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Absorption Cross Sections (Hubeny & Mihalas Chapter 5)

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Presentation on theme: "Absorption Cross Sections (Hubeny & Mihalas Chapter 5)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Absorption Cross Sections (Hubeny & Mihalas Chapter 5)
Bound-bound transitions (Einstein relations) Bound-free transitions (Einstein-Milne relations)

2 Bound-Bound Transitions
Balance transitions between two levels Upwards absorption Downwards by spontaneous or stimulated emission j hνij i

3 Energy Absorption Rate: Bij = Einstein coefficient for absorption

4 Return Rates: Aji=Einstein coeff. spontaneous em. Bji=Einstein coeff
Return Rates: Aji=Einstein coeff. spontaneous em. Bji=Einstein coeff. stimulated em. (isotropic) (same direction as Iν)

5 *Thermodynamic Equilibrium: Iν=Bν

6 b-b Transfer Equation

7 b-b Transfer Equation

8 Transition Rates Calculate or measure cross section

9 Transition Rates: Hydrogen
H transitions n'→n

10 Einstein-Milne Relations for Bound-Free Transitions

11 Einstein-Milne Relations: energy and velocity
Replace v dv increment in recombination term with this.

12 Einstein-Milne Relations: #photoionizations=#recombinations

13 Denominator Term: Maxwell dist. ne(v); Saha eq. n0/n1
…….=1. ……

14 T.E.: αν=pνhν , ne=Maxwellian, n0*/n1*=Saha, G(v)/pν above …
b-f Transfer Equation T.E.: αν=pνhν , ne=Maxwellian, n0*/n1*=Saha, G(v)/pν above …

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