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United Nations Statistics Division

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1 United Nations Statistics Division
CPC Ver.2 Changes for agriculture and food products United Nations Statistics Division

2 History In previous version of CPC:
Section 0 – Agriculture, forestry and fishery products Section 2 – Food products, beverages and tobacco; textiles, apparel and leather products Here: consider only Divisions 21-25 Major complaint by majority of countries, esp. developing countries: Insufficient detail for agricultural products

3 History (2) Goods in the CPC 1.1 and earlier were defined in terms of the Harmonized System This limits the detail that is possible in CPC Unprocessed agricultural products are not heavily traded internationally Processing is done locally

4 History (3) Example for products that were not recognized in HS:
Sugar cane -- Other -- Sugar beet - Other : - Seaweeds and other algae Locust beans, seaweeds and other algae, sugar beet and sugar cane, fresh, chilled, frozen or dried, whether or not ground; fruit stones and kernels and other vegetable products (including unroasted chicory roots of the variety Cichorium intybus sativum) of a kind used primarily for human consumption, not elsewhere specified or included. 12.12

5 History (4) The limitation of detail has made the CPC less useful for application in agriculture For CPC Ver.2, the FAO was consulted to advise on necessary detail This has resulted in various drafts that were subsequently refined

6 New detail CPC Ver.2 CPC Ver1.1 229 111 Subclasses 93 87 Classes 23
Groups 5 Divisions Food products 208 83 85 66 19 17 4 Agricultural products

7 New Detail (2) Substantial increase at lowest level (subclasses)
Examples: For agriculture: Recognition of more types of plants, animals Separation of raw from processed products For food products: Separation of meat by type of animal 7

8 New detail (3) Some of the changes make CPC categories more applicable to individual regions E.g. tropical fruits, sheep, goat, camel Some changes are relevant to policy interests E.g. BSE (mad cow disease)

9 CPC-HS link How is the CPC-HS link affected by this?
Many CPC subclasses now refer to parts of HS codes only 100 in Section 0 88 in Section 2 Often aligned with HS at class level Explicit explanatory notes are provided in these cases This newly created detail has also been submitted as proposals for the next HS revision If accepted, alignment between CPC and HS will improve

10 Applying the classification
Generally, for goods in section 0-4, exact classification should always be in terms of the corresponding categories in the Harmonized System. When the relevant HS code is split (like often happens in section 0 and 21-25): First, the correct HS code should have been established Then identify the CPC subclasses that links to this code Then choose correct CPC subclass based on the CPC explanatory notes (index is also helpful)

11 Example Where in the CPC do we classify unroasted chicory roots?
HS code: Where in the CPC does it link? 01391 – Locust beans 01690 – Stimulant, spice and aromatic crops n.e.c. 01802 – Sugar cane 01809 – Other sugar crops n.e.c. 01990 – Other raw vegetable materials, n.e.c. We must consult the CPC Explanatory Notes


13 Section 0 – Agriculture, forestry and fishery products
Division titles remain mostly the same (except text in red): 01 - Products of agriculture, horticulture and market gardening 02 - Live animals and animal products (excluding meat) 03 - Forestry and logging products 04 - Fish and other fishing products Meat was kept out of division 02 also in CPC 1.1, but this has now been made explicit in the title. Section 0 is intended to be reserved for unprocessed agricultural output, whereas meat is produced in slaughterhouses and is therefore a manufactured (food) product and classified in Division 21.

14 Division 01 - Products of agriculture, horticulture and market gardening
In CPC v1.1 011 – Cereals 012 – Vegetables 013 – Fruits and nuts 014 – Oilseeds and oleaginous fruits 015 – Living plants; cut flowers and flower buds; flower seeds and fruit seeds; vegetable seeds 016 – Beverages and spice crops 017 – Unmanufactured tobacco 018 – Plants used for sugar manufacturing 019 – Raw vegetable materials n.e.c. In CPC v2 011 – Cereals 012 – Vegetables 013 – Fruits and nuts 014 – Oilseeds and oleaginous fruits 015 – Edible roots and tubers with high starch or inulin content 016 – Stimulant, spice and aromatic crops 017 – Pulses (dried leguminous vegetables) 018 – Sugar crops 019 – Forage products, fibres, living plants, cut flowers and flower buds, unmanufactured tobacco, and natural rubber 011 - Cereals: we now make distinction between seed and other. New subclasses for sorghum and millet. Husked rice moved to food products (section 2) with grain mill products. 012 – Vegetables: parts have been split out into 015 for potatoes and other tubers, as well as 017 for pulses. Other minor adjustments in scope. Considerably more detail (35 vs. 10)‏ 013 – Fruits and nuts: This part seriously lacked in detail, which has been added now. More than 5 times more detail (38 vs. 7 subclasses). Dried fruit and shelled nuts moved to section 2 (food products). 014 – Oilseeds [...]: Minor adjustments in scope (olives now in here, shelled groundnuts not). More than thrice the detail (17 vs. 5 subclasses)‏ 015 – Edible roots [...] This is a new group. Contains raw potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava, jams, etc. Everything in here used to be in 012 (Vegetables) in CPC 1.1 016 – Stimulant [...|: New group. Contains unprocessed coffee and tea, cocoa beans, spices and other stimulants. It regroups content that were found in CPC (Vegetables) and 016 (Beverages and spice crops)‏ 017 – Pulses [...]:New group. Dried beans, peas, lentils, pulses, etc. These all used to be in 012 (Vegetables) in CPC 1.1. 018 – Sugar crops: We find sugar beet, sugar cane and others in here. The scope is comparable to CPC , but with the addition of a couple of minor items (including seeds) from CPC 019 – Contains items from a variety of groups in CPC 1.1

