial Case Financial Case Management Case 12-Oct-2016

10 #1 – Template but no process
10 Steps broken down into 35 actions A range of tools and techniques Assurance and quality criteria 12-Oct-2016

11 #2 – Knowing the ‘what’, but not the ‘why’
Organisational Overview Relevant Local Business Strategies, Programmes and Operational Plans Business Need – Problems and opportunities SMART Spending (Investment) Objectives – Economy, Efficiency, Effectiveness Main Benefits – by stakeholder group Strategic Case 12-Oct-2016

12 #3 – A single option (disguised as three)
Do nothing What we want In our dreams 12-Oct-2016

13 #3 – A single option (disguised as three)
Strategic Outline Case 12 options based on scope, solution, delivery, implementation and funding Outline Business Case 4 options based on spending objectives and critical success factors Full Business Case 1 recommended option based on economic appraisal 12-Oct-2016

14 #4 – Believing money (capital) is the biggest constraint
Strategic Outline Case View of: - Programmes - Operational plans Outline Business Case Outline arrangements for: - Project management - Change management - Benefits realisation - Risk management - Post project evaluation Full Business Case Agreed arrangements for: - Contract management - Contingency plans 12-Oct-2016

15 Questions? 12-Oct-2016

16 e: eileen. roden@chalk. house w: www. chalk
e: w: t: m: 12-Oct-2016

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