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Do Now: Take out notebook, homework, and pencil

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1 Do Now: Take out notebook, homework, and pencil
Start a new Do Now page on page At top of page write Do Nows for week of 1/15 If you are a drop of water, what does each part of the excretory system do for you?

2 Essential Questions What is the main function of the endocrine system?
What are the main organs associated with this system

3 Glue the notes page onto page

4 Endocrine System A collection of glands that produce and secrete hormones Its function is to maintain the correct chemical levels in the body Regulates mood, sleep, growth, metabolism, etc Glands- a group of cells that monitor the blood for chemical imbalance Produces and releases hormones into the blood Types of Glands Exocrine-ducted and releases products into ducts. Ex: sweat and tears Endocrine- ductless and releases products straight into blood such as hormones

5 Hormones Chemical messengers that send information from one set of cells to another Each type of hormone is designed to affect certain cells Target Cells Cells in body that contain receptors that match certain hormones like a lock and matching keys Target cell for hormone A & B Receptor for Target cell for hormone B Receptor for Target cell for hormone A Receptor for

6 Negative Feedback When glands receive and detect a change has happened and the hormones are no longer released Brings us back to homeostasis Like a thermostat in our home Endocrine Cells Target cells Biological response 4. Negative Feedback + - 2. Hormone release 3. Correction 5. Homeostasis 1. Imbalance

7 Copy the following diagram on page
Endocrine Cells Target cells Biological response 4. Negative Feedback + - 2. Hormone release 3. Correction 5. Homeostasis 1. Imbalance

8 Parts of Endocrine System
Hypothalamus- part of the brain, works with the nervous system, controls body temperature, hunger, thirst, sleep, etc Pituitary Gland- pea sized at bottom of brain, controls most of the other glands, master gland

9 Pineal Gland- pine cone shaped near center of brain, produces melatonin which regulates sleep
Thyroid- found in neck, butterfly shaped, hormones from this gland helps regulate growth and rate of metabolism (breaking down of food) Pineal Gland

10 Thymus- located between lungs, only active until puberty, stimulates development of disease fighting cells Pancreas- located below stomach, secretes hormones insulin (lowers) and glucagon (raises) to control blood sugar levels

11 Adrenal Gland- located at top of each kidney, helps control blood pressure and reaction to stress by releasing adrenaline, also helps regulate metabolism and sugar levels

12 ` Watch video on endocrine system Answer questions as watching
Discuss in small and whole groups

13 Endocrine System Brochure
Make a brochure about the different hormones of the endocrine system. Treat it as your way to try and sell hormones to customers. Include ALL of the glands and what each gland secretes and/or does. Start it now and finish it for homework

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