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By Rebecca Terpstra March 23rd 2018 Period B class

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1 By Rebecca Terpstra March 23rd 2018 Period B class
West Nile Virus By Rebecca Terpstra March 23rd 2018 Period B class

2 Spread by mosquitos Once the virus is in the bloodstream it multiplies and spreads It is spread through mosquito bites (blood) It does not usually cause death although it could cause some serious long-term affects

3 What causes west Nile virus?
A mosquito bites an infected bird than it gets infected A bite from an infected mosquito can cause West Nile virus  An infected mosquito can spread West Nile to humans and other animals (basically anything it bites)

4 How is West Nile virus spread?
The bite of a mosquito who has fed on an infected bird And in rare cases Blood transfusion Organ and or tissue transplants Mothers to unborn babies Breast milk

5 Who is most affected by West Nile virus?
People over the age of 50 People with diseases such as:   Cancer Diabetes Alcoholism Heart disease Who need medical treatment that may weaken their immune systems

6 History of West Nile virus
It was first isolated in a woman in the West Nile district of Uganda in 1937 1957 outbreak amongst elderly patients in Isreal Since than the virus has been spread all over the world It is detected in animals birds and mosquitos

7 Symptoms Most people (70%-80%) have no symptoms
But some symptoms include Fever  Headache Body ache Mild rash Swollen lymph glands

8 -Loss of consciousness
More symptoms Rapid onset of severe headache High fever Stiff neck Nausea and/or vomiting Difficulty swallowing Drowsiness -Confusion -Loss of consciousness -Lack of coordination -Muscle weakness -paralysis

9 How does West Nile virus affect the body?
Can target the spinal cord which could lead to flaccid paralysis Flaccid paralysis is severe muscle weakness Causes a decrease in muscle tone and tendon reflexes The paralysis gives people sense of feeling without movement Affects the anterior horn cells of the spinal cord and motor axon. It appears that although the virus is affecting the motor neurons its not affecting the sensing neurons 

10 How does West Nile virus affect your daily life?
You might not be able to cook for yourself Your spinal cord might be immobile You might severe headaches You might have a stiff neck Forgetfulness How does West Nile virus affect your daily life?

11 Long-term effects Long term muscle weakness or paralysis Tiredness
Headache Confusion  Depression Problems with concentration Memory loss Difficulty doing everyday things such as cooking

12 Cures and treatments for West Nile virus
Patients are treated for symptoms not the actual virus You are most likely to get better in a few day but worse cases may take weeks or months

13 How do you protect yourself against West Nile virus?
Prevent mosquito bites Cover exposed skin  Wear loose light clothing that covers all or most of skin Use insect repellent Try not to let water sit in pools or puddles where mosquitos can breed

14 Google images for all images
Work Cited Google images for all images

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