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Foods II Practice Questions and Answers

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1 Foods II Practice Questions and Answers

2 do not eat dairy products, eggs, or any other products derived from animals.

3 Lacto vegetarians do not consume red or white meat, fish, poultry or eggs. They do consume dairy products such as milk, cheese, and yogurt. Lacto vegetarians

4 Lacto vegetarians do not consume red or white meat, fish, poultry or dairy products. Do consume eggs and egg products. Lacto vegetarians

5 Lacto-ovo vegetarians
Lacto-ovo vegetarians do not consume red or white meat, fish, or poultry. They do consume dairy and egg products Lacto-ovo vegetarians

6 diet follows mostly vegetarian diet but includes fish and seafood.

7 are leaves of plants Herbs

8 are dried roots, stems, and
seeds. Spices

9 Basil, Bay Leaf, Rosemary, Mint, Oregano, Sage, Tarragon

10 Ginger, Mace, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Cloves

11 Dijon, Yellow Mustard

12 White, Red Wine, Tarragon, Cider

13 Chili Powder, Curry SEASONING BLENDS

14 A thin pancake, filled and rolled

15 Ice cream added to another food item such as pie
A la mode

16 small pieces of marinated meat and vegetables, broiled (all on a skewer)
Shish Kebab

17 Hawaiian feast Luau

18 Type of turnover filled with various cheeses (typically mozzarella) and Italian meats or vegetables. The dough used is either Italian bread dough or pizza dough Stromboli

19 light lunch, a fried tortilla filled with meat.

20 a flat cake of unleavened cornmeal, or of flour.

21 Type of soup or stew often prepared with milk or cream & thickened with a roux. Variations can be seafood or vegetables. Chowder

22 A custard pie baked with cheese
A custard pie baked with cheese. Other ingredients may be bacon or other meats, spinach or other vegetables, fruits Quiche

23 Ground meat rolled into a ball with other ingredients then cooked by frying, baking, steaming or braising. Served with gravy. Swedish Meatball

24 An Italian dish made by baking thin dough covered with tomato sauce, cheese, vegetables, and meats.

25 A Japanese dish consisting of small balls or rolls of vinegar-flavored cold cooked rice served with a garnish of raw fish, vegetables, or egg. Sushi

26 Rich meat stew thickened with ground peanuts

27 Dish made with masa or dough, which is steamed in a corn husk
Dish made with masa or dough, which is steamed in a corn husk. Wrapping is discarded before eating. Tamales

28 Bean curd, made by coagulating soy milk and then pressing the resulting curds into soft blocks.

29 A thick semisolid food made from fermented milk
A thick semisolid food made from fermented milk. Fruit and flavors may be added. It may also be frozen Yogurt

30 Dumplings made from potatoes formed into ball-shape, then boiled or steamed in salt water.
Potato Dumpling

31 Batter used to coat fish, seafood, and vegetables then deep-fried.

32 Daily bread made of ground maize dough and is usually served with cheese or avocado and is sometimes split to make a sandwich Arepas

33 a characteristic style of cooking practices and traditions, often associated with a specific region, country or culture. Cuisine

34 customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group.

35 Current popular flavors many restaurants are using.
Flavor trends

36 areas where a public mercantile establishment is set up to sell goods.
Food markets

37 theme(s) or cuisine(s) currently popular
Food trends

38 a large vehicle equipped with facilities for cooking and selling food.
Food truck

39 a cuisine that is practiced around the world.
Global cuisine

40 a person who does not eat meat but does eat fish.

41 a person who does not eat or use animal products.

42 a person who does not eat meat, and sometimes other animal products, especially for moral, religious, or health reasons. Vegetarian

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