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Empower Your Spitfire Team

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1 Empower Your Spitfire Team
Client Webinar Series Time to Reach New Heights Empower Your Spitfire Team January 12, 2017

2 “The only constant is change”
Heraclitus a Greek Philosopher Circa 500 B.C.

3 Objective: Evaluate, Consider, Configure
Agenda Objective: Evaluate, Consider, Configure How did you business change in the last year? Adding/Removing Companies or Divisions Adding/Removing services Expanding to new/different markets Expanding or reducing staff (doesn’t matter which – training is key to business operations) Process improvements – better tools, other software, improved workflow, reduced steps,  adding whole new layer such as Quality Assurance Manage more volume through subcontracting more How Spitfire has changed since you implemented Spitfire What new Spitfire features/functions can you use now to empower your Spitfire Team? Sharing Information is Powerful Training your Employee give them the confidence and power to achieve the company’s goals

4 Catalog – Logon Page Folder = zPublicHTML
Why Use It? Security Message System Change Message for Users Company Message Catalog – Logon Page Folder = zPublicHTML File = login-1.htm (Note: Spitfire’s ICTOOL puts the file there and you can edit, but don’t try to change the file name or add the file on your own.)

5 Catalog - Notification
Reminders of Upcoming Events for example, Spitfire update or upgrade or even New Template for Daily Field Report Catalog - Notification Folder = zPublicHTML File = x-SystemAvailabilityNotification.htm (Note: Spitfire’s ICTOOL puts the file there and you can Edit it, but don’t try to change the file name or add the file on your own.) Display by editing the name – just delete the x- when you run the ICTOOL to update and publish your site, the ICTOOL will add the x- back to the file name and the announcement go away. Just click to edit

6 Catalog - Logo Folder = zPublicHTML
Tips: Logo Height approx. 50 to 60 pixels My Settings: Hide Branding Bar Folder = zPublicHTML File = SiteLogo.gif (Note: Spitfire’s ICTOOL puts the file there and you can CheckOut and CheckIn your Logo, but don’t try to change the file name or add the file on your own.)

7 Create Your Own Library
Add recordings and/or PowerPoint files for each of you processes

8 Create your own Doc Type Catalog
Accounting usually has to move from Project to Project to locate Pay Requests (or other doc types) Estimates have to locate Bids Configure a Catalog Dashboard to just display Open Pay Requests or Open Bids Same concept as the Create your own Library for Training

9 Cloud Storage Watch our Cloud Storage Demo on YouTube
Link Spitfire to your Cloud Storage Provider Select which Projects and Doc Types will sync with the Cloud Spitfire tracks all changes to the files in Spitfire as the files are accessed and changed in your Cloud Storage location Cloud Storage: Great for Sharing Poor on Change Tracking

10 Ball in Court RouteConfig | AutoResponsibleParty** – allows you to automatically set the Document Header Responsible party to the current route recipient each time the current route changes

11 Take Control of the Budget
Limit to Budget Prevents Commitments and/or CCO from being approved if the amount for the line item exceeds the Budget amount for that Cost Code/Account Category combination (other Commitments and included in the evaluation). PreventNegativeRemaining Prevents a CCO from being approved if it reduces the budget line to negative amount For example, Commitment line item is currently set to $4,000 for electrical and $3,000 has already been approved for payment. This rule would block a CCO that tried to reduce the line item to under $3,000 NetZero:MM Manual Budget Revisions now are locked to Net Zero changes – you can move the money, but you cannot add or remove dollars from the overall budget

12 Re-do Your Templates qAlias bookmarks for Company Divisions
qIMG_Logo, qIMG_Header, qIMG_Footer Body Templates Create a Word document and test it Change from Attachment to Body Advantage: Recipient sees your message immediately in the body vs. opening a PDF attachment

13 Re-do Your Predefined Routes
New Route features Due In Days – automatically set a Due Date for the Route Route this SEQ via – even if the routee has the preference of RouteVia = Web Pending Any Groups – allow you to route to multiple people in one sequence and build multiple pending groups For example, if you route to Purchasing and Designer in Seq 4 – both Set to Pending Any since there are multiple users in Purchasing and Design. All the Purchasing routees will be one Pending Any Group and all the Designers will be in a second Pending Any Group

14 Click the word doc to open the list of docs
Inbox Action Bar Respond to your route in the Action bar – or respond to all similar docs at one time Click the word doc to open the list of docs

15 Change Order Import Reuse your Budget Import sheet for importing Change Orders Budget Import Map for Change Order doc needs to be uploaded to Template Library New VXL rules allow you to configure this new functionality SUBCONTRACT account category could create a new Commitment or RFQ - or just enter a cost code/account category line item

16 Redundant Tasks Consider the Workflow Script Library as your building blocks Examples Create Revision Workflow script to create a revision of a document (think of the submittal items Revise and Resubmit functionality at the document level) Set Status On some action (perhaps Route Seq 5 is ‘responded’), trigger the workflow to set the Approver field and the Status to Approved. Set Item data based on Doc data When Doc Due changes, reset Item Due to match

17 Next Topic Is There a Rule for That? February 9th – 1:00 pm EST
Other Webinar Coming Soon: What you can do with System Admin Tools Outbound – Personalized for Your Company Working with Projects and Sub Projects All About File: Copy vs. Clone and Cloud Sync

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