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Chapter 19: Vegetables Classification: Grouped according to part of plant from which they come Bulb: Garlic and Onion Flower: Artichoke, broccoli, cauliflower.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 19: Vegetables Classification: Grouped according to part of plant from which they come Bulb: Garlic and Onion Flower: Artichoke, broccoli, cauliflower."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 19: Vegetables Classification: Grouped according to part of plant from which they come Bulb: Garlic and Onion Flower: Artichoke, broccoli, cauliflower Fruits: tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, okra, peppers, pumpkin, squash Stems: asparagus, celery Leaves: Brussels sprout, cabbage, lettuce, spinach Seeds: pea, corn, bean Tubers: potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke Roots: beets, carrots, parsnip, radish, rutabaga, sweet potato, turnip

2 Nutritional Value Vitamin A= leafy green, deep yellow
Vitamin C=Broccoli, green peppers, raw cabbage Vitamin B=All vegetables, especially seed vegetables Calcium and Iron=leafy Green Fiber=Skin and pulp of vegetable -Helps with digestion Carbohydrates=seeds, roots, tubers (starchy vegetable) Most vegetables are low in calories

3 Storing Fresh Veggies Use as soon as possible
Store in plastic bag or container Sweet Corn=Husks Tomatoes=Uncovered Lettuce=care before storing Onions=at room temp in open container Potatoes, squash, eggplant, rutabaga=in cool, dry, dark place use with in 1 week, when exposed to light they will turn green and develop bitter flavor ~Cost of Fresh Vegetables Depends on time of year

4 Canned Vegetables Whole, sliced, pieces Canned in water or juice
~Buying and Storing Canned Vegetables Cost less then fresh or frozen Cost depends on brand, size, quality, and packing liquid Store in cool, dry place Store opened, unused portion in refrigerator

5 Dried Vegetables ~Dried Vegetables
Legumes=dried peas, beans or lentils High in protein, used as a meat substitute Dried navy beans, lima beans, split pea, lentils = soup Pinto, red bean = Chili and Mexican food Black eyed peas = southern dish Garbanzo and kidney = salads Soybeans = most nutritious and used with other foods

6 Frozen Vegetables Retain appearance and flavor better than canned
Freezing may alter texture ~Buying and Storing Frozen Vegetables Cost less than fresh Price will vary according to packaging, size of container and added ingredients

7 Preparing Veggies Wash trim under cool running water
Do not let them soak Use a peeler rather than a knife Raw taste best when cold

8 Food Science Principles
~Foot Science Principles Cook in small amount of water when possible helps reduce vitamin loss Cook for short amount of time to help preserve color, texture, flavor, and serve when crisp ~Effects of Cooking on Vegetables color Chlorophyll = green vegetables Colorless during over cooking, heat affects Carotene = Yellow Vegetables Heat does not destroy but over cooking will Flavones = White Vegetables Soluble in water, overcooking will turn yellow or dark gray Anthocyanin = Red Vegetables Cook in small amounts of water

9 Methods for Cooking Veggies
Cooking in water Steaming Pressure cooking Baking Frying Broiling Microwaving

10 Potatoes Different varieties
All purpose – work well for baking and boiling Baking New – sent to the market right after harvesting New and round red are best for boiling, frying and making potato salad because they hold their shape Baking and Russet are best for baking and mashing because they have a mealy texture ~Preparing potatoes Most popular preparations are: boiling, mashed, frying and baking Make sure to scrub potatoes to get any extra dirt off and prick with a fork or knife

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