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Outreach Training Program Maritime Industry

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1 Outreach Training Program Maritime Industry
Directorate of Training and Education Outreach Training Program Maritime Industry Procedures Revised January 1, 2018 Effective April 1, 2018

2 Maritime Industry Procedures Section II
Instructions for authorized Maritime Industry Outreach Trainers To ensure consistency of classes and that students receive the best possible training

3 Outreach - Maritime Industry https://www. osha

4 Authorized Trainer Status Update Section III
To Remain an Authorized Trainer: Attend OSHA #5402 Update for Maritime Industry Outreach Trainers every 4 years or Attend OSHA #5400 Grace Period 90-day grace period after expiration to take OSHA #5402 Allows for unexpected circumstances Can’t conduct Outreach Training Program training or receive student completion cards if status has expired

5 10-Hour Training Overview Section IV
Provides entry level Maritime Industry workers information on how to identify, abate, avoid and prevent job hazards on a job site Teaches workers about: Their rights Employer responsibilities How to file a complaint Does not emphasize OSHA standards Learning objectives On CD distributed in trainer classes, or downloadable from the Maritime Industry Outreach website Introduction to OSHA (website and Instructor Guide)

6 Shipyard Employment Mandatory 7 hours Elective 1 hours Optional
10-Hour Topics Section V Shipyard Employment Mandatory 7 hours Elective 1 hours Optional 2 hours

7 10-Hour Topics Section V – Shipyard Employment
Mandatory (7 hours) Introduction to OSHA (1 hour) Walking and Working Surfaces (1 hour) Personal Protective Equipment (1 hour) Fall Protection/Scaffolding (1 hour) Electrical (1 hour) Confined and Enclosed spaces (1 hour) Fire Protection (1 hour)

8 10-Hour Topics Section V – Shipyard Employment
Elective (1 hour) Hazardous Communications/Hazardous Materials Lockout/Tagout Respiratory Protection

9 10-Hour Topics Section V - Shipyard Employment
Optional (2 hours) Hot Work – Welding, Burning and Cutting Material Handling Bloodborne Pathogens Machine Guarding Ergonomics and Proper Lifting Techniques Additional coverage on mandatory or elective topics or any other Maritime Industry hazards or policies Minimum length of a topic is one-half hour

10 10-Hour Topics Section V – Marine Terminals & Longshoring
and Longshoring Mandatory 3 hours Elective 4 hours Optional

11 10-Hour Topics Section IV – Marine Terminals & Longshoring
Mandatory (3 hours) Introduction to OSHA (1 hour) Walking and Working Surfaces (1 hour) Personal Protective Equipment (1 hour)

12 10-Hour Topics Section IV – Marine Terminals & Longshoring
Elective (4 hour) - At least 2 topics Hazardous Communications/Hazardous Materials Lockout/Tagout Respiratory Protection Fall Protection Electrical Confined and Enclosed Spaces Fire Protection Minimum length of a topic is one-half hour

13 10-Hour Topics Section IV – Marine Terminals & Longshoring
Optional (2 hours) Hot Work – Welding, Burning and Cutting Material Handling Bloodborne Pathogens Machine Guarding Ergonomics and Proper Lifting Techniques Additional coverage on mandatory or elective topics or any other Maritime Industry hazards or policies Minimum length of a topic is one-half hour

14 30-Hour Training Overview Section V
Provide a variety of training to workers with some safety responsibility OSHA standards should not be emphasized Not equivalent to OSHA Course #5410 (Standards course)

15 Shipyard Employment Mandatory 15 hours Elective 2 hours Optional
30-Hour Topics Section V Shipyard Employment Mandatory 15 hours Elective 2 hours Optional 13 hours

16 30-Hour Topics Section V – Shipyard Employment
Mandatory (15 hours) Introduction to OSHA (1 hour) Managing Safety and Health (2 hours) Walking & Working Surfaces, including fall protection (2 hours) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (2 hours) Fall Protection/Scaffolding (2 hours) Electrical (2 hours) Confined and Enclosed Spaces (2 hours) Fire Protection (2 hours)

17 30-Hour Topics Section V – Shipyard Employment
Elective (2 hours) Hazardous Communications / Hazardous Materials Lockout / Tagout Respiratory Protection Minimum length of a topic is one-half hour

18 30-Hour Topics Section V – Shipyard Employment
Optional (13 hours) Hotwork – Welding, Burning and Cutting Material Handling Bloodborne Pathogens Machine Guarding Ergonomics and Proper Lifting Techniques

19 30-Hour Topics Section V – Shipyard Employment
Optional (13 hours) (cont’d) Additional coverage on mandatory or elective or any other Maritime Industry hazards or policies Minimum length of a topic is one-half hour

20 30-Hour Topics Section V – Marine Terminals and Longshoring
Mandatory 7 hours Elective 8 hours Optional 15 hours

21 30-Hour Topics Section V – Marine Terminals and Longshoring
Mandatory (7 hours) Introduction to OSHA (1 hour) Managing Safety and Health (2 hours) Walking & Working Surfaces, including fall protection (2 hours) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) (2 hours)

22 30-Hour Topics Section V – Marine Terminals and Longshoring
Elective (8 hours) - at least 2 topics Hazardous Communications / Hazardous Materials Lockout / Tagout Respiratory Protection Fall Protection Electrical Confined and Enclosed Spaces Fire Protection Minimum length of a topic is one-half hour

23 30-Hour Topics Section V – Marine Terminals and Longshoring
Optional (15 hours) Hotwork – Welding, Burning and Cutting Material Handling Bloodborne Pathogens Machine Guarding Ergonomics and Proper Lifting Techniques

24 30-Hour Topics Section V – Marine Terminals and Longshoring
Optional (15 hours) (cont’d) Additional coverage on mandatory or elective or any other Maritime Industry hazards or policies Minimum length of a topic is one-half hour

25 NEW – 1-Hr Introduction to OSHA Section VI
Content OSHA has required curriculum for this module Instructor guide, handouts, & participatory activities Trainer must Follow learning objectives Use the participatory activities – may either conduct individual topic practices or conduct the optional exercise Trainers may Adjust delivery strategies to audience Use work-site photos and company-specific tailoring

26 Introduction to OSHA https://www. osha. gov/dte/outreach/teachingaids

27 Reporting Training Classes Section VII
Outreach Training Program Report (OTPR) – Maritime Industry Read instructions on form Ensure coverage of required topics The Outreach Training Program Requirements include more information on obtaining student cards

28 Outreach Training Program Report (OTPR) - Maritime Industry

29 Outreach Training Program Report (OTPR) - Maritime Industry Item 6 Trainer Address – Provide an address that will ensure that the cards are sent directly to you. Item 9 No. of Students - If you held a class that contained more or less students than allowed by OSHA policy, include a copy of the prior approval received. Item 10 Training Site Address - Provide the address, city, state, and country where the course was conducted. Item 12 Course Duration - Enter the start date, end date, start time, and end time of the course. Item 14 Statement of Certification - Trainer signs to verify that the class was conducted in accordance with OSHA’s requirements and attest to the accuracy of the documentation submitted. Item 16 Student Names - Ensure the names are legible.

30 Maritime Industry & Training Websites Section VI
Helps trainers prepare/conduct training: OSHA eTools Maritime Industry Maritime Guidance Documents Shipyard Employment eTool Examining Fatal Shipyard Accidents video OSHA Publications Industry-Specific Resources Lockout-Tagout Interactive Training Program

31 Questions & Answers

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