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AP Biology Endocrine Systems.

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1 AP Biology Endocrine Systems

2 Signal Transduction Pathway

3 Kinases “turn on” processes Phosphotases “turn off” processes

4 Simple endocrine pathway
Basic Hormone Pattern Pathway Example Low blood glucose Stimulus Receptor protein Pancreas secretes glucagon ( ) Endocrine cell Blood vessel Target effectors Liver Response Glycogen breakdown, glucose release into blood Simple endocrine pathway

5 Remember the “hands” on cell membranes? (In GREEN)

6 LE 45-7 Hypothalamus Neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamus Axon
Posterior pituitary Anterior pituitary HORMONE ADH Oxytocin TARGET Kidney tubules Mammary glands, uterine muscles

7 Cytokines IL 1 – Macrophage to Helper T IL2 – Helper T to B or Cytotoxic T

8 Polar versus Non-polar Hormone Signal Reception
SECRETORY CELL SECRETORY CELL Hormone molecule Hormone molecule VIA BLOOD VIA BLOOD Signal receptor TARGET CELL TARGET CELL Signal transduction pathway Signal receptor OR Cytoplasmic response DNA Signal transduction and response mRNA DNA Nuclear response NUCLEUS Synthesis of specific proteins NUCLEUS Receptor in plasma membrane Receptor in cell nucleus

9 Examples of Negative Feedback Loops
Hypothalamus TRH Anterior pituitary TSH Thyroid T3 T4

10 Positive Feedback Loop

11 Tropic Hormones of the PosteriorPituitary
Hypothalamus Neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamus Axon Posterior pituitary Anterior pituitary HORMONE ADH Oxytocin TARGET Kidney tubules Mammary glands, uterine muscles

12 Tropic Hormones of the Anterior Pituitary
Tropic Effects Only FSH, follicle-stimulating hormone LH, luteinizing hormone TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone ACTH, adrenocorticotropic hormone Neurosecretory cells of the hypothalamus Nontropic Effects Only Prolactin MSH, melanocyte-stimulating hormone Endorphin Portal vessels Nontropic and Tropic Effects Growth hormone Hypothalamic releasing hormones (red dots) Endocrine cells of the anterior pituitary Pituitary hormones (blue dots) HORMONE FSH and LH TSH ACTH Prolactin MSH Endorphin Growth hormone TARGET Testes or ovaries Thyroid Adrenal cortex Mammary glands Melanocytes Pain receptors in the brain Liver Bones

13 Organismal Development Part 1
Prokaryotes and Protists

14 Asexual Reproduction

15 Sexual Reproduction

16 Asexual – Binary Fission
Cell wall Origin of replication Plasma membrane E. coli cell Bacterial chromosome Chromosome replication begins. Soon thereafter, one copy of the origin moves rapidly toward the other end of the cell. Two copies of origin Origin Origin Replication continues. One copy of the origin is now at each end of the cell. Replication finishes. The plasma membrane grows inward, and new cell wall is deposited. Two daughter cells result.

17 Asexual - Budding

18 Platyhelminthes - Regeneration

19 Asexual – Binary Fission
Cell wall Origin of replication Plasma membrane E. coli cell Bacterial chromosome Chromosome replication begins. Soon thereafter, one copy of the origin moves rapidly toward the other end of the cell. Two copies of origin Origin Origin Replication continues. One copy of the origin is now at each end of the cell. Replication finishes. The plasma membrane grows inward, and new cell wall is deposited. Two daughter cells result.

20 Transformation

21 Bacterial Transduction
Phage DNA A+ B+ A+ B+ Donor cell A+ Crossing over A+ A– B– Recipient cell A+ B– Recombinant cell

22 Conjugation in Bacteria
Sex pilus 5 µm

23 Sexual Reproduction

24 Cell Cycle with checkpoints (Is all going according to plan?)

25 G2 followed by Mitosis

26 Mitosis continued followed by cytokinesis

27 Organismal Development Part 2
Fungus and Plants

28 Lifestyles Based on Chromosomal Content
Key Haploid Diploid Haploid multicellular organism (gametophyte) Haploid multicellular organism Gametes n n Mitosis n Mitosis Mitosis n Mitosis n n n n n n Spores n MEIOSIS FERTILIZATION n Gametes Gametes n MEIOSIS FERTILIZATION MEIOSIS FERTILIZATION Zygote 2n 2n 2n 2n Diploid multicellular organism (sporophyte) Zygote 2n Diploid multicellular organism Mitosis Mitosis Zygote Animals Plants and some algae Most fungi and some protists

