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Can you play the guitar? Chapter 6 continued.

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1 Can you play the guitar? Chapter 6 continued

2 In the last class You identified several jobs and talked about the skills needed to do those jobs. You were able to talk about what people in those job do. You were also able to talk about skills needed for those jobs. You practiced sentences using “A ___ + verb.” and “need to be able to” Examples: “A student studies.” and “A student needs to be able to read.” As a review, who can tell me what the following people do? What do they need to be able to do? What does a professor do? What does a nurse do? What does a journalist do? What does a graphic designer do? What skill does each need to be able to do?

3 Today, you will Identify the name of the job you want after you graduate. Determine what skills you need to get the a job you want. Use the following sentence structures: “I want to be + job name.” “A job name needs to be able to + verb well.” Examples: “I want to be a teacher.” “A teacher needs to be able to write well.” Practice using Can do something and am good at doing something. Practice the dialog in the textbook.

4 After You Graduate First, take a few minutes and think about the job you want after you graduate. Then, use your dictionary and find the English word for the job you want. Finally, be prepared to tell the class using the following sentence. I want to be a/an (job name) after I graduate.

5 Skills You Need Work with a partner and make a list of at least 3 skills you need in order to do the job you have chosen. You may use your dictionary and the Internet to help you find information to help you. Use the following sentence structure when you make your list. I need to be able to (verb 동사). IMPORTANT: You must use a verb Example: I need to be able to read.

6 Can do vs am good at Now that you are able to talk about your future job and the skills you need, let’s practice using can do st and am able to do st for other skills. We use can do st to talk about abilities; ex. I can drive a car. We also use am able to to talk about abilities; ex. I am able to drive a car. However, just because you can do something does not mean you are good at that thing. Example: I can program in php, but I am not really good at it. Some people can drive a car, but they are not good drivers. So they are not good at driving a car.

7 Review and Conclusion You should now be able to
talk about the job you want and the skills you need for that job. Use the following sentence structures Need to be able to + verb Can do + verb Am good at + verb ~ing. Can you + verb? Are you good at + verb ~ing? If you feel like you need more help, please come by my office or talk to me after class.

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