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Cell Parts Flip Book Parts of a Cell:

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1 Cell Parts Flip Book Parts of a Cell:
cell support structures, nucleus, cytoplasm, lysosomes, golgi apparatus, ribosomes, endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, chloroplast, vacuole

2 Cell Structure and Function “Flipbook”
1. Cell Support Structures 2. Nucleus 3. Nucleolus 4. Cytoplasm 5. Lysosomes 6. Golgi Apparatus 7. Ribosomes 8. Endoplasmic Reticulum 9. Mitochondria 10. Chloroplast 11. Vacuole

3 1. Cell support structures
Cytoskeleton Support structure Maintain the shape of a cell

4 1. Cell support structures
Cell Membrane Made of lipids and proteins. Lipid bi-layer: “2-layers” of fat Allows materials to enter and exit the cell Semi-permeable: only some things go through Found in plant AND animal cells Also called the plasma membrane

5 1. Cell support structures
Cell Wall Protects and supports the plant. Found only in plant cells

6 2. nucleus Control center of the cell Contains DNA Nucleolus
Nuclear Membrane

7 3. NUCLEOLUS Produces ribosomes

8 4. cytoplasm Portion of the cell outside the nucleus
Works with the nucleus

9 5. lysosomes Digest lipids, carbohydrates, and proteins into smaller parts Breakdown old organelles

10 6. Golgi Apparatus Packages and modifies the protein made by rough E.R. Can also package hormones, enzymes, and mucus

11 7. ribosomes Makes (synthesizes) proteins
May be free- floating or attached to the E.R.

12 8. RER: rough endoplasmic reticulum
Has ribosomes on it. Makes (synthesizes) proteins. Some proteins go to the cell membrane, others are released by the cell.

13 8. SER: smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Without ribosomes Makes (synthesizes) lipids used by the cell membrane.

14 9. mitochondria Converts glucose into ATP. “Food” into “energy”

15 10. chloroplast Where photosynthesis takes place.
6CO2 + 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2

16 11. vacuole Found in plants Storage center
Stores materials like water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates

17 The end!

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