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From Knowledge Discovery to Customer Attrition

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1 From Knowledge Discovery to Customer Attrition
CCI, UNC-Charlotte From Knowledge Discovery to Customer Attrition Katarzyna Tarnowska Zbigniew W. Ras San Jose State University Univ of North Carolina Dept. of Computer Science Dept. of Comp. Science San Jose, CA 95192, USA Charlotte, NC 28223, USA Research sponsored by ISMIS 2018, CYPRUS

2 CLIRS - Customer Loyalty Improvement Recommender System
(for improving business revenue) Research sponsored by

3 The Daniel Group - Consulting Company
What is the plan Build Recommender System for each client (34 clients) helping to increase its revenue Client 1 Client 2 Client 3 Client 4 shops shops shops Build Personalized Recommender System for each shop helping to increase its revenue Services (heavy equipment repair) Parts CUSTOMERS

4 NPS based approach Net Promoter Score (NPS) –
today’s standard for measuring customer loyalty Promoter - {9,10} Passive – {8,7} Detractor – {1,2,3…,6}

5 Get-Keep-Grow model based approach

6 NPS rating for all clients

7 NPS rating for all shops

8 CLIRS Our System

9 Example of benchmark questions:
Benchmark All Overall Satisfaction Benchmark All Likelihood to be Repeat Customer Benchmark All Dealer Communication Benchmark Service Repair Completed Correctly Benchmark Referral Behavior Benchmark Service Final Invoice Matched Expectations Benchmark Ease of Contact Benchmark All Does Customer have Future Needs Benchmark Service Tech Promised in Expected Timeframe Benchmark Service Repair Completed When Promised Benchmark Service Timeliness of Invoice Benchmark Service Appointment Availability

10 Decision Table built from customers survey
300,000 records per year, Customer M/F Phone Bench1 Bench2 Bench3 Comments Promoter Status 2011 M 3 9 5 text1 Promoter 2012 8 10 text2 2013 F text3 Detractor 2014 7 text4 Passive New attributes can be derived Text Mining & Sentiment Mining can be used to build new attributes



13 Extracting Meta-Actions
DATASET Guided Folksonomy & Sentiment Analysis Meta-Actions Extracting Comments C1 C2 C3 C4 C2,C4 Knowledgeable Staff Customer Bench1 Bench2 Bench3 Comments Prom_Stat Cust1 high med high C1, C2 Prom C1,C3 Friendly Staff Cust2 med med med C2, C3 Pass C1 refers to Bench2 C3 refers to Bench1 C2,C4 refers to Bench3 Cust3 C4, C3 Benchmark Values ={low, medium, high} Extracted Rules (example) R1=[ (Bench1=high)&(Bench2=med) …………  (Prom_Stat = Prom)] sup(R1)={Cust1,..}; Let’s say Confidence=90% R2=[ (Bench1=med)& ……………. (Bench3=med)  (Prom_Stat = Pass)] sup(R2)={Cust2,..}; Let’s say Confidence=95% Action Rules R= [(Bench1, med ->high)&(Bench2=med)  (Prom_Stat, Pass -> Prom)] Sup(R)={Cust2,..}; Confidence=90%*95%=85.5%. Recommendation: Staff has to be more friendly (R will be activated)



16 CLIRS - Customer Loyalty Improvement Recommender System
1. NPS Module based on benchmarks 2. NPS Module based on text data 3. Customer Attrition Module

17 2. NPS Module based on text data
Using Folksonomy & Sentiment Analysis to Find New Features

18 Meta Attributes Service Example of action rule: (Tag2: -1 0)  (Prom Stat, Detractor  Passive)

19 3. Customer Attrition Module
Data Available: Survey Data (customer activity) and customer feedback for all clients have been collected for the years Sales (transactional) Data on customers for all 34 companies, years Our Approach: Determine if there are markers in the sales trends (Sales Data) that might suggest a customer is getting ready to defect. Mine for patterns in the Survey Data that would suggest likelihood to defect. Compare results with the actual data on the defected customers.


21 Automatic 2-category data labelling algorithm
Label surveyed customers as “Leaving – No” when: There are transactional records in next years for that customers Label surveyed customers as “Leaving – Yes” when: There are no transactional records for that customer in the following years Label is unknown if: The Invoice count for the current year is unknown (NULL) Data Transformation - Extract Client22 customer data from years - Add column denoting „Invoice count” based on additional transactional data - Add column „Leaving” and apply labelling algorithm on data based on transactional data Example Generate Action Rules IF (Benchmark1, 3 6) AND (Benchmark2, 7 9) THEN (”Leaving-yes”  “Leaving-no”) No transaction data was found for that customer after 2014, therefore it was labelled as defected


23 Automatic 3-category data labelling
“Active” customers – are these actively making transactions each subsequent year after they were surveyed. Growing (in terms of no. of transactions) Declining (in terms of no. of transactions) “Leaving” - customers who might be at risk of losing them, as the transactional data showed that they stopped doing business for one year (no transactional records in a year following the survey). “Lost (defected)” - customers who stopped doing business continuously for two years. Note: 2016 customers can be only „Active” or „Leaving” (since we have data up to 2017)


25 Example of Classification Rule extracted from the dataset:
(Benchmark : Service − Final Invoice Matched Expectations  1) and ( Likelihood to Repurchase  6) and ( Likelihood to Repurchase  4) and (Benchmark : All Dealer Communication  4) and (Benchmark : All Ease of Contact  6) => CustomerStatus=Lost; Sup=16, Conf=1 Example of Action Rules extracted from the dataset: “Survey Type” was selected as a stable attribute, and all the “Benchmark” attributes were chosen as flexible attributes SurveyType(Field): (BenchmarkAllEaseofContact (10)  BenchmarkAllEaseofContact (8))  (CustomerStatus(Active)  CustomerStatus(Leaving)), Conf = 0.82 (BenchmarkAllDealerCommunication (10)  BenchmarkAllDealerCommunication (8))  (CustomerStatus(Active)  CustomerStatus(Leaving)), Conf = 0.82 SurveyType(Field): (BenchmarkServiceRepairCompletedCorrectly (10)  BenchmarkServiceRepairCompletedCorrectly (9))  (CustomerStatus(Active)  CustomerStatus(Leaving)), Conf = 0.81

26 More Action Rules Extracted:
Survey_Type(Field) : (Benchmark Service-Repair Completed Correctly (10  9)  CustomerStatus(Active  Leaving) Conf = 0.81 Survey_Type(Field) : (Benchmark Service-Repair Completed-When-Promised(10 9 )  CustomerStatus(Active  Leaving) Conf = 0.8 Survey_Type(Field) : (Benchmark Service-Repair Completed-When-Promised(8 10)  CustomerStatus(Leaving  Active) Conf=0.8 Survey_Type(Field) : (Benchmark All-Overall-Satisfaction(8 9)  CustomerStatus(Leaving  Active) Conf = 0.76 Survey_Type(Field) : (Benchmark Dealer-Promoter-Score(8 10)  CustomerStatus(Leaving Active) Conf = 0.77 NEXT: Mine for action rules triggers (meta-actions)


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