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The Colony of Pennsylvania

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1 The Colony of Pennsylvania
Block: 3 By: Joanna Gavina, Erica Soto, and Alexandra Kuziemski

2 Key Terms William Penn Quakers Original Sin Original Blessing
King Charles II Philadelphia

3 History Before European settlement, Pennsylvania was inhabited by various Native American tribes Erie, Honniasont, Huron, Iroquois, Lenni Lenape, Munsee, Shawnee, and other unknown tribes First claimed by the Swedes and Finns under Peter Minuit in 1638 Established the Colony of New Sweden at Fort Christina In 1643, Governor Johan Printz built Fort Elfsborg and Fort New Gothenburg Displaced by the Dutch lead by Governor Peter Stuyvesant in 1655 British took control in 1664 Granted to William Penn in 1681 by King Charles II of England

4 Government William Penn was the founder of Pennsylvania.
At the age of 22 he converted to the beliefs of the Quakers. King Charles II signed the Charter of Pennsylvania on March 4, 1681 In Spring 1682 Penn created the First Frame of Government, his proposed constitution for Pennsylvania In 1683 the Second Frame of Government was created. By 1684, the foundations of the Quaker Province were well established.

5 Population In the late 1780s, the colony had a population of about 341,000 people In 1700, population was only about 18,000 The first people to settle were the Dutch, Swedes, English, and Welsh Quakers Followed by the German Quakers, English Quakers, and French Huguenots Population also included people from Finland, Holland, Spain, and the western coast of Africa

6 Culture Conveniently close to natural resources.
Many job opportunities for the people. Young children had an education. Taught with strict discipline. Boiled “Quaker’s Food”. Most popular way to cook food was to boil. Opposed Slavery. Quakers supported the movement for female equality. Quakers celebrated funerals in happiness. Casual dress code. Quaker Funeral

7 Economy Pennsylvania was considered the highest exporting colony.
Close to natural resources Agricultural Production thrived The southeast section of Pennsylvania was a well known agricultural center by the 1750s. Trade was made easy with the many rivers being in close proximity Philadelphia became a hub of foreign trade and commerce. Skilled craftsmen manufactured items that aided in trade. Iron ore products were shipped to England.

8 Religion Government based on William Penn’s religious beliefs.
Religious Freedom Formal title: Religious Society of Friends Believed in the “Inner Light” of God in everyone. Everyone can have a relationship with God. Treated individuals equally. Equally worthy of respect. No judgement based on race or gender. Blue Laws Stage plays, playing cards, dice games, and excessive laughter. Believed in Original Blessing unlike the Puritans who believed in Original Sin. “Religious Society of Friends” founded by George Fox.

9 Major Events/People 1643: Swedes establish first permanent European settlement on Tinicum Island 1666: Penn joins the Quaker religion 1681: Penn receives royal grant from King Charles II 1688: Germantown Quakers adopted the first antislavery resolution in America 1701: Penn created the Charter of Privileges for Province of Pennsylvania Established religious freedom and tolerance Remained as constitution until American Revolution 1712: Pennsylvania Assembly banned importing slaves 1752: Liberty Bell arrived in Philadelphia

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