15 Division 02 - Live animals and animal products (excluding meat)
In CPC v1.1 021 – Live animals 029 – Other animal products In CPC v2 021 – Live animals 022 – Raw milk 023 – Eggs of hens or other birds in shell, fresh 024 – Reproductive material of animals 029 – Other animal products 021 – Live animals: Scope unchanged. Buffalo split out of cattle, sheep and goat now have separate subclasses, poultry split up into 5 subclasses, including guinea fowl. New subclasses for a range of other animals, like camels, rabbits, bees, ostriches, reptiles, birds, etc. 022 – Raw milk: Raw milk of any animal found here. This group has been split out of CPC 023 – Eggs of hens [...]: Eggs from hens or other birds, whether or not for hatching. They are all fresh and in shell (if not, they are found under food products in section 2 (division 23))‏ 024 – Reproductive mat.[...]: Contains animal semen and embryos. (moved from CPC “Other animal products” and CPC “Waste and scrap from tobacco and food industry”. 029 – Other animal products: Contains many leftover items, including raw hides and skins. Scope has narrowed, since eggs, milk and semen have been moved out of here.

16 Division 03 - Forestry and logging products
In CPC v1.1 031 – Wood in the rough 032 – Natural gums 039 – Other forestry products In CPC v2 031 – Wood in the rough 032 – Non-wood forest products 031 – Wood in the rough: Contains logs and fuel wood. Scope slightly narrower than in CPC 1.1 (some minor items, including split poles and pickets have been moved to section 3 (group 319) under “products of wood[...]” 032 – Non-wood forest products: Basically combines CPC and 039, with the addition of some wild edible products that used to be found under CPC “Fruits and nuts”.

17 Division 04 - Fish and other fishing products
In CPC v1.1 041 – Fishes, live, fresh or chilled 042 – Crustaceans, not frozen; oysters; other aquatic invertebrates, live, fresh or chilled 049 – Other aquatic animals In CPC v2 041 – Fishes, live, fresh or chilled 042 – Crustaceans, not frozen; oysters; other molluscs and aquatic invertebrates, live, fresh or chilled 049 – Other aquatic plants and animals 041 – Fishes [...]: Same scope as in CPC Contains live fish or fresh/chilled fish. An additional distinction we make now is between ornamental (decorative) fish and other fish. 042 – Crustaceans [...]: Exactly same scope as predecessor. Title now makes clear that it also contains molluscs other than oysters, and they have also got a separate within the group. 043 – Other aquatic [...]: No change whatsoever, except in the title, which makes the inclusion of aquatic plants explicit.

18 Section 2 division 21-25 – Food products, beverages and tobacco
Division titles remain mostly the same (except text in red): 21 - Meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, oils and fats 22 - Dairy products and egg products 23 - Grain mill products, starches and starch products; other food products 24 - Beverages 25 - Tobacco products Meat was kept out of division 02 also in CPC 1.1, but this has now been made explicit in the title. Section 0 is intended to be reserved for unprocessed agricultural output, whereas meat is produced in slaughterhouses and is therefore a manufactured (food) product and classified in Division 21.

