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Cell Structure The Microscope.

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Presentation on theme: "Cell Structure The Microscope."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cell Structure The Microscope

2 Introduction Discovery of Micro-organisms Allows us to look at cells
Has lead to discoveries in many diseases Light Microscope Electron Microscope Beams of Light Beams of electrons X 1500 X 500,000

3 The Light Microscope You Must be able to label a microscope

4 Basic Cell Structure Plant or Animal Cells???

5 Cell Ultra – Structure (Animal)

6 Cell Ultra – Structure (Plant)

7 Cell Membrane Phospholipids and and proteins bi-layer FUNCTIONS:
Controls movement of substances in & out of cell. Production of anti-bodies Support Structure

8 Cell Wall

9 Cell Wall Only found in plant cells. Made by the cytoplasm.
Made of cellulose Fully Permeable Functions Support Protection Middle Lamella: A chemical material which 'glues' plant cells together. It is produced during cell division.

10 The Nucleus The nucleus is the control centre of the cell. Structure
Nuclear membrane Nuclear pores Nucleoli - manufacture proteins Chromosomes/chromatin

11 The Nucleus The nucleus is the control centre of the cell. Functions
Cell division - mitosis/meiosis Protein synthesis Controls activities of the cell

12 Mitochondria Most are found in active cells like muscle cells, nerve cells etc… Used in plant and animal cells for respiration. Produces a large number of enzymes. matrix cristae

13 Chloroplasts Only found in plant cells Contain pigment chlorophyll
Used during photosynthesis to absorb sunlight

14 Ribosomes Produced by the nucleolus in the nucleus.
Tiny, but very numerous. Either floating freely in cytoplasm or attached to endoplasmic reticulum. Protein synthesis. Sometimes they may be attached together in a group called a 'polysome'.

15 Centrioles Mainly found in animal cells.
Occur in pairs near the nucleus. Function Cell division

16 Vacuole Mainly in plant cells.
Found in some animal cells such as Amoeba. Controls the water content of the cell. Contains food/excretory products (sap)

17 Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
cells that contain a nucleus bound by a nuclear membrane. They also contain many membrane bound structures called organelles.

18 Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
Prokaryotic cells Cells that do not have a nucleus bound by a nuclear membrane. Instead of having DNA fixed on chromosomes their genetic information is on a circular loop called a plasmid. Example - bacteria cell.

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