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High School Grading Scale

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1 High School Grading Scale
Academic Grading Scale 93 – 100 = A = 4 points 85 – 92 = B = 3 points = C = 2 points 67 – 74 = D = 1 point 0 – 66 = F = 0 point Honors Grading Scale 93 – 100 = A = 5 points 85 – 92 = B= 4 points = C = 3 points 67 – 74 = D = 2 points 0 – = F = 0 point

2 Determining Report Card Grade
Must contain 8 equally weighted grades, plus exam; Example: Bellwork/Classwork (10%) Homework (10%) Quizzes (10%) Unit Test 1 (10%) Unit Test 2 (10%) Unit Test 3 (10%) Unit Test 4 (10%) Projects (10%) Midterm or Final Exam (20%) In addition, an EOC exam is 15% of the final grade in those classes (state law)

3 Determining Final Course Grade
A student must earn 2 quality points to pass a full credit course (1 quality point in a half credit course) AND must pass the second grading period of the semester in order to pass the course. In a course with an EOC, the EOC must count for 15% of the student’s final grade Q1 Q2 FINAL A B C F D Point out the student with the F, C makes a D but that the C, F makes an F Also note that a student can pass the EOC but still fail the course, and vice versa

4 Calculating the GPA Cumulative GPA = 3.0 ( =12/4=3.0) Quality points are given for the final grades Q1 Q2 E1(EOC) FINAL English I A B Algebra I C IBCA Biology D To determine gpa, quality points are averaged by quarter: in this example, add the = 12; divided by 4 = GPA of 3.0

5 End of Course (EOC) Exams
Required in both diploma paths; students must pass: Algebra I* or Geometry* English I*, II or English III American History or Biology* * Potential 9th grade courses Regardless of diploma path, students are required to take EOC exams and they must pass 3 (one of each pairing) in order to graduate. The three starred can be 9th grade courses, but some of your students will take them in 10th grade. They will use their computers to take the EOC exams. By then they will have experienced taking numerous tests via the computer, so it will not be new to them. Notice 4 of the subjects that have EOC exams could be freshmen classes, but we try to make sure they have no more than 3.

6 TOPS Standard Requirements
OPPORTUNITY AWARD – Tuition; Minimum GPA of 2.50, ACT State Average – currently 20 PERFORMANCE AWARD – Tuition plus $400; Minimum GPA of 3.0 , ACT 23 HONORS AWARD – Tuition plus $800; Minimum GPA of 3.0, ACT 27 GPA computed on core courses only Core Units

7 TOPS GPA Calculation of the TOPS Core Curriculum GPA will use a 5.00 point scale for grades earned in CERTAIN BESE/Board of Regents approved courses used to complete the TOPS Core Curriculum in: Advanced Placement (AP) Dual Enrollment Honors course named by the State (not all classes in these categories are used) Make sure to include that it is only certain honors courses

8 Attendance Policy State law requires a student who has missed more than 5 days unexcused in a full credit class to fail regardless of grade Students can only miss 3 days unexcused in a half credit class Attendance recovery is available for students to recover up to 5 (or 3) days per course Reminder that regardless of grades they must be present the minimum number of days to receive credit

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