19 Division 21 - Meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, oils and fats
In CPC v1.1 211 – Meat and meat products 212 – Prepared and preserved fish 213 – Prepared and preserved vegetables 214 – Fruit juices and vegetable juices 215 – Prepared and preserved fruits and nuts 216 – Animal and vegetable oils and fats 217 – Cotton linters 218 – Oil-cake and other residues resulting from the extraction of vegetable fats or oils; flours and meals of oil seeds or oleaginous fruits, except those of mustard; vegetable waxes, except triglycerides; degras; residues resulting from the treatment of fatty substances or animal or vegetable waxes In CPC v2 211 – Meat and meat products 212 – Prepared and preserved fish, crustaceans, molluscs and other aquatic invertebrates 213 – Prepared and preserved vegetables, pulses and potatoes 214 – Prepared and preserved fruit and nuts 215 – Animal and vegetable oils and fats 216 – Cotton linters 217 – Oil-cake and other solid residues, of vegetable fats or oils 211 – This includes meat and edible offal, fresh, chilled or frozen. With minor adjustments, scope remains the same as in CPC 1.1, but with more than twice the detail (in large parts due to the fact that we have a more detailed classification of animals, in line with what we saw in group 021 for “Live animals”)‏ 212 – Unchanged scope, more detail. 213 – The vegetable juices have moved in here from CPC 1.1 group 214, which has been discontinued. Otherwise, scope has not changed much. However, internal organization and detail has changed quite a bit. In CPC 1.1, no distinction was made according to vegetable, and the only distinction on preservation method was frozen, provisionally preserved, or other. Now, in addition to having added “vegetable juices” as a class-level distinction, we have several subclass-level distinction based on type of vegetable or more specified preservation methods (dried, in vinegar, etc.)‏ 214 – Group has been renumbered due to removal of CPC 1.1 group The fruit juices from the removed CPC1.1 group is now in here. Also, the dried fruits and shelled nuts, which were previously classified in agriculture (group 013) are now in here. 215 – Group renumbered for same reason as previous. Scope remain unchanged from CPC We have introduced a distinction between raw and rendered animal fat, as well as splitting up according to animal. Fish oil and oil from marine mammals has also been identified. Plant oils have also been substantially disaggregated according to plant. 216 – No change (and no disaggregation at all – only one class/subclass). 217 – Same scope as CPC , and little change, but title has been simplified.

20 Division 22 - Dairy products and egg products
In CPC v1.1 221 – Processed liquid milk and cream 229 – Other dairy products In CPC v2 221 – Processed liquid milk and cream 222 – Other dairy products 223 – Eggs, in shell, preserved or cooked 221 – Scope unchanged. We now separately identify whey. 222 – Scope almost identical to CPC , but with more detail. For instance, we disaggregate cream and cheese according to animal. 223 – Preserved or cooked eggs in shell were moved here from the agricultural sector (029) since they cannot be considered “raw”.

21 Division 23 - Grain mill products; starches and starch products; other food products
In CPC v1.1 231 – Grain mill products 232 – Starches and starch products; sugars and sugar syrups n.e.c. 233 – Preparations used in animal feeding 234 – Bakery products 235 – Sugar 236 – Cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery 237 – Macaroni, noodles, couscous and similar farinaceous products 239 – Food products n.e.c. In CPC v2 231 – Grain mill products 232 – Starches and starch products; sugars and sugar syrups n.e.c. 233 – Preparations used in animal feedings 234 – Bakery products 235 – Sugar 236 – Cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery 237 – Macaroni, noodles, couscous and similar 239 – Food products n.e.c. 231 – Husked rice moved in here from the cereals under agriculture, otherwise scope is unchanged and no new detail. 232 – More or less unchanged in scope and detail, although lactose syrup has moved in here from the old CPC 1.1 group for “other dairy products” (i.e. 229). 233 – No change in scope. Pet food singled out in proper subclass. 234 – No change in scope. We now distinguish between cakes/pastries on the one hand, and bread on the other. 235 – Not much has changed, except that we now distinguish between raw cane sugar and raw beet sugar. 236 – No change. 237 – No change, except addition of a subclass for “prepared dishes and meals” 239 – This class now includes a whole range of processed spices that have been moved from the agricultural section (016). A few minor other adjustments.

22 Division 24 - Beverages In CPC v1.1 In CPC v2
241 – Ethyl alcohol; spirits, liqueurs and other spirituous beverages 242 – Wines 243 – Malt liquors and malt 244 – Soft drinks; bottled mineral waters In CPC v2 241 – Ethyl alcohol; spirits, liqueurs and other spirituous beverages 242 – Wines 243 – Malt liquors and malt 244 – Soft drinks; bottled mineral waters 241 – Denatured ethyl alcohol moved to chemical section, otherwise as before. 242 – Little change. 243 – No change. 244 – No change.

23 Division 25 - Tobacco products
In CPC v1.1 250 – Tobacco products In CPC v2 250 – Tobacco products 250 – Cured/stemmed/stripped tobacco leaves moved in here from agriculture. Otherwise, little change.

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