29 Sexual Reproduction in Fungus

30 Lifestyles Based on Chromosomal Content
Key Haploid Diploid Haploid multicellular organism (gametophyte) Haploid multicellular organism Gametes n n Mitosis n Mitosis Mitosis n Mitosis n n n n n n Spores n MEIOSIS FERTILIZATION n Gametes Gametes n MEIOSIS FERTILIZATION MEIOSIS FERTILIZATION Zygote 2n 2n 2n 2n Diploid multicellular organism (sporophyte) Zygote 2n Diploid multicellular organism Mitosis Mitosis Zygote Animals Plants and some algae Most fungi and some protists

31 Alternation of Generations with released spores

32 Alternation of Generations with retained spores

33 Students planting tree fragments in the rainforest

34 Plant Cutting in water to take root

35 Plant Grafting

36 . Just a few parenchyma cells from a carrot gave rise to this callus, a mass of undifferentiated cells. The callus differentiates into an entire plant, with leaves, stems, and roots.

37 Apoptosis in Vascular Tissue - Xylem

38 Organismal Development Part 3
Male Animals

39 Mitochondrion Intermembrane space Outer membrane Free ribosomes in the
. Mitochondrion Intermembrane space Outer membrane Free ribosomes in the mitochondrial matrix Inner membrane Cristae Matrix Mitochondrial DNA 100 nm

40 Phermones

41 Earthworms are hermaphrodites

42 Protogynous (Male is blue)

43 External Fertilization

44 Internal Fertilization required

45 Spermatogenesis Epididymis Seminiferous tubule Testis Cross section
of seminiferous tubule Spermatogonium Mitotic division, producing large numbers of spermatogonia Sertoli cell nucleus Differentiation and onset of meiosis I Primary spermatocyte (in prophase of meiosis I) Meiosis I completed Secondary spermatocyte Meiosis II Lumen of Seminiferous tubule Early spermatids Spermatids (at two stages of differentiation) Differentiation Sperm cells Neck Head Midpiece Tail Plasma membrane Acrosome Nucleus Mitochondria

46 Secondary Sexual Characteristics

47 Organismal Development Part 4
Female Animals

48 Female Reproductive Anatomy
Oviduct Ovaries Follicles Corpus luteum Uterine wall Uterus Endometrium Cervix Vagina

49 Oogenesis in the ovaries
Ovary Primary germ cell in embryo Differentiation Oogonium in ovary Oogonium Mitotic division Primary oocyte within follicle Primary oocyte Completion of meiosis I and onset of meiosis II Growing follicle Secondary oocyte First polar body Ovulation Entry of sperm triggers completion of meiosis II Mature follicle Ruptured follicle Second polar body Ovum Ovulated secondary oocyte Corpus luteum Degen- erating corpus luteum

50 Female Reproductive Cycle in Humans
Control by hypothalamus Inhibited by combination of estrogen and progesterone Hypothalamus Stimulated by high levels of estrogen GnRH Anterior pituitary Inhibited by low levels of estrogen FSH LH Pituitary gonadotropins in blood LH FSH FSH and LH stimulate follicle to grow LH surge triggers ovulation Ovarian cycle Corpus luteum Degenerating corpus luteum Growing follicle Mature follicle Follicular phase Ovulation Luteal phase Estrogen secreted by growing follicle in increasing amounts Progesterone and estrogen secreted by corpus luteum Ovarian hormones in blood Peak causes LH surge Estrogen Progesterone Estrogen level very low Progesterone and estro- gen promote thickening of endometrium Uterine (menstrual) cycle Endometrium Menstrual flow phase Proliferative phase Secretory phase Days 5 10 14 15 20 25 28

51 Fertilization and Implantation if pregnancy occurs
Cleavage starts Cleavage continues Ovary Fertilization occurs The blastocyst implants Uterus Ovulation Endometrium From ovulation to implantation

52 Organismal Development Part 5

53 Cytoplasmic Determinants

54 Apoptosis in the hand

55 Failed Apoptosis with toes

56 Acrosomal Reaction

57 Cleavage

58 Morula, Blastula, Gastrula

59 Animal vs Vegetal Poles of a Blastula

60 Endoderm, Mesoderm, Ectoderm

61 Embryo

62 Placenta & Amnion

63 Birth

64 Convergent Extension

65 Apical Ectodermal Ridges

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