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1 Enzymes

2 Warm up Grab warm up and complete
We will be putting this into your journal When you are done with your warm up look over your Vocab 1-1, you have a quiz today

3 Biomolecule review Cellulose, a structural component of the cell wall of plants and some forms of algae, is mainly used to produce paper and cardboard products. Cellulose would be an example of which type of biomolecule Nucleic acid Lipid Protein Carbohydrate

4 Biomolecule review Like complex carbohydrates, proteins are biomolecules that serve many functions and can be chemically broken down and restructured. Both proteins and complex carbohydrates are which of the following? Polymers of smaller subunits Sequences of sugars Lipids of large molecules Nucleotides of DNA

5 Notebook Put in new vocab right after biomolecules
Title next page Enzymes (don’t forget to put it in you table of contents! Enzymes EQ: What is the role of enzymes in biological processes?

6 Secret message Why do you think the slip of paper turned blue everywhere except for your secret message?

7 Cracker Lab In this experiment you will observe the action of the enzyme amylase on starch. Amylase breaks starch down into a simpler form: the sugar maltose, and has a bit of a sweet taste. Amylase is present in our saliva, and begins to act on the starch in our food while still in our mouth. This enzyme (with our teeth) is where food first starts to break down. Do you think that the cracker will start to taste different as amylase starts to act on it? Do you think that the cracker will start to dissolve without you chewing on it?

8 Enzyme reading and questions
Read the article on enzymes and answer the questions in your notebook Do NOT write on the handouts!

9 Paperclip activity What is a paper clip’s function?
Is it related to it’s shape? Take one of your paperclips and unbend it into a straight line Can the paper clip still complete its function? Enzymes work like a paperclip, the function depends on it’s shape

10 What is a paper clip’s function?
Is it related to it’s shape? Take one of your paperclips and unbend it into a straight line Can the paper clip still complete its function? Enzymes work like a paperclip, the function depends on it’s shape

11 What is an enzyme? A very important protein!
It acts as a biological catalyst All chemical reactions in your body require enzymes

12 What is a catalyst? A substance that speeds up a chemical reaction
It is not consumed

13 What are the parts of an enzyme?
Active site – location on the enzyme where reaction occurs Substrate – substance that an enzyme acts upon Product – substance that is created

14 What do enzymes do? Enzymes speed up reactions
They do this by breaking down substrates

15 Why are enzymes important?
Most biological processes (ex: digestion) are catalyzed by enzymes Without enzymes, many of these processes would not occur fast enough for an organism to maintain balance

16 How do enzymes work? Enzymes speed up reactions by lowering activation energy Lock and key model Substrate molecule fits into active site on enzyme - “Enzyme – substrate complex” Enzyme catalyzes a chemical reaction in the substrate - Involves breaking or forming chemical bonds Products are released Enzyme is ready to bind to another substrate E + S -> ES -> E + P

17 Lock and Key Model

18 What is activation energy?
Activation energy – minimum energy needed to cause a chemical reaction to occur In chemical reactions, energy is either released or absorbed In order to get the chemical reaction started, it requires a certain amount of “Activation Energy”

19 Graph of energy of activation

20 Do enzymes need a specific environment to work?
YES They are sensitive to pH and temperature Heat and acidity will denature an enzyme Change the enzyme’s shape so it is no longer functional

21 How do we name enzymes? They are named for the reaction they catalyze
End with –ase Ex: Lipase – breaks down lipids Protease – breaks down proteins Amylase – breaks down starch or amylum

22 On a clean sheet of paper answer the following questions in complete sentences.
Why are enzymes necessary for life? What is the active site of an enzyme? How do enzymes catalyze chemical reactions?

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