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Tutorial: Introduction to DNA topology

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1 Tutorial: Introduction to DNA topology
Isabel K. Darcy Mathematics Department Applied Mathematical and Computational Sciences (AMCS) University of Iowa This work was partially supported by  the Joint DMS/NIGMS Initiative to Support Research in the Area of Mathematical Biology (NSF ). ©2008 I.K. Darcy. All rights reserved


3 7th in the list of 9 crossing knots
Unknot Figure 8 Trefoil Pentafoil 9 crossing knot, 7th in the list of 9 crossing knots Minimal diagrams of knots (knot with fewest number of crossings)

4 Duplex DNA knots produced by Escherichia coli topoisomerase I
Duplex DNA knots produced by Escherichia coli topoisomerase I. Dean FB, Stasiak A, Koller T, Cozzarelli NR., J Biol Chem Apr 25;260(8):

5 Links (math) = catenanes (biology)
2 component link Hopf link or 2-cat Unlink 4-cat 6-cat 8-cat 3 component link

6 A mathematician’s introduction to a simplified view of the biology behind DNA topology

7 DNA – The Double Helix DNA – The twisted annulus

8 http://www. personal. psu. edu/rch8/workmg/Struc_Nucleic_Acids_Chpt2

9 http://www. personal. psu. edu/rch8/workmg/Struc_Nucleic_Acids_Chpt2


11 James Watson, Francis Crick and Rosalind Franklin
 Rosalind Franklin’s notebook: DNA is a double helix with antiparallel strands 

12 Anti-parallel strands means DNA does not (normally) form a mobius band
Circular DNA normally forms a twisted annulus

13 (J. Mann)
Postow L. PNAS;2001;98:

14 Topoisomerase II performing a crossing change on DNA:
Cellular roles of DNA topoisomerases: a molecular perspective, James C. Wang, Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology 3, (June 2002)

15 Topoisomerases are proteins which cut one segment of DNA allowing a second DNA segment to pass through before resealing the break.

16 Today, 3-3:30 -Koya Shimokawa, Saitama University, Japan Tangle analysis of unlinking by XerCD-diff-FtsK system Recombinase Recombination is mathematically equivalent to smoothing a crossing.

17 Today, 3-3:30 -Koya Shimokawa, Saitama University, Japan Tangle analysis of unlinking by XerCD-diff-FtsK system Recombinase Recombination is mathematically equivalent to smoothing a crossing.

18 DNA substrate = starting conformation of DNA before protein action
Usually unkotted, and supercoiled

19 DNA substrate = starting conformation of DNA before protein action
Usually unkotted, and supercoiled Meiotic double-strand breaks in yeast artificial chromosomes containing human DNA Grzegorz Ira,  Ekaterina Svetlova, Jan Filipski Nucl. Acids Res. (1998) 26 (10):

20 DNA substrate = starting conformation of DNA before protein action
Usually unkotted, and supercoiled But can be knotted Eg: Twist knots Wed, 10-10:30 -Karin Valencia, Topological characterization of knots and links arising from site-specific recombination on twist knot substrates. (or torus knots/links) Supercoiled DNA-directed knotting by T4 topoisomerase. Wasserman SA, Cozzarelli NR. J Biol Chem. 1991


22 Recombination:

23 Recombination: (2, p) torus link (2, p) torus knot

24 Today 2:30-3 -Dorothy Buck, Imperial College London, UK The classification of rational subtangle replacements, with applications to complex Nucleoprotein Assemblies Recombinase and Topoisomerase Today, 3-3:30 -Koya Shimokawa, Saitama University, Japan Tangle analysis of unlinking by XerCD-diff-FtsK system Recombinase Recombinase and Topoisomerase (maybe) Tomorrow, 10-10:30 -Karin Valencia, Imperial College London, UK Topological characterization of knots and links arising from site-specific recombination on twist knot substrates. Tomorrow, 1-1:30 – Ken Baker, University of Miami Recombination on rational knot/link substrates producing the unknot/unlink (and vice versa). Today 4-4:30 -Robert Scharein, Hypnagogic Software, Canada  Computational knot theory with KnotPlot

