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Rules To Live By.

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Presentation on theme: "Rules To Live By."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rules To Live By

2 MSHA’s Fatality Prevention Program

3 MSHA’s commitment to eliminate hazards with serious consequences

4 Targets prevention of conditions that cause or contribute to fatal accidents

5 2000 – 2008 589 miners died – 300 Coal fatalities – 289 MNM fatalities

6 Focused attention & enforcement of 13 priority standards in 9 accident categories

7 Increased scrutiny for violations of these standards

8 Inspectors carefully evaluate gravity & negligence, consistent with seriousness of violation, when citing violations of priority standards

9 Violations will be reviewed for special assessment

10 Inspector resources: Tip sheets Automatic pop-up messages

11 Violations of 13 frequently cited MNM standards caused or contributed to 126 of 289 (44%) MNM fatalities

12 Operating Speeds & Control Of Equipment
Operating Speeds & Control Of Equipment

13 Operator not maintaining control of equipment while in motion

14 Operating speeds not consistent with conditions

15 Work On Power Circuits

16 Power circuits not de-energized before working on circuits

17 Switches not locked out

18 (a) Brake Performance

19 Service brakes not capable of stopping & holding equipment with typical load on maximum grade it travels

20 Parking brakes not capable of holding equipment with typical load on maximum grade it travels

21 Brake system not maintained in functional condition

22 Procedures During Repairs Or Maintenance
Procedures During Repairs Or Maintenance

23 Machinery or equipment not blocked against motion

24 Equipment not effectively de-energized

25 Persons not protected against hazardous motion during testing & adjustments

26 (g) Seat belts

27 Failure to wear seatbelts while operating mobile equipment

28 (a) Seat belts

29 Seatbelts not worn when operating or riding in haul truck

30 Machinery, Equipment, & Tools
Machinery, Equipment, & Tools

31 Using machinery, equipment or tools beyond design of manufacturer

32 Parking Procedures

33 Provided parking brake not set

34 Wheels not chocked or turned into bank

35 Safety Belts & Lines

36 Not wearing fall protection when exposed to a fall hazard

37 Bins, Hoppers, Silos, Tanks & Surge Piles
(c) Bins, Hoppers, Silos, Tanks & Surge Piles

38 Not wearing fall protection where there is a fall hazard

39 Second person not provided to tend the lifeline

40 Entering when flow of materials has not ceased & equipment not locked out

41 Safe access in & around working areas not provided

42 Clear Of Suspended Loads
Clear Of Suspended Loads

43 Failing to stay clear of suspended loads

44 Barricades & Warning Signs
Barricades & Warning Signs

45 Not posted at all approaches where hazards exist that are not immediately obvious

46 Ground Support

47 Ground support not designed, installed & maintained where people work or travel

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