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Chinatown by William Low.

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Presentation on theme: "Chinatown by William Low."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chinatown by William Low

2 Vocabulary for Chinatown

3 Written and illustrated by William Low
About the Book CHINATOWN Written and illustrated by William Low The author _____________ writes the stories. The illustrator _________ draws the pictues. Summary: In Chinatown, a young boy goes for a walk with his grandmother and describes the sights and the people on the busy streets.

4 Genre – Realistic Fiction
Realistic fiction is a story withy characters and events that are like people and events in real life. Look for: A setting that is a real place. Story events that could really happen

5 William Low Meet the Author:
Chinatown is the first book William Low has both written and illustrated. As a child, he loved a painting he saw on the cover of a phone book. It showed some shops on a city street. Today, William Low paints his own scenes of city life. He also paints people, landscapes, and objects. He works in a dark basement studio, but his pictures are filled with light.

6 Glossary Time Put your reading book on your desk.
Open your book to the glossary. When you see the word, get ready to find the word in your glossary.

7 celebrations Celebrations - joyous gatherings, usually to mark important events New Year’s is one of the many celebrations enjoyed by the people in Chinatown.

8 develop develop - to make something better; improve
They want to develop the land across from our school into a new neighborhood.

9 furious furious - very angry These bears are furious with each other!

10 graceful graceful -lovely way of moving
This ballet dancer is very graceful as she leaps through the air.

11 grocery store grocery store - a shop that sells food and household goods WE enjoy shopping for fresh fruit in the grocery store.

12 students students - people who go to school
These students are making get well cards for a sick classmate.

13 Grade 2, Theme 2 Chinatown Vocabulary Review
Celebrations- joyous gatherings, usually to mark important events develop - to make something better, improve furious - very angry graceful - lovely way of moving grocery store - a shop that sells food and household goods students - people who go to school

14 These apple blossoms will ________ into apples.
develop celebrations graceful furious students grocery store These apple blossoms will ________ into apples.

15 Many think swans are the most ___________ bird.
develop furious grocery store students celebrations graceful Many think swans are the most ___________ bird.

16 We _____________ Independence Day with fireworks displays.
graceful grocery store furious celebrations develop students

17 Kroger is the newest ____________ in our town.
furious celebrations students grocery store graceful develop Kroger is the newest ____________ in our town.

18 The ___________ are enjoying their new computer lab.
grocery store celebrations furious students develop graceful The ___________ are enjoying their new computer lab.

19 develop furious grocery store students graceful celebrations
Mom was _______ when I said I was not going to do homework before I went out to play. develop furious grocery store students graceful celebrations

20 Match the meaning to the word.
graceful ___ furious ___ develop ___ students ____ grocery store ___ celebrations ____ joyous gatherings, usually to mark important events to make something better, improve very angry lovely way of moving a shop that sells food and household goods people who go to school D C B F E A

21 The End Enjoy your story. Anne Miller

22 _________ ___ ________
_________ ___ ________ Next two slides are vocabulary words that students will need for more understanding of the story.

23 Other Vocabulary: tai chi- an ancient kind of exercise
graceful- smooth or beautiful in motion cobbler- a person whose work is repairing or making shoes arrive- to come to a place favorite- one that is liked best medicinal- used to cure pain or illness musty- damp or moldy herbs- plants valued for their use in medicine or cooking

24 seafood- fish or shellfish from the sea used for food
sizzles- makes hissing sounds crackle- make cracking or snapping sounds woks- metal pans with rounded bottoms used for frying and steaming clang- make a metallic ringing sound barely- only just furious- very angry kung fu- a Chinese system of self-defense, similar to karate develop- to help in the growth of, make stronger

25 Links for the story Great site for things about Chinatown in San Francisco. Home for this site: Information on the story for Teachers

26 Skills for this story. What is a Context Clue?
How to Use Context Clues Lesson: Using Story Meaning Practice Using Story Meaning Magic Keys Picture Clues Anticipation Guide (Kyrene) Chinatown Vocabulary 1 Chinatown Vocabulary 2 Chinatown Vocabulary 3Building prefixes Prefix Catch Constructing Prefixes BBC - Schools - KS2 Bitesize Revision - English (Prefixes and Suffixes)

27 Details Practice Chinatown morning message
1. Details 2. Details Details Practice Chinatown morning message Language Based Activities Verbs that tell about now Present-Tense Verbs; Combining Sentences with Verbs Past-Tense Verbs Past-Tense Verbs Has, Have, Had Forms of Have Am, Is, Are, Was, Were Forms of Be Contractions Contraction Matching Test Tutor - Contractions

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