25 Today, 5-5:30 -Egor Dolzhenko, University of South Florida STAGR: software to annotate genome rearrangement Tomorrow: Session: molecular rearrangements 9-9:30 -Laura Landweber, Princeton University, USA Radical genome architectures in Oxytricha 9: Guénola Drillon Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France Combinatorics of Chromosomal Rearrangements

26 An introduction to the tangle model for protein-bound DNA

27 Mathematical Model Protein = = = = DNA =

28 protein = three dimensional ball protein-bound DNA = strings.
C. Ernst, D. W. Sumners, A calculus for rational tangles: applications to DNA recombination, Math. Proc. Camb. Phil. Soc. 108 (1990), protein = three dimensional ball protein-bound DNA = strings. Protein-DNA complex Heichman and Johnson Slide (modified) from Soojeong Kim

29 Tangle = 3-dimensional ball containing strings where the endpoints of the strings are fixed on the boundary of the ball. = Protein = 3-dimensional ball DNA = strings For geometry: see 12-12:30 -Mary Therese Padberg, Exploring the conformations of protein-bound DNA: adding geometry to known topology, Wednesday, March 14, :30pm and poster .

30 Rational Tangles Rational tangles alternate between vertical crossings & horizontal crossings. k horizontal crossings are right-handed if k > 0 k horizontal crossings are left-handed if k < 0 k vertical crossings are left-handed if k > 0 k vertical crossings are right-handed if k < 0 Note that if k > 0, then the slope of the overcrossing strand is negative, while if k < 0, then the slope of the overcrossing strand is positive. By convention, the rational tangle notation always ends with the number of horizontal crossings.

31 Tangles 11/9/2018

32 Which tangles are rational?
This one is not rational. The others are all rational

33 Rational tangles can be classified with fractions.

34 Why are we interested in rational tangles?
1.) Rational tangles are simple simplest non-rational tangles:

35 Why are we interested in rational tangles?
1.) Rational tangles are simple simplest non-rational tangles: 2.) Rational tangles are formed by adding twists. Think supercoils: EM courtesy of Andrzej Stasiak

36 Why are we interested in rational tangles?
1.) Rational tangles are simple simplest non-rational tangles: 2.) Rational tangles are formed by adding twists. Think supercoils: EM courtesy of Andrzej Stasiak 3.) A tangle is rational if and only if one can push the strings to lie on the boundary of the 3-ball so that the strings do not cross themselves on 3-ball

37 A knot/link is rational if it can be formed from a rational tangle via numerator closure. N(2/7) = N(2/1) Note 7 – 1 = 6 = 2(3)

38 A knot/link is rational if it can be formed from a rational tangle via numerator closure.
A rational knot/link is also called a 2-bridge knot/link or 4-plat

39 a = c and b – d is a multiple of a or bd – 1 is a multiple of a.

40 A + B = C = 2 = 0 Most tangles don’t have inverses




44 The tangle equations corresponding to an electron micrograph:

45 Different recombinases have different topological mechanisms:
Ex: Cre recombinase can act on both directly and inversely repeated sites. Xer recombinase on psi. Unique product Uses topological filter to only perform deletions, not inversions

46 Today, 3-3:30 -Koya Shimokawa, Saitama University, Japan Tangle analysis of unlinking by XerCD-diff-FtsK system Recombinase Recombination is mathematically equivalent to smoothing a crossing.

47 Different recombinases have different topological mechanisms:

48 TopoICE in Rob Scharein’s
There are an infinite number of solutions to Can solve by using TopoICE in Rob Scharein’s

49 A.)

50 A.) B.)

51 A.) B.) C.) A

52 A.) B.) C.) A D.)

53 There exists an algebraic formula for converting solutions:

54 Protein-bound DNA vs Local Action

55 Protein-bound DNA vs Local Action

56 Protein-bound DNA vs Local Action

57 Protein-bound DNA vs Local Action
Today 2:30-3 -Dorothy Buck, Imperial College London, UK, The classification of rational subtangle replacements, with applications to complex Nucleoprotein Assemblies

58 Protein-bound DNA vs Local Action
More general model: Today 2:30-3 -Dorothy Buck, Imperial College London, UK, The classification of rational subtangle replacements, with applications to complex Nucleoprotein Assemblies

59 Processive Recombination (multiple reactions while protein remains bound to DNA).

60 Processive Recombination (multiple reactions per one encounter):
Distributive Recombination (multiple encounters and one reaction per encounter):






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