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At Armstrong High and Salisbury Middle

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1 At Armstrong High and Salisbury Middle
My Device my learning My deviCe My Learning At Armstrong High and Salisbury Middle

2 What is My Device My Learning?
My Device My Learning (MDML) is a provincial Initiative to develop 21st Century Learning skills within the classroom environment. (Known as BYOD in other areas.) Students and teachers will have access to internet hotspots using their own smart devices, or laptop computer. Technology will be used to support the curriculum and to support learning.

3 MDML To Date Over the past two years grades 6-8 have had technology incorporated into the classroom. The Province has put significant resources into improving the infrastructure in the MS and HS over the past couple years. ICT team has developed the implementation and management policies for the school. (Discipline plan, User Agreement, PD Plan, Equity Plan)

4 Digital Citizenship Students will understand what a good digital citizen entails (distinguish between credible and deceptive information, what is acceptable to post, plagiarizing, cyberbullying, etc.) All students will complete a required Digital citizenship module. Students and staff will become publishers and in turn will improve their critical thinking skills and communication skills. in the areas of ethics, and safety.

5 Equity Plan Equipment There are approximately130 netbook computers in the middle school for grades 5 and 8 There are also 64 desktop PC’s in the school designated labs There are approximately150 iPads in the middle school for grades 6 and 7 20 laptop computers in the high school for student access 34 IPads to be used as divided into pods for multiple classrooms to access. Most teachers have at least 2 devices (notebook computer, MacBook Pro and an iPad)

6 What Does MDML Really Mean?
For School, Teachers Parents and Students

7 For the School Teacher will control when the device is to be used.
Helps to implement expectations for Universal Design for Learning and individualized learning. My Device My Learning fits directly with our School Improvement Plan goal of opportunities for extended and enriched learning opportunities. Allow for teachers to have students access information, assessment tools and learning tools on a regular basis.

8 For Teachers Teaching staff will be managing access to the device during class time. Success of the program in the classroom relies on effective classroom management It will be up to the teacher to determine how this is going to work in their particular class. (Full integration, partial integration or no integration) Teachers will need to reinforce positive digital citizenship and enforce consequences when necessary. Consideration of lessons for all learners. Professional development will be given on effective use of technology in the classroom.

9 For Parents This does not mean that the student can be in contact with their parent throughout the day. Learning is still the priority. It is a completely voluntary program. Students may not have a device or parents may not want students to bring device to school. The school has an Equity Plan where students can utilize a school owned device during class time. (Not able to save data to the device.) Need parents to continue reinforcing positive digital citizenship at home.

10 For Students A level of responsibility in how both the device, and access to the school network, is used; both during class time and break times. Student access can be blocked should they be misusing the network. Students will still have to follow Provincial Policy 311 (Acceptable Computer Use Agreement) as well as sign the JMA/SMS User Agreement. Students will use their devices as a tool that will enhance their learning, for creativity, for support, for civic engagement, for more student centered learning. Students are responsible for their device in the event that it get stolen or broken.

11 MDML Wrap-up Admin and the ICT team will meet with all students to discuss the program in the next couple weeks. All students will complete a digital citizenship component. MDML within classrooms will mean a shift in the teaching and learning among students.

12 Thank You! Thank You!

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